William, Master of Ruthven - it appears this whole geni. was hacked by someone who made a lot of falcious entries

Started by S***** L**** Schwenger on Thursday, June 28, 2018
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6/28/2018 at 8:41 PM

William Ruthven, Master of Ruthven



thanks; susan

i do know; the geni. com should look this Isabella of France, Queen consort of England is your 20th great grandmother.
Susan Lynne Schwenger

Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother

James aka Jim Edward Handy Jr.
her father

James aka Jim (Ruthven) Handy SR.
his father

Marion aka Marrian Ruthven - Handy - Satchell
his mother

Alexander (Thompson) Ruthven
her father

Robert (Wotherspoon) Ruthven, Sr.
his father

John (Henderson) Ruthven
his father

John (Peadie) Ruthven
his father

John (Hutcheson) Ruthven
his father

George (Reid) Ruthven
his father

William Alexander (Clerk) Ruthven
his father

William (Gray) Ruthven
his father

Sir William (Halyburton) Ruthven
his father

William Ruthven, 2nd Lord Ruthven
his father

Catherine Gray of Buttergask - Stewart - Ruthven
his mother

Elisabeth Stewart, Countess of Argyll
her mother

John Stewart, 1st Earl of Atholl
her father

Joan Beaufort, Queen Consort of Scots
his mother

John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
her father

John 1st Duke of Lancaster of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
his father

Edward III of England
his father

Isabella of France, Queen consort of England
his mother
Edward II of England
his father,
Son of Edward I "Longshanks", King of England; Plantagenet
and Eleanor of Castille Queen of England
(22ND Great Grandfather and 22ND Great Grandmother)


Private User
6/29/2018 at 6:40 AM

William, Master of Ruthven, the subject of this discussion, has been missidentified as the son of Isabel Levington His mother, according to A. Francis Steuart, was Isabel Levington, said by him to be a daughter of Levington of Saltcoats. https://archive.org/stream/scotspeeragefoun04paul#page/258/mode/1up... This suggests that William has been subjected to one or more bad merges.

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