Jean le Roux, SV/PROG 1 - Different parents?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, July 1, 2018
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His About gives his parents as Isaac Le Roux (1615-1687) and Jehanne Bourdon (1634-1672) NOT
Pierre le Roux & Anne Bourdon ?

"Jean Le Roux was born on 16 November 1666 in the town of Mer in Orleanais, France. His Parents were Isaac Le Roux (1615-1687) and Jehanne Bourdon (1634-1672) of the farm Pommegorge situated between Mer and Aunay in France. "

I'm on geneanet. There are about 5 different issac le roux in 5 different regions at the same time period in france. Whoch one do you need ?

One in geneanet is listed in national/ regional archives apparently I found one Isaac le roux who died at crevecoeur, son of Isaac le roux the father ?

Evènement : Naissance - Relation : sujet
entre 1700 et 1750 French Huguenot, London, Royaume-Uni

Evènement : Naissance - Relation : sujet
entre 1650 et 1700 Walloon Or Strangers Church,canterbury, Kent, Royaume-Uni

Isaac and isaac, father. And son.

Although not the same " departement", most Isaac le Roux seem to originate in the same region, suremly not Orleans, but brittany. Cotes d'Armor.

The only 2 i found on geneanet in mer is a source from geni lol...and another without sources.

So since geneanet goes very far back in time and based mostly on regional online archives or church archives up until 1630, chances are the le Roux were from Brittany and maybe the ones born in Kent and London are the ones you are looking for, fleeing france because they were protestants.

This is the alternative info:
Jean le Roux b 16 Nov 1666.
Gabriel le Roux b 25 Jul 1669 in/near Blois in Orleanais, Fr.

Parents: Pierre le Roux (b Sep 1623, son of Jehan le Roux & Jehanne Chauffour) & Anne Bourdon (b c 1636) do Jean Bourdon van Mer, en Claudine Lenoir.
The contents of Gabriel's baptism certificate are given in Dr. Willem le Roux's booklet "Om Aan-Proux "(1988) and also in" De Families Le Roux in SA "(1991). It confirms that Gabriel was baptized in Blois on Sunday, July 28, 1669, after being born three days earlier. However, the place of birth is not reported in the certificate.
According to Dr. Willem le Roux's research Gabriel's father Pierre le Roux was, at one stage, "Sergeant de la Justice" on the estate of Cour-Cheverny, a few kilometers south-east of Blois. More recent research suggests that Pierre was indeed "maire" (mayor) of Cour-Cheverny when he left that place in 1672."

That's good, because I've spent two days piecing together the connections :-) I've created a Le Roux family project here - I'll invite you :-)

DNA might be the only way to know 100%?

Read this article - - he places Isaac.
It is convincing because the documentation is very much all there and links the family together - who signed at whose wedding; who was guardian of whose orphan children etc - until it arrives at the cousins who travel to SA on the same ship together. I think if the Huguenot society is publishing it, they're pretty certain it's the best info we have, too.

ie On 31 Dec 1687 Jean & Gabriel le Roux, Philippe Foucher & Anne Souchay, with Estienne Bruere embarked together on the VOC ship Voorschoten to settle at the Cape of Good Hope.

The le Roux brothers & Philippe Foucher were 2nd cousins.
Philippe Foucher & Estienne Bruere were second cousins.
Anne Souchay was the sister of the le Roux brother's sister in law.
They all became progenitors of SA lines.

Good job Sharon

:-) Thank you :-)

All invited to join the Le Roux project here:

Private User says about Jean le Roux, SV/PROG 1

His second wife is listed as Marie Potet who was born in 1636, which makes her 31 years older than him - I'm wondering if that is correct?

Family search has a profile for a Jean Roux, also married to Marie Potet This Jean Roux has parents Izaac Le Roux and Jeanne Bourdon

I feel like there might be a mix-up here?

I think there's been a mismerge. Time to relationship lock this profile, I think, pending documentation on Marie Potet to know where to place her

Pierre Le roux husband of Elizaberth Souchay not brother of Daniel and Gabriel le Roux !!

irth* Pierre le Roux was born in 1623 in Blois, Orléanais, France.3,4

Marriage* He married Anne Bourdon circa 1660 France.1

Death* He died in 1682 France.5

Anne Bourdon b. 1639

Daniel le Roux6 b. 1661
Gabriel le Roux+3 b. 25 Jul 1669, d. b 8 Nov 1711

Did he have more than 2 children or not ?
Whom do we believe ?

Private User says about Jean le Roux, SV/PROG 1
Just wondering whether the parents are correctly recorded here? Father Isaac married to Jeanne Bourden - although SAG Vol10 has the parents as Pierre and and Ann Bourden

I have been building a tree around Francois Champelaer from the inventory -

O no ! This one makes my head spin !

FFY tend to be more correct than SAG I have found . Can I say that ?

4 children on FFY for Jean le Roux

Marie le Roux+9 b. b 18 Oct 1704
Pierre le Roux9 b. b 12 Dec 1706
Jan le Roux+10 b. b 19 May 1709
Daniel le Roux9 b. b 8 Nov 1711

Yes, agreed - but in this case, the article comes from the Huguenot Society and includes docs- [Bulletins 53 and 54 of the Huguenot Society of South Africa and all copyrights belong to them. The author is Ghislaine Le Mauff.] - so I'm most convinced by it.

From Delia Robertson

This is my source on the parents of Jean le Roux:

Jean le Roux, "Nuwe inligting uit Frankryk oor die Le Roux stamvaders", Capensis (Nuwe inligting uit Frankryk oor die Le Roux stamvaders) 1/2002 (January 2002): Isaac (1615 - 1686) se seun Jean (1666 - 1711) en Pierre se seun Gabriel (1669 - 1711) groei dus saam as broers op te Pommegorge.
Jean le Roux is gebore op 16 Nov 1666 op die plaas Pommegorge naby Mer in die Orleanais, Frankryk, as seun van Isaac le Roux, eienaar van Pommegorge (1615-1687) en Jeanne Bourdon (1634-1672).. Hereinafter cited as "Le Roux stamvaders". This source is supplemented by the Stamouers section on the Le Roux Familiebond website at:

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