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Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, September 2, 2018
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Re: Beall family.

I manage Ruth Ogle and she was left with conflicting parents. (I hadn't seen the discussion yet). In fixing her I did some more merges and noticed problems with

His wife Grace was born 43 years after him and they had a child 3 years after he died and his other wife was still alive.

I believe it was caused by this merge. The merge wasn't wrong, the tree was.

There's a lot of repeating names and marriages within the Beall and Magruder families, so it seems to have led to some mix-ups.

1st LT. Ninian Beall Magruder

Here's the link I forgot ;/

Thank you, Private User I'm hoping we can round up all their children, one way or another. I saw that problem with Grace Townsend and I suspect she's not really his wife. Her birth and death locations don't fit well, and she isn't shown on his DAR profile.

I don't know where she belongs or how she ended up as Ninian's wife. I searched but found nothing for her.

I can see that Ruth (Beall) Ogle should be connected to Sarah Magruder and William Beall as their daughter.

The only way to handle the mixed up Bealls is to first put their parents in the profile about. Otherwise, continued chaos. A couple of years ago the Bealls were orderly. But see what happens without the notes.

I used a combination of Early Colonial Settlers and Wikitree. Wikitree has a handy Disambiguation list I’ll post next.

Another resource

Year Book of the American Clan Gregor Society By American Clan Gregor Society. (Search by a Magruder spouse)

Grace Magruder Married Ninian Magruder

Awesome source! A lot of interesting history in that family.

I think we got the majority of the Beall / Magruder mess straight now, and should continue with missing kids and on down the tree. Cross check with DAR / SAR apps because so many in that generation served.

Hi can you please help/assist to unmerge this as it has now created a ton of inconsistencies and help sort out the multiple changes made in a attempt to fix it thanks

Private User

I think I got it sorted.

The children of Nathaniel Eaton, of MA (I) in line & Lydia Eaton included two similar - looking sons.

Nathan Eaton, I Married Sarah Eaton

Nathaniel Eaton, (II) Married Mary Eaton

Thanks so much Erica Howton going to add some DAR info and add Descendants:)

Don't get confused by Lydia Eaton. Eaton was published incorrectly decades ago. I got the line accepted by DAR . However, when I became Registrar of our local Chapter, I decided to delve into Joseph Lynde. I corrected it and submitted a supplemental app to DAR with documentation and proved that Lydia was not born Eaton. She was born Lynde. All of my relatives - descendants of Nathan Eaton's father, Ezra, were buried in the Eaton Tomb in Old Wakefield/South Reading, MA. The tomb was built by Ezra and his brother. Even my Great-grandfather, Arthur Ingraham Eaton was buried under the steps of the Tomb. Lieutenant Nathan Eaton was my first App submitted and accepted by DAR. Joseph Lynde was my last (11th, I believe) App accepted.

Nathaniel/Nathaniell Eaton b. 1700, d. 1750 in Reading, mar. ca. 1725 Lydia Meriam/Merriam.
son, Nathan/Nathaniel Eaton b 18 Oct 1726 b Reading, d. aft 1761 during the French & Indian War. He mar. Sarah/Sariah Coleman.
Their son was Lieutenant Nathan Eaton, b. 4 Dec 1748. - all of this is my bloodline. Lieut. Nathan Eaton mar. Lydia Lynde b. 20 Jun 1752 in Malden, d. 1 Nov 1828 in Wakefield.
Lieut. Nathan Eaton & his wife, Lydia (Lynde) had:
Capt,. Nathan Eaton, Jr., Capt. Ezra Eaton, John Eaton; Lydia Eaton; Mary "Polly" Eaton & Sophia Eaton.Capt. Ezra Eaton had 2 mansion house in Boston. His brother, John and he built the Eaton Tomb in South Wakefield, now in Reading, Middlesex Co., MA.

Lydia Eaton gave me stress. I joined DAR in 1976 (Bi-Centennial) through Lieut. Nathan Eaton. DAR accepted what Molyneaux had published. I even managed to submit and have approved, Lydia (Eaton)'s vital records. I think back then that Jonathan Eaton was listed as her father. Years later, I became the Registrar of our local Chapter. I wanted to submit Lydia (Lynde) Eaton's father as my 11th DAR Supplemental. I consulted James Sprague. That followed with us both consulting a pro genealogist that assured us that published info was incorrect. He agreed with us that Joseph Lynde/Lynds and Mary (Lynde) were the parents of Lydia (Lynde) Eaton. I purchased the vital records needed to prove my lineage. DAR in Washington, DC accepted my Supplemental once I'd proved things incorrect like Molyneaux's books. Joseph Lynde aka Lynds was b 4 Jul 1716 in Malden. He died 4 Jul 1798 in Malden. Mary Lynde was b 14 Apr 1718 in Leicester, Worcester, MA. She d. 3 Nov 1788 in Malden.

A few years ago, I wrote, edited, and privately published a few books for my family. I'd already purchased 3 original books of Nellie Zada Rice Molyneaux. I used her book as a guide and included her info, only if I was able to document her info on my family. I hope that this straightens out the lineage for you.

Diana Eaton Butcher

The one on the right has sources, but when I open them it's blank. I think it's in the wrong tree.

This is a source for the left.

Private User

Detached Ann Webb as child of Thomas Bond, II & Freegift Bond, Quaker Their daughter was baptized at Chipping in Lancashire, Ann Read and more presumably is the same Ann Bond who married Hon. Charles Read

Hi - We have a tale of two Richards.

See: Richard Lanning, Jr. This Richard has a grave marker in the Midwest and is buried with his wife Ann Inskeep.

But also see: Richard Lanning, Esq. This Richard has the same exact birthdate but died two years earlier in Yates, NY.

One of these is an imposter. ;-)

Because of the grave marker, I'm inclined to believe the New York Richard has "borrowed" a birthdate and probably parents from the Ohio Richard. But his profile is mastered.

Their marriages overlap in time and there are a lot of children from each one so they cannot be the same person. I think Richard of New York should be disconnected from the parents he has right now and his birth date researched and changed. His parents are unknown at the moment I fear.

You haven’t sourced out your Ohio guy though Karl David Wright

I haven’t gotten that far down in the Lanning tree, but perhaps one or both Richards are covered in

"The Lanning Family of Newtown, Queens Co, NY..." Lewis D. Cook

So who was the real Richard Setfren Lanning? None of the above. He was Richard Setfren Lanning son of Edward Lanning who was brother of Richard Lanning, Esq. who married Martha Lanning

I unmerged the man who died in NY from Richard Lanning, Jr. who died in Ohio and married Anna Inskeep.

We need confirmation he was the son of Richard Lanning, Sr. & Julia Ann Lanning

Okay, I stand completely corrected. Thanks!

I did this merge, which is a match, but the wife and child it brought in don't compute, and I noticed some other anomalies. He's a MP that has a bio, but bio lists 7 children and he has 12.

John ‘the wagon master’ McKinley

Daughter Elizabeth Alexander was brought in on the merge, but she was born the same year another wife had a child.

The other two wives he already has also have incompatable timeslines. Rachel McKinley and Margaret McCulloch

His daughter Sarah Baskin also has two husbands she couldn't have had and two children after she died. She was brought in with this merge, so maybe it just needs to be undone.

Private User - I cleaned up around John ‘the wagon master’ McKinley

I don’t see that he had a daughter Sarah Baskin at all, and according to, it looks like she indeed had 2 husbands. So that’s another issue.

Cleaning up Patrick C. Calhoun He had the wrong death date.

Hi I found some research on this family I think more children may need to be added it’s hard to tell on 2 Documents of research I found could someone review them please.

William Lewin Moffett


MP issue.

Should the 'probable' children be disconnected until proven otherwise? The death and birth for my Grandmother Abigail is in question. Familysearch gives different dates than Geni. I started a discussion on that fact on Abigail's profile. Probably best to disconnect but mention that fact in bio.

Hannah Cady

Annber Lynn Collins - I found the Watertown VR ( record for the marriage of James Cady, Sr. and Hannah Cady "(1678.) James Cady and Hannah Barron Joyned in Marriage the 14 of June."

Thus, Hannah Cady cannot be their child.

Warning: the "About" is locked.


Thank you for looking. I'm working it front to back around these lines. Abigails birth Surname should be Cady if she was a 1st cousin to her husband. On Ancestry she's also connas a child of James Cady,which is incorrect.


I think the name Abigail is used quite a bit and I noticed sone mix ups. The birth Surname shbe Cady, if she's a child of James and Hannah, not Stoddard.

Abigail Cady

Abigail Smith

I was looking for more info on the kids of Stoddard Brimfield Cady He is missing a daughter - Abigail. She was born April 1795 in Warren, Mass.

I have not yet found where the family moved after Warren.

I would use the Nicholas Cady book as much as possible.

As for the use of Abigail - it appears that marrying a woman named Abigail was normal for this line of Cadys. It may help to leave them with their maiden names only. (Family Search does this.) Also, remember late 1700s, our ancestors were continuing the tradition of naming after grandparents and parents. (It's still done today! I'm named for my mother and grandmother.)

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