Jean le Roux, SV/PROG 1 - Different parents?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, July 1, 2018
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Hmm ? I'll make us some tea !

His brother Gabriel le Roux my 8th grt grandfather would then also have different parents .

More from Delia Robertson

It is clear that website has been completely updated since early 2013 when I last accessed their information.

The new version does seem well researched, I just wish there were more transcriptions of the records consulted

Nevertheless, I will update my information accordingly as I have time.

Hallo - dit blyk uit die volgende webruimtes dat Jean en Gabriel le Roux wel broers was (een bron is selfs in 2020.saamgestel. (kyk die artikel: Die Le Roux’s se voorouers in Frankryk


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