Sir John atte Wode, Knt. - Knights in the atte Wode line

Started by Erica Howton on Tuesday, September 4, 2018
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Profiles Mentioned:

  • Ye Atte Wode annals, October 1929 [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Operations Inc, 2005. Original data: Atwood, Elijah Francis,. Ye Atte Wode annals, October 1929 : giving English history, descendants of Harman, Henry, John, Philip, Stephen, Thomas of Ipswich and Thomas of Wethersfield, sketch of John and James Astwood, of Henry Wood of Leyden and the story of Joshua 4 Bradford and the Indians, etc., with special articles bringing branches to date. Sisseton, S.D.: Atwood Pub. Co., 1929?.
  • Geni member

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So far the book is the same as what’s been posted elsewhere.

This profile needs to be checked for correct parents

Margaret Hicks

Locations don’t match parents given by unreliable source

Pages 1 and 2 are missing from the Hathitrust edition - which is precisely where the "Sir William Atte Wode" information would be, if there is any. I still want clarification on that.

Re John "Hewson" Atwood, something smells like used cat litter there. 15th century is too early for middle names, and *that* "middle name" hints at a completely different father (someone named Hew or Hugh).

From the comments in the profile for John “Hewson” Atwood, "Keeper of Falcons" for King Henry VIII

“The funerary monument of Nicholas Atwood, in Sanderstead Church, states: "Here lyeth Nicholas Wood, the thirde sonne of John at Wood of Sandersted Corte who served Quene Elizabeth sens the second yeare of her Rayne & deceassed the xiiith of May 1586 ..." (See "Sanderste ad," Victoria County History of Surrey, pp. 241-242.) This sugg ests to me that Nicholas Atwood was the son of one of the two John Atwoods (John the elder and John the younger) of John Atwood who married Dionys. Positing a "John Hewson" Atwood complicates matters by having yet a third son named John, ... “

The use of middle names, though uncommon in that period, was to distinguish between multiple sons named John. It was said that each time the birth of a child was in progress the father went to the local pup and proceeded to get drunk. When asked what to name the son, each time he said "John," so a middle name was added to the name of each of his son.

18th century at earliest.

When did the title knight of the shire come into use?

It's "milites comitatus" -- knights representing the counties in Parliament, starting in Simon de Montforts's parliament of 1265. Became obsolete in 1885 due to the restructuring of counties.

I have found a copy of the Atwood Annals that is dated 1888, with the pages all intact. I do not have time to read from it tonight, but I will look into it soon.

The copy of the Atwood Annals which I found is dated 1888, and appears to have all of its pages. I can hardly wait to start reading it.

I am a descendant of this family. Also, I am a descendant of the Shaw family.

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