How do you use Geni Pro and what are your functions?

Started by Maryna Zhubryk on Monday, July 23, 2018
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Showing 31-58 of 58 posts

Monica (and any other folks who bought the Lifetime Membership) - if you didn't see the announcement that the Lifetime Membership was revoked, am guessing you probably also did not realize you could have gotten a full refund on the amount you paid for the "Lifetime Geni Pro" AND still had the 10 years of Geni Pro and the 5 years of MyHeritage Database Subscription -- no idea if you can still ask and receive it this late in the game - but possibly worth a try if you never did it.

Mónica Ximena

I registered with in February of this year and I really know very little about how this site works. same with MyHeritage. But with the useful advice of all the users who responded to my discussion, I learned many new things and received invaluable advice. Thanks so much.

Private User

no, I've never seen this announcement, how long ago was it?

Maryna - you say you joined Geni in February of this year, so no, you would not have seen the announcement - that is something that happened over 5 years ago.
(and no, you would not have bought a Lifetime Membership if you joined in Feb of this year, so not relevant to you - but might possibly be for folks you know)

I started Geni back in November 26, 2007 and built 1000's of records and contributed greatly to the "World Tree". Since I had so much time and effort invested, I purchased "Geni Pro for Life" when it was offered, and we could research and join My Heritage Rercords, and Family Search Records, etc. Then a few years later it started changing and now the records I have entered in many cases I can not edit and hardly can even approve matches with other sites, even if I created them on those other sites. It has truly gotten to be very disappointing to have all this hard work wasted in many respects. The whole point of being "Geni Pro for Life" was to continue the great work began. Regardless of who took over who, Geni should stand up to their membership and merging and confirm matches to my own records to those partner sites, and be able to read data from those sites to enhance the Geni database. Geni took our money and did not hold up their side of the bargain !!

Iam on MyHeritage since I started with My family search. That's about 15 years.
Now I cant acces any info because iam no longer a paying member, My family Line goes back to the old Rome.
Here on geni I have a free account, that serves me whell. It's My plan tot put the whole pedigree
Here on Geni.

Five years ago I did not even know that and MyHeritage exist.

I'm trying to start a new discussion...but it won't change to what i am trying to add.

Go to back to Discussions I Follow - or All Public Discussions -- whichever shows link upper left .
Then click Start a New Discussion.
Then enter the Subject Line and Comment.

I have the opportunity to invite any curator from any country to my family group. And I checked all the curators are related to Queen Mother or to Queen Elisabeth or to Romanov. Why do I have such an opportunity and such a function, is such a function for everyone?

Yes, anyone can invite anyone else on Geni to their family group.

Private User
Ok, thank you very much.

Maryna Zhubryk - You can invite anyone you want - if (and only if) they accept, then Geni will consider the two of you in each other's Family Group.
That means you will be able to see and edit all Private Profiles the other is a Manager of, can see the photos each has uploaded to their Profile, will be notified on your Home Page of the activity of the other, and possibly some other things I am not thinking of right now.
Curators can see and edit all your profiles anyway - but they might not want you seeing and editing all profiles for their living family members whose profiles they manage, so do not be shocked or upset if not all accept your invite.

Private User

no, I'm not upset, I understand that this is a very large amount of work and I thank you for answering my questions.

Against some profiles, I see the inscription "add to the family group." says that the family group includes 40 cousins ​​and relatives. I would like to know if this is really so.

That is a really good question, but I don't know the answer on that one.

At the top of the screen - click "Family" to get the drop-down menu - click Lists --
if it shows "show advanced controls" - click that
(if it is showing "hide advanced controls" - then it is showing advanced controls - leave it)

Then click the arrow in the box under "Group" to get the drop-down menu there --
choose /click "Family Group" and then click, at the bottom of the list "Update List" -
this will show you the people in your "Family Group"

If you have not changed your default setting, then "Family Group" is the people out to 4th cousin, back to 3rd great-grandfather - plus current partners of each - who have Claimed Profiles - plus any who have been added to your Family Group thru invitation sent and accepted (minus any that were actively deleted )

Private User
thank you for participating in the discussion.

Private User

I thank you for your explanations, which are always very useful.

For the last 5 years, and about 5 more (if not more) I've been working on a world history book for my granddaughters (from BC era to now). Anytime a person is mentioned I look up on Geni to see how me or my husband are connected. If we are I put that in it, ex: My 33rd great grandfather, my 4 cousin 10 times removed). Then on a separate file I put the information on (dob, where, date of death, line of ancestors, etc. and any information I can find on that person-another history lesson for them).

That way they can have a sense of where they come from. I have learned my ancestors came from MANY more places than I was told. I have learned so much. This will be something they can pass onto their children.

Barbara Jean TWEDT
thank you very much.

What is the function of free Record match and Smart match?

The function of the free Record matches is to find prove of the facts The function of the smart matches is to find other profles about same person.

Why it is free or not that you should ask the MyHeritage helpdesk. They can answer that question in your own language or in English. Any pro user can ask this question also directly to Customer services.


Or in general.

Private User thank you very much

To fully see Record Matches and Smart Matches, a Geni-User must have both a Geni Pro Account AND a MyHeritage Database Subscription.

To use Tree Matches - the function of which is to find other profiles ON GENI which match - that only requires a Geni Pro Account.

Private User thank you

I alsof use Family search,its very usefull, I can search for Any record, World wide

Herman Overmarsthank you

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