Rurik, Founder of the Rurikid Dynasty - Rurik probably had Finnish roots

Started by Arja Inkeri Terävä on Friday, July 20, 2018
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Олег, скорее всего, имел Y-DNA I1a1, так как был Викингом (Шведом) знатного рода!Проверить это не возможно, так как о потомках Олега нет информации! Олег мог быть убежденным холостяком и воспитывать своего племянника Игоря (Ингора)!

Oleg probably had Y-DNA I1 a1, as he was a Viking (Swede) of a noble family!It is impossible to check it as there is no information about Oleg's descendants! Oleg could be a convinced bachelor and raise his nephew Igor (Ingor)!

And I have Y-DNA haplogroup E-V22 which doesn´t make any difference to me or to my sons or their sons etc etc. On my maternal side we are Swedish for at least 1000 years (as you can see in my Geni-tree) with people in all kinds of positions in life with alot of Baltic admixture including the other Nordic countries. So am I a Swede or not? [of course I am!]. So in my mind, if Rurik lived in Svealand/Roslagen with Svionic admixture for a number of generations on his maternal side - he was culturally and socially a Svionic Varingian trying his luck at lake Ilmen from reasons we don´t know or ever will know.

Амир! По Y-DNA можно определить только происхождение древнего предка по прямой мужской линии! Люди и культуры смешивались с древних времен! Мы видим, что в Новгороде в 9 веке несколько основных этнических групп: Ильменские Словени, Финны и Шведы, позднее там появляются еще и Греки! Среди современного населения северо-запада России только 1/2 мужчин имеет Y-DNA R1a1, условно названный "Славянским"! И так везде! В России до начала 20 века народность определялась по родному языку! Русскими языками считались: современный русский язык, современный украинский язык и белорусский язык!

Amir! By Y-DNA can only determine the origin of the ancient ancestor in a straight male line! People and cultures have been mixed since ancient times! We see that in Novgorod in the 9th century, several major ethnic groups: Ilmen Slovenes, Finns and Swedes, later there are also Greeks! Among the modern population of North-West Russia, only 1/2 men have Y-DNA R1a1, conventionally called "Slavic"! And so everywhere! In Russia until the early 20th century nationality was determined in the native language! Russian languages were considered: modern Russian, modern Ukrainian and Belarusian!

Большинство современных людей имеет разных предков! Это замечательно! В современной России в документах не указывают национальность! Русский тот, кто считает себя русским! И все!

Most modern people have different ancestors! That's great! In modern Russia, the documents do not indicate nationality! Russian is someone who considers himself Russian! That's it!

Hi Alexander. Yes I know about the concept of Y-DNA, and yes we all are mixed in one or another way - and finally yes nationality is not determined by genes on either paternal or maternal sides, but by a number of factors.

So back to Rurik: I consider him been living in Svealand/Roslagen with Svionic admixture for a number of generations on his maternal side - being culturally and socially a Svionic Varingian - regardless of his Y-DNA. That is my exact point in this whole discussion.

Амир! Тот факт, что Рюрик N1c1 и варяг, позволят определить не конкретное место, а регион его происхождения! Это исключает иные версии его происхождения, которых было много!
Amir! The fact that Rurik N1c1 and Varyag, will determine not a specific place, and the region of its origin! This excludes other versions of its origin, which were many!

Амир! Посмотрите это! Во второй половине старого советского кинофильма очень хорошо показаны Викинги! Все хорошо понятно и без знания русского языка!

Amir! Look at that! In the second half of the old Soviet movie very well shown Vikings! Everything is clear and without knowledge of Russian!

Olaus Magnus born 1490 in Sweden has made a map of Nordic and Baltic countries. Carta Magna. The map is amazing. The geographical coastlines are there, albeit not perfect. The map was made in the 16th century and what I can see is Roden not Roslagen on the map. So they still seemed to use the old name when Olaus Magnus made the map.

Olaus Magnus also wrote a lot, including this:

I'm sorry that the story of the Nordic people is in Swedish, I did not find the section in English.

As far as I can see on the map "Roden" is mentioned in as much as two places, thus stretching the Roden-area all the way from Täby/Danderyd up to Öregrund. This is Roden/Roslagen. Believe me - I live in that Roden-area.

Roden and Roslagen are the same but denoting different aspects.

Ok, what I wanted to show is that the Roden seems to have been used for a long time by Swedes. So that the name of Russia does not feel so likely that it has anything to do with Roden. If you look on the other side of the Baltic Sea on the map, you'll see Russia standing in several places. The map is from the 1500s and Rurik and Russians lived 700 years earlier in the 800s. So it is very doubtful that Rus and the name Roden (ie Roslagen today) had something to do with each other, as many would like to claim.

In Wikipedia:
"A person from Roslagen is called a "Rospigg" which means "inhabitant of Ros". Swedes from the Roslagen area, that is "the people of Ros", gave name to the Rus' people and through that to the state of Russia (see Rus' (name))"

It's unbelievable if anyone believes in this.

By all means this is the opinion of the overwhelming majority historical scientists working and publishing on these matters.
Roden is the same as "Rodzlagen" - meaning "the rowing crews" (i.e. the rowing crews [of fighters]), thus Roden=Rodzlagen=Roslagen.

Другой наш общий предок - Игорь (Ингор - сын Рюрика) по материнской линии был на 100% Викингом (Шведом) из знатного рода, как и его родной дяде Олег! В этом вопросе я полностью доверяю Василию Татищеву!
Our other common ancestor - Igor (Ingvar-the son of Rurik) on the maternal line was 100% Viking (Swede) from a noble family, like his native uncle Oleg! In this matter I fully trust Vasily Tatishchev!

In another Wiki-page it is intersting to see the division of fighting men for every geographical region.

Example: Frösåker in the north of Roden had its own crew (or crews), followed by Väddö and Häverö crew, Frötuna and Länna, Åker crew, Danderyd and Värmdö skeppslag (ship crew).

In the more densely populated areas inland, the blue region (Attunda) meaning 800 could muster that amount of fully equipped fighters, Tiundaland (i.e. tenhundred) meaning 1000 and so forth.

Not much to read here, but some:

Yes Alexander - Igor of Kiev Ruler of Kievan Rus' Igor 'the Old' [if Geni is correct; my 29th Great Grandfather].

Экипаж гребного судна состоял из Варягов... Это не доказывает, что Рюрик родился и вырос именно на побережье Швеции... Возможны разные варианты...

The crew of the rowing vessel consisted of Varangians... This does not prove that Rurik was born and grew up on the coast of Sweden... There are different options...

Меня сейчас больше интересуют родители Ефанды - любимой жены Рюрика и матери Игоря (Ингора) и ее брата Олега (тоже наш великий родственник)!
Татищев называет детьми Князя Урманского Викинга (Шведа)...
Урманский - предположительно искаженное название.... непонятно...

I'm more interested in the parents Efendi - beloved wife of Rurik and mother of Igor (Ingvar) and her brother Oleg (also our cousin)!
Tatischev calls the children of Prince of Urman Viking (Swede)...
Urman-presumably distorted name.... incomprehensibly...

Кого из известных Викингов (Шведов) предыдущего поколения могли называть Князем Урманским?

Who of the famous Vikings (Swedes) of the previous generation could call the Prince of Urman?

Alexander - now I am only guessing (OK?)

There is a coastal area called "Orminge" and the name is supposed to be very old according to this link: [The text in the link says that Orminge was a part of Värmdö ship crew - see previous postings and map]. As you can see Värmdö crew (including Orminge) is apart of Roden/Rodzlagen.

In this Wikipage you can see all of Värmdo, of which Orminge is a part.

All of this is a wild guess from me (yet interestingly - we are in the area of Rodzen as defined elsewhere).

...sorry, not "Rodzen", should be: Roden/Rodzlagen

Värmdö skeppslag (ship crew) in the lowest part of this illustration

Everything which says Boo here in this link is in Orminge [or rather Ormingelandet - the land of Orminge]. It is a list of ancient findings; graveareas etc

Grave field from Rensätra in Ormingelandet dated to the Iron age:

Норма́нны (нурма́ны) (англ. Normans, нем. Normannen, норманд. Normaunds, фр. Normands, лат. Normanni — «Северные люди») — термин, использовавшийся по отношению к скандинавам...
Князь Нурманский Олег и Княжна Нурманская Ефанда

The Normans (nurmany) (eng. Normans, him. Normannen, Normand. Normaunds, FR. Normands, lat. Normanni - "Northern people") - a term used in relation to the Scandinavians...
Prince Nurmanski Oleg and Princess Nurmanskaya Efanda

This description (under picture number 2), says that the area started to be populated around 300 AD during the Iron age

Well Nordman, Norman etc could also be the origin. I am just guessing when you asked about Urmania [yet it was nice to show that this area of Rodzlagen was started to getting populated as early as 300 AD].

Точно! В Новгороде Шведов тогда называли Нурманами!
Precisely! In Novgorod, the Swedes were then called Nurmans!

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