What is the Bolling connection to Native American Cherokee tribe's?

Started by Private on Monday, September 3, 2018
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I am related to the Bollings through my Germany/ Bosworth line's and Monk/Thompson and Finch/ Dandridge to Anne Bolling Line. 1622-1665 LYJX-Xf3 Married a William Wilder Dandridge 1613-1693 LV49-M3T. If anyone has these surnames and have Native American information you can extend to me I will be greatly appreciative to you. Thank you, Rev.Billy Joe Gross !!!

Anne Bolling is my 11th Great Grandmother.

The Bollings have no Cherokee connection. Some lines of Bollings are descended from Pocahontas.

My 2nd great-grandfather, Oscar Rogers' first wife was a Bolin. He was 1/8 Cherokee. She's not my direct line and I know little about her family of origin. I have his name as Yelly Bolin b. 1801 and hers as Almira Josephine Bolin.

I don't see a way to edit my post. That should say 'I have her father's name as Yelly Bolin....'

Thank you all for any information you could lend.

The Bollings related to Dandridges are a different family from Elmira Bolin who married Oscar Rogers. Oscar was Cherokee, His wife, Elmira Bolin, was white. There are other Bolins who are Cherokee, but again, not related to the Bollings of Virginia.

Just a note to link in a few of the referenced profiles:
Elmira Josephine Rogers and Oscar Rogers
Anne Dandridge and William Wilder Dandridge, I

I have some Bolin connected to my family by marriage I belive. I was told they were white though. Connected to my Chickasaw and Choctaw lines.

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