Duplicates - profile owners don't react

Started by Daniel Luc Florent De Geest on Monday, August 27, 2018
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Can somebody help to merge these profiles as the profile owners don't react for mounth's allready.
Thank you so much.


Merges done.

If you post in https://www.geni.com/discussions/178003 - you will find you get a fairly quick turnaround.

OoooK. Are we talking about a particular profile, or we talking in general. In generral, I run across a large number of profiles, and notice issues on either the profiles or within the family tree structor. Usually, if it falls within my realm, I would merge them myself, or I ask for assistance within the management of that particular profile. Usually, it would be taken care of. Now, my question is: Is there a certain profile in questioned? If so, you might want to insert the link to that profile for viewing, and corrective assistance.

Hi Kenneth, there was a link attached and when I went to that profile there was several merges requested that I was able to complete and then I followed the rest of the duplicates and merged those.
This occurs mostly when duplicates are private and users are not in the family group of the profile so cannot complete the merge and rely on the profile managers to complete the merges. Sometimes the managers are no longer using Geni or have changed their email address so don't get messages so don't complete the merge.

Thank you so much Leanne

<3 ok now we are back to the node " Aloisio Gonzaga, marchese di Castel Goffredo " I rebuilt 3 branches and there are 4 profiles with the dot (+) blue..
..if someone unites I proceed with the fourth way :D


ok now ok assign parents (his mother is "PICO" not "unknown")

fixed. i unlocked the profiles so you can work on them

there was also a duplicate in French or Spanish, I created the multilingual :)
check the merge again, and then the conflicting data^^'

did medieval Italian women keep their birth surname or use their husbands surname?

it is a long and infinite speech. It goes from case to case there were no rules.
There have been regulations only centuries later.
We can only exit it by filling in the boxes correctly and then chothere have been.


*and then choose the display settings :)

=forgotten works=
*merge verified dormants:
Elisabetta Pallavicino, signora di Saliceto
Elisabetta Pallavicino, signora di Saliceto
https://www.geni.com/people/Galeazzo-Pallavicino-marchese-di-- Busseto/6000000015210355589?through=6000000073035077828
Galeazzo I Pallavicino, marchese di Busseto
Tancred Guiscard, seigneur de Hauteville
Tancred of Hauteville
Fressenda de Hauteville
Fressenda Hauteville
Eremburge de Mortain
Eremburge de Mortain

*wrong profiles in the wrong places, blocked by dormant ADMIN:
-Roger d'Normandie, CLONE EX-CUTTED
-Unknown Profile
-Unknown Profile
-Maddalena Fieschi

*small errors blocked in MP:
-Guillaume II Talvas, comte de Ponthieu
-Valentina Visconti
-Felicia of Sicily "Busilla" queen consort
-Countess Hersinde "le Pieuse" de Ramerupt, Heiress de Montdidier, d’Arcis-sur-Aube et de Ramerupt wrong MP Tancredi's Maritage
-Roger I of Hauteville, the great count of Sicily
-Galeazzo da Sanseverino more info: Galeazzo (1458-1525), condottiero, sposò: Bianca Francesca Sforza & poi Elisabetta del Carretto dei Marchesi di Finale.
[ https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto_Sanseverino_d%27Aragona ]
[ https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galeazzo_Sanseverino Father :]

after killing zombies, merged clones, and moving generations up and down, this amorphous card was advanced doble:
Tancred Hauteville of Lecce, king of Sicily
my notes was on the info:
it looks like data from 3 different people:
-picture, links.. of the father,
-cloned name of a brother,
-dates of a centenary,
-random locations,
-marriage with an anonymous English climb,

=the card can be destroyed (or "disconnect, bleaching & merge" :)

NOT SOLVED_____________
From above I opened individual discussions of the things I had found around italy.. remained blocked & unresolved even by offering my help:

*all the wild scraps end up spamming the search. Example around Baldowin 5 of Flanders who has a namesake of names and numbers with Hainaut.. I found 14 cuttings abandoned .. with a lot of work are ready to merge in [MP] If the curator with whom I was in contact can't find more time for remove 2 block I leave the overview here:
-https://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/6000000010810270008 (trash fixed)
-Robert I, Count of Flanders [MP]

Hi! can you help me then? Early last week i had lines into all those branches and then someone sliced it off again. i did a screen shot of how my lines should be branching into my lines. If you would like to see i would be more than happy to show you one of them on email.

https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robrecht_I_de_Fries !!!
This is a correct one. But who did put the Flamish version on the MP ? I can understand that some people need traduction before understanding. Even that it was done with all there heart. And i know the curators don't like Wikipedia to follow something but maybe sometimes it is good to do so.
Oeps, sorry i'm off again, more than enough to do. But do something on it. When it says "Van Vlaanderen", the main profile should be in Flamish and correct Flamish.

What is correct Flamish, is it not a dialect of Dutch?
At any rate why not clean up the text currently in the About instead of complaining about Curators not doing it? There are only about 100 curators on Geni, we can't do everything. Then while you are at it you could add a section in Flamish, you could even create an additional language tab (not sure if Flamish is supported) just for users who have set their Geni profile preferences to Flamish.

On the website of the BELGIAN government (https://www.belgium.be/en/about_belgium/government/federale_staat) the three official languages of the country are listed as Dutch, French and German. Although there is officially a Flemish Community there is not a language called Flemish. However, a native speaker has generally no problem to determine if someone is from the Netherlands or from Belgium after hearing only a few words.

Heren waarom zo in de verdediging en tegelijk in de aanval ? Gaan we het communautair spelen misschien ? T is bedoeld als een gewone bemerking, geen aanval of afbraak. Er zijn er hier andere. Ieder zijn job, ik ben geen curator en ik ga dat niet doen. Jullie doen super werk doe maar verder maar als je niet tegen enige repliek kan, sorry..... k ben al weg. ontgoocheld weliswaar. Als dat hier de bedoeling is....nadat we zoveel bijdragen. Leuk is anders en t moet wel plezant blijven é.

Daniel, I apologise if my comment seemed a bit aggressive.
However when you say " I'm not a curator and I'm not going to do that." You are implying that it is the job of Curator's to go around cleaning up the mess made by everyone else, this is not the case. As a collaborative site everyone needs to do the work.

okay i agree Alex but when we find things to clean up as i did allready earlier, i got remarks from everywhere. So I continue bringing in my family site, still enough to add with pictures and remembering cards from their funeral and so on. And that goes from the States and Belgium with one day i hope the connection to the Netherlands because we come somewhere from the South part of the Netherlands. And for the Mediaval part i think yes that it is something for the curators. Anyway if i find something about it i will ask curators first.

De discussie of Vlaams een taal is of niet, dat is een zeer lange. En zeer politiek gevoelig. En iets tot een officieel taal maken kost geld.

Dus het is zeer dubbel. De grenzen wat wel of niet een taal is en wat en dialect is of niet zijn zeer vaag.

En wat wel of niet de taak van de Curatoren daar zijn de meningen over verdeeld, maar laat mij een ding zeggen. Het meeste werk wordt gedaan door gebruikers zonder Curator rechten. Waarvoor dank.

If there are lots of merges and details are checked, shouldnt there be more MP´s made also, so nobody wont make a mess in some time?

Alex Moes, Daniel Luc Florent De Geest I can't see my reaction to your remarks about Flemish as defensive nor offensive. I know it's in Belgium a much more sensitive issue than in the Netherlands.
In particular I didn't quite understand what Daniel wanted to say by "When it says "Van Vlaanderen", the main profile should be in Flamish and correct Flamish."
If a profile has information in multiple languages, it depends on your own language settings which bits you will see
Private User there are no unambiguous rules what justifies to make a profile into an MP. There are MP's for living celebrities, for historical notable people, etc, and sometimes indeed just to prevent users from making uncontrolled changes in cases where there is no consensus for whatever reason

Ik volg Jeroen zijn wijze reactie waarvoor dank, en Ard, sorry maar dan moet je eens dringend naar veel profielen gaan kijken waar er in een taal een mix is van talen. En daar kan je nu toch niet naast kijken. Maar bon zoals Jeroen zegt er is veel werk te doen en daar gaan we voor. Oké, ik zal ook meer gaan interveneren op profiles als ik fouten zie en niet meer beroep doen daarvoor op een curator. Geni is fun mensen, op de eerste plaats. Hoop ik toch ! Ik zat vandaag de ganse dag in de Rodenbach's. Een heerlijke materie en een fantastische familie, nauw verbonden met de mijne. Fijn weekend

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