Russian Primary Chronicle - translated and edited by Cross, S. H. and Sherbowitz-Wetzor, O. P. (1953)

Started by Alex Moes on Tuesday, August 14, 2018
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Showing 31-37 of 37 posts

Так начните обсуждение! Я добиваюсь этого два года! Я могу выслать уникальные родословные схемы составленные в 1906 голу! Всем предлагаю выслать полные тексты Нестора и Татищева в формате, адаптированном под электронный перевод!

Alexander Eliseev

Yesterday I was looking at Igor's MP profile and tidied it a little, last night your profile was merged into the MP so today I am looking at the MP to see what difference there is since yesterday.

What i see is that 2 documents showing what i think are pedigrees have been added as sources. The dates these pedigrees were created is not relevant, neither of them look to contain much detail, unless they are introducing information which other sources do not contain they are not sources themselves per se so are not adding value that I can see :(

Шарон! Извините меня! Я был неправ! Я тоже сторонник единого мирового древа!

Sharon! Excuse me! I was wrong! I, too, am a supporter of the one world tree!

Алех! Спасибо! Благодаря Вам начался большой прогресс! Документы, которые я прикладываю к профилям доступны для чтения на русском языке! Русскоязычных пользователей на сайте Geni тоже много! Эти документы не противоречат Вашей позиции! Они подтверждают правильность Ваших действий!!!

Alex! Thank you! Thanks to you, great progress has begun! The documents that I attach to the profiles are available for reading in Russian! There are also a lot of Russian-speaking users on the Geni website! These documents do not contradict Your position! They confirm the correctness of Your actions!!!

I am glad to hear that, I am also starting to learn Russian! So far I have learnt that Алех=Alex, progress is slow.

Alex = Алекс

Showing 31-37 of 37 posts

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