Helgi / Oleg "The Prophetic" grão-duque de Kiev - Is Helgi = Oleg the successor of Rurik?

Started by Alex Moes on Thursday, August 16, 2018
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8/16/2018 at 3:45 PM

So it seems from reading the About of Helgi / Oleg "The Prophetic" grão-duque de Kiev that he may be the Norse saga version of the Russian Primary Chronicle's Oleg of Kiev

However, quoting that About:

"Евгений Пчелов в генеалогическом исследовании династии (2001) - считают возможным отождествить Олега Вещего русских летописей с Оддом Стрелой, героем норвежско-исландских саг"

(Eugene Pchelov in the genealogical study of the dynasty (2001) - consider it possible to identify Oleg Veschego Russian chronicles with Odd Strela, the hero of the Norwegian-Icelandic sagas).

This is not the family structure that is currently displayed, you have Helgi / Oleg "The Prophetic" grão-duque de Kiev as the son of Odd Orvar "The Arrow" De Oklogsland whereas Pchelov is _suggesting_ that Odd=Oleg, not that Odd's son (Helgi)=Oleg.

I think the Helgi profile needs to be merged into his father's profile (Odd), then titles and names to do with the Kiev prince (Oleg) deleted from this profile leaving only a Note that some scholars consider Odd=Oleg, I will add this same note to the MP of Oleg.

8/16/2018 at 3:48 PM

If Helgi and Odd are merged, they both have sons named Asmund who would need to be merged also.

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