Rurik, Founder of the Rurikid Dynasty - Rurik probably had Finnish roots

Started by Arja Inkeri Terävä on Friday, July 20, 2018
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Robert Bror Sixten Hållén, are there some sources?

Это вздор! Это фантазия, которая не имеет подтверждений! Топоним "Roslagen" появился не ранее 14 века и к Рюрику отношения не имеет!

This is nonsense! This is a fantasy that has no confirmation! The toponym "Roslagen" appeared not earlier than the 14th century and has no relation to Rurik!

It is not the same. The name of many places, or people in the past, already was there long before they ended up being documented in a text, this is fact. Long before it was written down, it was oral tradition that ruled.

В 1296 году территория нынешнего Рослагена впервые упоминается под названием Rodhin (в Упландском областном законе), а название Rodzlagen впервые появляется в 1493 году и далее в 1511, 1526, 1528 годах!

In 1296, the territory of present-day Roslagen was first mentioned under the name Rodhin (in Upland regional law), and the name Rodzlagen first appears in 1493 and further in 1511, 1526, 1528!

Robert Bror Sixten Hållén
Unfortunately, much of what we know about Scandinavian history is a single great fairy tale and propaganda myth. One of Sweden's best-known journalists and writers, Jan Guillou, wrote about this in Aftonbladet. The article is a few years old, but the content is no less true. Unfortunately, the article is in Swedish, so you can translate.
Also read

When a city or place name was first mentioned in a text does really only matter in one case, if it was the same time that they came up with the name.

Names for European cities and many places can be much older than the first time the name was recorded in a text, the point you try to make here Alexander has no value at all unless you can prove that the actual name was invented (made up) around the same time when it was first recorded.

One example in Sweden, of what I'm trying to explain.
Stockholm, the capitol of Sweden was first mentioned 1187, and that was actually the same time when they grounded the city, named after how it looked at that place and built up by the two word, stock, and holm, (stock+islet). If someone had mention people from a city named Stockholm before 1187, we would all be sure of the impossible of that being true, at the other hand, people have been living there since the stoneage, so if someone would say that people from that area did something, it would be another case.

So, the first time the name of that place, Roslagen, was mentioned in a text is actually sometime after the year 1000, on a runestone called Hovgårdsstenen.

If the place was mentioned already then (one thousand years ago), we can easily suspect that the name was likely in use long before that.

Ulf Martinsson. Roslagen was formerly called Roden before the name was changed to Roslagen in the 1400s, 600 years after Rurik lived.
Alexander's information is accurate. The word Russian has nothing to do with Roslagen.

Ulf: The word Roslagen is also not in the rune stone you refer to.

Arja Inkeri Terävä It's quite amazing how litle people actual know, but...

Roden, have the meaning "rodd" (in english, rowing), the basic word is "ro" (in english, row), when someone does it, it's called "ros", the boat - ros - to some place. When combined with the other word, lagen, we got - Rods + Lagen, ( lagen means Law), this word has sometimes been spelled Rodzlagen, and other times just Roslagen, but today the latest spelling is the only one in use.

The name Sweden in Finland is Ruotsi, it has most likely come from the area of Roden,
and thus, you are wrong just as Alexander, try to do something meaningsful instead of history falsification.

Фальсификацией истории занимаетесь именно Вы! На берегу озера Ильмень есть город Русса! Основан он был в конце 7 века! В 10 веке город Русса был населен славянами и финнами! Аналогичный топоним есть и на территории современной Финляндии!

You are the one who falsifies history! On the shore of lake Ilmen there is the city of Russa! It was founded at the end of the 7th century! In the 10th century the city of Russa was inhabited by Slavs and Finns! There is a similar toponym on the territory of modern Finland!

Найдите на географической карте город Новгород! Проложите маршрут! Куда отправились в 9 веке жители Новгорода искать себе князя? Как они туда добрались? На чем? Какие языки они знали?

Find the city of Novgorod on the geographical map! Set your route! Where did the inhabitants of Novgorod go in the 9th century to look for a Prince? How did they get there? On what? What languages did they know?

Ulf Martinsson, so fantastic that you have information that none of us have. But the word row is probably older than the Germanic peoples, which includes the Scandinavian people. And considering that everyone rowed around everywhere on this planet was that in the past waterways were our historic highways. This means that the word row was probably central to all tribes throughout history. The word row probably comes from Proto-Indo-European, to which not only the Germanic peoples belong but also the Slavic, thus also Russians.

Arja Inkeri Terävä well, how wrong you're as usual, most historians with any insight in this topic would agree with what I have explained, the ones who do not agree are the not so serious ones, often driven by some sort of new arised nationalistic motif, or being greatly disappointed and disillusioned not willing to accept the results of what other experts have discovered, thus trying their best to come up with an alternative description that better fit their selfish goals.

The other question about row, not everyone did row in ancient times and certainly, not everyone would have adopted that term when being described as a people. Do you Arja actually have any clue at all about how the namegiving of tribes, people, land works?

I do know and if you're really interested in a serious way, I can explain how it works.

"The boat is one of the innovations so old that we cannot know how long they have been around. The oldest boat found is an old excavated log, but it is only 9 400 years old. Already then the boat must have been around for a long time. Australia and Oceania began to be populated between 40,000 and 60,000 years ago, and the only way there was across the high seas. It is believed that simple boats were used in rivers and lakes before venturing out to sea. Probably the boat was further developed from its simplest forms in several parts of the world at the same time. The oldest boats were more buoyant than boats. a tree trunk that you could lift with. Over time, it was found that the tree trunk could be hollowed out and formed into a simple canoe. Other early boats were made of sewn animal hides clamped a over a wooden frame and braided reed boats. "

When people populated Australia, they could have walked over there through passages that today are under water but then were not, the same with the first people that walked over to America from Asia 50.000 years ago (killed by the later invasion 17000 years ago, nowadays native american...ugh..). And yes, the oldest boats are probably around 60.000 years, But, none of this has anything to do with this topic.

Geni says today,
Rurik is my 30th great grandfather.

Almost all Known Vikings are related to me, which makes a lot of sense, Rurik is connected. People often write "If Geni is correct", he is my ancestor. Well, all Geno platforms state the same info. Rurik is my ancestor. Perhaps, my parents are not truly my parents, perhaps I came from an ostrich egg. I will take my sword and conquer my home city, to raid its banks.

Grand Duke of Novgorod Rurik is your 31st great grandfather.
Alvin James Meredith (Premus-Mother's Surname)
→ Alvin Dean Meredith, Sr.
your father → Charlotta Meredith (Mangus)
his mother → Mabel Floretta Miller
her mother → Matilda Louisa Woodruff
her mother → Samuel Woodruff
her father → Israel Woodruff
his father → Isaac Woodruff, Sr
his father → James Woodruff
his father → Ens. Samuel Woodruff
his father → Matthew Woodruff
his father → Matthew Woodruff, I
his father → Sir David Woodroffe of Poyle
his father → Dionyse Brouysia Calthorpe
his mother → Edmund Calthorpe
her father → Richard Calthorpe
his father → Sir John Calthorpe, Kt.
his father → Lady Elizabeth Lucy
his mother → Reynold de Grey, 3rd Baron Grey de Ruthin
her father → Reginald de Grey, 2nd Baron Grey de Ruthyn
his father → Elizabeth Hastings, Baroness Grey of Ruthin
his mother → Isabel de Valence
her mother → William de Valence, 1st Earl of Pembroke
her father → Isabella of Angoulême
his mother → Alice de Courtenay, comtesse d'Angoulême
her mother → Pierre, de France, Seigneur de Courtenay
her father → Louis VI the Fat, king of France
his father → Philip I, king of France
his father → Anna of Kiev, Queen Consort of the Franks
his mother → Yaroslav the Wise
her father → Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Svyatoslavich, Rurikid
his father → Prince Sviatoslav Igorevitch, Rurikid
his father → ruler of Kievan Rus' Igor 'the Old'
his father → Grand Duke of Novgorod Rurik
his father

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