Okay, here we go. I hate doing this, as I'm 'killing off' what Geni.com considers as my ancestors; but, in truth, are they really?
Bertram de Verdon Bertram I de Verdun is listed as my 26th GGF and son of the following:
Godfrey VI "The Hunchback" de Lower Lorraine Godfrey III-IV "The Hunchback" duke of Lower Lorraine
and the illustrious Marquise Matilde di Canossa di Toscane Matilda di Canossa, the Great Countess of Tuscany
Unfortunately, all historical material I've found thus far tells me that Matilde never married the Hunchback, nor did she have a son, but a daughter, Beatrice, who died very young.
Hmm. Anyone else with this same problem? a 27th GGM who may indeed not be?