Robert III, King of Scots - Robert III, King of Scots is your 15th great uncle.

Started by Rachel Kay Beal on Tuesday, September 25, 2018
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9/25/2018 at 1:22 PM

Robert III, King of Scots is your 15th great uncle.
→ Rosalie Frances Duffy
your mother → Veronica Eugene Rosalie Duffy
her mother → Helen Ogilvie Trail Fairbridge
her mother → Rhys Seymour Fairbridge
her father → Francis Seymour Fairbridge
his father → Dr. James William Fairbridge
his father → Elizabeth Fairbridge
his mother → Colonel Thomas Traill of Holland
her father → George Traill of Westness
his father → Alexander Traill of Blebo
his father → John Traill of Blebo
his father → Barbara Trale
his mother → James Logan
her father → John Logan of Grogar, 2nd of Restalrig
his father → Simon Logan, of Flemington
his father → Katherine Stewart, Princess of Scots
his mother → Robert III, King of Scots
her brother

9/25/2018 at 3:37 PM

look rach, i know its fun to put up your royal lineages (i'm a direct descendant of all of your posts today as well). but the discussion boards are for fixing errors, communication, and discussion of new/different findings. not for "look at me" posts. not to be a dick, but my entire page 1 of the discussion section are your lineages, which dont help me or most people. i cant say i speak for most or even some on this board, but please, for the love of all that is holy, please stop with the ancestor lineage publications, ad nauseam.


9/25/2018 at 8:07 PM

Yes, thank you Dr. Pratt for saying that!

9/26/2018 at 9:06 AM

My sincere apologies!

The last thing I was trying to do was to alienate other members on geni !
I hope you all except that I am sorry x

Private User
9/26/2018 at 9:39 AM

Thanks Dr. Pratt

Private User
9/28/2018 at 4:37 AM

Hi Rachel Kay Beal

I know Dr Pratt said the discussion boards are for fixing errors and you initially did not know that I am thinking. I too am a direct descendant of many of the ancestors on your posts but I did like reading about your posts. You have certainly not alienated anyone.

9/28/2018 at 11:38 AM

thank you for saying that x

9/28/2018 at 5:23 PM

What it does though, is pop up on our feed, because these people are our ancestors too & we follow the profile to see any new info on that person. Every time you start a "discussion" of your tree, we are all informed & it fills up our feed. For me , this is very annoying. I don't want to be rude...but just let you know why it is not cool to many of us.

9/28/2018 at 5:31 PM

I’m wondering if there is a way to have a social page separate from our working pages? I personally haven’t been alleinated. I just scan through quickly to the pages I need to work with. :) we want people to also enjoy Geni, but also contribute at the same time.

Private User
9/28/2018 at 7:23 PM

I had no problem with what you posted, Rachel. Do not worry too much about it. You will find that dome peoe on here tend to thonk their way id the only way. A lot of people do what you did. How are other people going to find out if they Re connected in a similar way. If they don't want to read it or it has nothing to do with them , they can unfollow the discussion.

Private User
9/28/2018 at 7:24 PM

Wow i corrected error and they did not take.

Private User
9/28/2018 at 7:26 PM

Susan that sounds lime a goid ide. That way the gen. Snobs , the very serious , no personel interst people can function without the rest of us who not only are serious but acturally get enjoyment out of it.

Private User
9/28/2018 at 7:30 PM

Lara ,but it id cool to others. You and others it bothers ,really need to accept that there is more then one waY. You will start driving people off geni and you could lose in the end.

Private User
9/28/2018 at 7:35 PM

Acturally Dr Pratt is only partly correct. The discussion board is not just for correcting errors. It can help peoe find answers or new ideas for tracing their lines tossing ideas around. Asking for help. Although it does not always work out that way.

Private User
9/28/2018 at 7:37 PM

Susan, that sounds like a good idea. That way the gen. Snobs , the very serious , no personel interest people can function without the rest of us who not only are serious but acturally get enjoyment out of it.

9/30/2018 at 4:20 PM

I dont think its very nice to call someone who is more serious about their genealogy a snob, but lets find out what the discussion area on profiles is actually's cool many of us connect to very awesome linage, but I just get annoyed by other folks info pooping up on my page,especially when I don't ask for that...not meaning any disrespect to anyone, we were new to this once too.

9/30/2018 at 9:20 PM

I’m very serious and work on lineages to assist in GENI, never considered myself a snob, as I work on lineages at times that aren’t directly related. Perhaps, Judy is speaking of vanity lineages. Should research the lineages, I’m not proud of many of them, they were brutal people. Ha! I’m researching for the love of my children and grandchildren. It takes many hours and quite a bit of work, no glory. There just isn’t enough hours in a day to complete all that needs to be completed on the profiles in GENI. I see both sides of the discussion. Just trying to solve the problem, not waste time and words.

9/30/2018 at 9:23 PM

FYI I’m Social too!

Private User
9/30/2018 at 9:42 PM

I lime yo be social. It makes the hunt on here so much more pleasant.

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