http://www.selectsurnames3.com/lightfoot.html mentions the Captain who married a Cherokee woman, same as the one registered in Antiqua and Barbados shipping, same as the Justice of the Peace in the hearing of John Bunch in his Lightfoot Pamaunky Neck -neighbor of Howell family from whilch the Pamaunky Howells obtain their Howell name from Goodrich as denoted in deed work by Kianga Lucas and is the same as the Eutaw, AL land granter to his brother Phillip Lightfoot 3 who signed over 300 acres to his slave descendants (Testor line in SNP group) ; matching on the same chr 2 of seg 91-100 mil to this writer and descendants of Martha Dorsey Lightfoot.
Capt John Lightfoot, "Younger" of Antiqua & Eutaw, AL Disconnected as son of Philip Lightfoot, Esq. & Mary Lightfoot
Their son was Col. John Lightfoot, of Brunswick County who married Mary Ruffin
He died a wealthy man in 1751 leaving no children.
Source: https://archive.org/stream/jstor-1921264/1921264#page/n2/mode/1up William & Mary Quarterly, Clack Family.
This profile looks misplaced also
(1)Philip Lightfoot d bef Oct 1747 in Surry Co., only in his 20's & before his father
Does not match
Lieut. Philip Lightfoot, of Sandy Point
I am disconnecting and making a new Philip son of Philip
I believe we will need to revisit these profiles also
Col. John Lightfoot, of Brunswick County
As there were not two sisters both named Mary.