Chief Hokolesqua Opeechan Stream "Wynepuechsika Keiga-tugh-qua" Cornstalk - Anyone want to study Cornstalks?

Started by Bellinda Gail Myrick-Barnett on Saturday, July 7, 2018
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Polly, Click the little icon that looks like a thumb tack and find out. Go to the profile of anyone and click on the thumb tack.

Hey Polly.... gedmatch.... 200-400, Minimum segment 5 cM, Largest segment = 5.8 cM

Total Half-Match segments (HIR) 5.8cM (0.163 Pct)
Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 7.6

1 shared segments found for this comparison.

426720 SNPs used for this comparison.

52.144 Pct SNPs are full identical

Hi Diana Collins ☺️

Hello cousin!

thank you so much for the information provided. I started looking into my blue jacket lineage and wanted to learn more about his relatives and descendants

This my lines now this interesting that this William ms Family that connects to my Day family Indian will have to look into this.

Chief Richard Bryant "Parker", of Saraunaton Creek is your third great uncle's second great aunt's husband's father.
→ William Sherwood Bright
your father → Grace Leona Bright
his mother → Blanche Sarah Doerrer
her mother → Emma Query
her mother → Sarah Ann Day
her sister → William W Williams
her husband → Herron Alexander Williams
his father → Patriot & Marion's Raider, William Walter Williams, Sr., Old Cheraw
his father → Nottoway Cheraw Leader, John Williams, IV
his father → Mary Cain / Vicks / Parker
his sister → Francis Parker of Saura Creek
her husband → Chief Richard Bryant "Parker", of Saraunaton Creek
his father


Showing 91-96 of 96 posts

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