Francois Joseph Savoie SOLVED

Started by Joseph Bolton on Saturday, September 15, 2018
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Joseph Bolton - how about your own parents? I was able to phase based on my kit & my mother’s kit: what didn’t match was my father’s side.

Erica Howton and Dan Savoie the old Philias Savoie house on Quincy avenue is gone now, removed to make way for Interstate Route 95 through Pawtucket.

I have not taken a DNA test have but my parents have.

Hello cousin!
Pleasure to connect!
I take it the merge worked!
Although I've maintained a membership on Geni, I've rarely used it!
As you are no doubt aware, Ancestry has been my platform!
We lived on Naushon Road!
That being said, I was not familiar with any other Savoies in Pawtucket, other then Upton (from afar) who was also a dentist!
All relatives that I had a relationship with lived in Connecticut


Well, we’ll get there. Just send an FT DNA Y DNA test kit to your uncle and get your mom to apply some guilt tripping. :). I need to do this with my brother, myself.

Meanwhile, can you try a conversion / upload to FT DNA, and then link to the geni profiles? Dan has 83 AT DNA matches already, and this matching is done at the FT DNA lab. It is quite possible your uncles will show as AT Matches.

Also, checking over the Geni trees / paper trails may reassure others. I feel good about it but more eyes on never hurts.

This is amazing. How far was Quincy Avenue from Naushon Road? And … it’s only 50 or so years ago?

Erica Howton Dan Savoie my mother grew up close to you on Warwick Ave, just on the north side of Armistice Blvd.

Quincy Avenue is on the other side of the city (albeit a small city geographically)
There were/are two Catholic parishes in Pawtucket: St. Cecilia on the west side and St. Jean the Baptist on the west. We belonged to St. Cecelia's.
Phileas' family, little doubt, belonged to St. Jean as it is located on Quincy Avenue.
So we would have gone to different schools!
No contact to the best of my knowledge!
Where di you find the outstanding WWII picture of my dad?

Captain Donat L. Savoie, 505th PIR, 82nd AD.
Added by: Kolya6459 on 29 Jan 2020

Perhaps he’s related ….

I traced other lines for Dan Savoie, and found a Mayflower passenger connection.

Dan Savoie is Resolved White, "Mayflower" Passenger's 10th great granddaughter's husband.

Erica, Can you merge this? Dan's wife is blood to me...


Would love to see the Flemish nobility on Dan’s mothers side on Geni.

Thank you!

<private> Savoie (Howe) is Diana Collins' 10th cousin once removed!
Diana Collins
You → Shirley Ann Collins
your mother → Nellie Marie Hunter
her mother → Smith Sanders
her father → Mary Sanders
his mother → Christiana Clutter Headley
her mother → Mary Jane Bane
her mother → Lucy McCollum
her mother → Susannah Lucy Cook
her mother → Tabitha Ford
her mother → Deacon Joseph Ford, of Pembroke
her father → John Ford, of Marshfield
his brother → Anne Dunham
his daughter → Lydia L. Doten
her daughter → Edward Doty
her son → Isaac Doten
his son → Priscinda Goff
his daughter → Augusta M. Lull
her daughter → Elizabeth Sophia Howe
her daughter → Alonzo Bliss Howe
her son → Raymond Stickney Howe, Sr.
his son → Avery Lull Howe
his son → <private> Savoie (Howe)
his daughter


Thanks again.

My roots in Pawtucket do not run deep, my father was born and raised in Danielson, CT, about an hour west of Pawtucket. He moved to Pawtucket just prior to WWII to open his practice!

Discussions regarding my father's ancestors unfortunately was not a topic of conversation when I was growing up! I was in my 40s when I became interested in genealogy! In fact, it was my now, sadly, ex-wife's mother, Pauline, that introduced me to the subject. Both of my wife's parents trace to the Mayflower!

Interestingly, my wife's mother and my father share common ancestors from Quebec

Dan Savoie - you are the first Savoie we know with a verifiable Y DNA test.

Would it be all right with you if I took a screen set of the markers that show on your Geni page (that most can’t see, only your close family and Geni curators / staff) and loaded that image to Francois Savoie’s Geni profile? It would save a lot of questions in the future. I can blur out your name if preferred also, geni members could find you through other means.

Also, do you have a Gedmatch ID?

You are absolutely welcomed to use anything related to me or my extended family! No need to blur anything!

As for gedmatch, I have no clue! not sure what it is! Is a free 3rd party utility that allows you to upload your DNA file (most vendors allow this export), store it, and then you can run reports and compare with other gedmatch files. It’s a great tool.

Mary Lewis is using it to try and track down Francois Savoie’s European ancestry. As you know, Acadians are so intermarried, it’s crucial to try and separate where chromosome markers are coming from, with good trees. Unfortunately, aside from you and Joe Bolton, some of the potential matches Mary finds vía gedmatch comparisons do not have good trees. So there’s a lot of value for researchers from a good contribution like yours would be.

And your side you could find many cousins than you currently know of, and see where that leads you, genealogically.

So gedmatch gets you more bang for your DNA test buck than perhaps you are getting currently.

The origin reports are fun also.

You are absolutely welcomed to use anything related to me or my extended family! No need to blur anything!

As for gedmatch, I have no clue! not sure what it is!

Mary - see Dan’s earlier message.


Dan Savoie PRO
Today at 3:03 PM
You are absolutely welcomed to use anything related to me or my extended family! No need to blur anything!

As for gedmatch, I have no clue! not sure what it is!

It occurs to me that one thing we might be running into with Savoies entering E-M35 as their Y haplogroup on GEDmatch is their being familiar with this discussion, construing Savoy descent as a certainty rather than a hypothesis, and assuming that, because our possible Savoy tester is E-M35, they must be as well.

I want to say it’s a simple misreading, but I’m a suspicious that it isn’t an unwarranted and unsupported attempt to show E M35 as “the” Savoie haplogroup, in Europe & the Americas. I’m pretty sure we don’t have a valid pedigree for “what looks like” E M35 / European Savoies - at least on Geni - and therefore, there’s no reason to rule Europe Savoies out as R M269 & its derivatives. But with five known Y DNA tests, that agree with each other, we can rule out E M35 people as paternally related to Francois Savoie descendants, and declare that piece of the puzzle solved and well solved.


My recollection is that we already looked into the claimed E-M35 Carlo Alberto descent and that it was a case of alleged illegitimacy somewhere along the line with no meaningful or possible documentation of the Savoy connection, so even if some descendants of François Savoie were turning up with the same Y haplogroup, I'm not sure it would point clearly towards Piedmont. In any case, it looks like the preponderance of evidence is in favor of R-M269 (and derivatives).

Fred - yes, the purported noble living Savoia seems too shady to figure out.

We do not know what European Savoie’s are for Y DNA haplogroup. I wouldn’t even try a guess - there are too many possible geographies & genealogies.

So, Alix is not a man as is currently stated in the profile Alix de Savoie ?
Alix de Savoie MP
Gender: Male

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