Diana, Princess of Wales - Diana, Princess of Wales is my 10th cousin twice removed.

Started by Rachel Kay Beal on Thursday, June 14, 2018
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6/14/2018 at 4:00 PM

Diana, Princess of Wales is your 10th cousin twice removed.
→ Rosalie Frances Duffy
your mother → Veronica Eugene Rosalie Duffy
her mother → Helen Ogilvie Trail Fairbridge
her mother → Rhys Seymour Fairbridge
her father → Francis Seymour Fairbridge
his father → Dr. James William Fairbridge
his father → Elizabeth Fairbridge
his mother → Colonel Thomas Traill of Holland
her father → George Traill of Westness
his father → Alexander Traill of Blebo
his father → Andrew Trail, Col.
his brother → James Traill
his son → Eleanor Trail Trail
his daughter → James Trail
her son → Susanne Chalmers
his daughter → James Chalmers, Jr.
her son → Jean Littlejohn
his daughter → Banker William Littlejohn
her son → Major David Littlejohn
his son → Ruth Gill (Littlejohn)
his daughter → Ruth Roche, Baroness Fermoy
her daughter → Frances Shand Kydd
her daughter → Diana, Princess of Wales
her daughter

6/14/2018 at 4:04 PM

I am the duke of Cargyll's 15th cousin too, sarah ferguson's 15th cousin, about the same for Prince Phillip abd HM is my 16th cousin.

Diana, Princess of Wales is your 16th cousin once removed.
→ Frances Mary (Dymock) CHRISTOPHE
your mother → Peter Mervyn DYMOCK
her father → Jasper Thomas DYMOCK
his father → Thomas DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → John DYMOCK
his father → John William DYMOCK
his father → Edward DYMOCK
his father → Edward DYMOCK
his father → William DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → Edward DYMOCK
his father → Edward DYMOCK OF PENLEY
his father → William DYMOCK
his father → Edward (ap Randle) DYMOCK, of Willington & Penley
his father → Randle (ap Thomas) DYMOCK
his father → Annes (verch Randle) BRERETON
his mother → Randle BRERETON, III, Esq., of Ipstones
her brother → Sir Randal Brereton, IV of Malpas
his son → Elizabeth (Brereton) MAINWARING
his daughter → Hugh CHOLMONDELEY
her son → Hugh CHOLMONDELAY, the Younger
his son → Lettice CHOLMONDELEY
his daughter → Sir Richard GROSVENOR, 2nd Baronet
her son → Roger GROSVENOR
his son → Sir Thomas GROSVENOR, 3rd Baronet
his son → Sir Robert GROSVENOR, 6th Baronet
his son → Dorothy (Grosvenor) CURZON
his daughter → Penn Assheton CURZON
her son → Richard Curzon-Howe, 1st Earl Howe
his son → Maria (Mary) Ann(a) Hamilton (Curzon-Howe), Duchess of Abercorn
his daughter → James Hamilton, 3rd Duke of Abercorn
her son → Cynthia Elinor Beatrix (Hamilton) SPENCER, Countess Spencer
his daughter → John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
her son → Diana, Princess of Wales

6/14/2018 at 4:44 PM

Natasha Lorraine Polak (Kohlhoff)
You → Collette Anne Kohlhoff
your mother → Vernon Horace Robson
her father → Edna Mary Kathleen Robson
his mother → Agnes Garratty
her mother → Stephen Augustus Matthews
her brother → Hazel Butler-White(Matthews)
his daughter → John Ashworth Butler-White
her husband → Charlotte Emma Butler-White
his mother → Edward Ernest Keyes-Bartels
her father → Emma Augusta Keyes
his mother → Ecclesia Strange
her mother → Major-General Robert Montagu Strange
her father → James Charles Edward Stuart Strange
his brother → Anne Strange
his wife → Henry Drummond, MP
her husband → Henry Drummond, of The Grange, Hants, MP
his father → Hon. Margaret Nairne Murray
his mother → William Murray, 2nd Lord Nairne
her father → John Murray, 1st Duke of Atholl
his brother → Susan Murray
his daughter → Lady Catherine Gordon, Duchess of Gordon
her daughter → Alexander Gordon, 4th Duke of Gordon
her son → Georgiana Elizabeth Russell (Gordon), Duchess of Bedford
his daughter → Louisa Jane Hamilton, Duchess consort of Abercorn
her daughter → James Hamilton, 2nd Duke of Abercorn
her son → James Hamilton, 3rd Duke of Abercorn
his son → Cynthia Elinor Beatrix Spencer, Countess Spencer
his daughter → John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
her son → Diana, Princess of Wales
his daughter

6/14/2018 at 4:49 PM

In summation: Diana, Princess of Wales is my first cousin thrice removed's husband's fourth great uncle's wife's husband's third cousin 7 times removed.

Private User
6/14/2018 at 6:55 PM

How many hear , are twice related to her, Prince Charles, and the family, for that matter?

Private User
6/14/2018 at 10:56 PM


6/14/2018 at 11:06 PM

@ Joan Karin Marcussen

15th twice removed ….. Denmark

→ Mogens Antonius Marcussen
your father → Ella Marcussen
his mother → Caroline Christine Antonette Geersten
her mother → Jens Peter Falch (Knurborg)
her father → Maren Stech
his mother → Anna Beyer Madsdatter
her mother → Birkedommer Jens Nielsen Outzen
her father → Anna Catharina Riese
his mother → Anna Johansdatter Schnell
her mother → Margrethe Lange
her mother → Gunde Hansen Lange
her father → Hans Gundesen Lange
his father → Karen Hansdatter Breide
his mother → Hans Hartvigsen Breide, til Hejls Vargård
her father → Hartvig Joachimsen Breide, til Vargård
his father → Ida Joachimsdatter Breide
his sister → Benedict Clausen von Ahlefeldt-Sogaard
her son → Anna Margrethe Rathlou
his daughter → Sivert von Rathlou
her son → Margrethe von Rathlou
his daughter → Hedevig Pogwisch
her daughter → Hedevig Rantzau
her daughter → Marie Elisabeth von Ahlefeldt
her daughter → Johann Adolf, Baron von Kielmansegg
her son → Baronnes Sophia von Kielmansegg
his daughter → Admiral Richard Howe, 1st and last Earl Howe
her son → Sophia Charlotte Howe, Baroness of Langar
his daughter → Richard Curzon-Howe, 1st Earl Howe
her son → Maria (Mary) Ann(a) Hamilton (Curzon-Howe), Duchess of Abercorn
his daughter → James Hamilton, 3rd Duke of Abercorn
her son → Cynthia Elinor Beatrix Spencer, Countess Spencer
his daughter → John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
her son → Diana, Princess of Wales
his daughter

6/14/2018 at 11:15 PM

Diana, Princess of Wales is your 17th cousin four times removed.
→ Claudio Camara Rivero
your father → Antonieta Camara Rivero
his mother → Abel Corrêa da Camara, (II)
her father → Catão da Camara Barcelos
his father → Carolina Josefina Corrêa da Camara
his mother → Bento José Corrêa da Camara
her father → Joaquina Leocádia Velloza da Fontoura
his mother → Angélica Veloza da Fontoura
her mother → João Carneiro da Fontoura
her father → António Carneiro da Fontoura
his father → Maria Taveira de Magalhães
his mother → João Taveira de Magalhães
her father → Francisca de Magalhães
his mother → Baltazar (ou Gaspar) de Magalhães e Caldas
her father → Francisca de Magalhães
his mother → Constança de Magalhães
her mother → Isabel de Aragão
her mother → João Manuel
her father → Fradique Manoel, senhor de Tancos e Atalaia
his father → Nuno Manoel, senhor de Salvaterra de Magos
his father → João Manoel, bispo da Guarda
his father → Duarte I o Eloquente, rei de Portugal
his father → Eleonore Helena von Portugal, Kaiseringemahl des Heiligen Römischen Reiches
his daughter → Emperor Maximilian Hapsburg, I, Kaiser des Heiliges Römischen Reiches, Deutscher Nation
her son → Felipe I el Hermoso, Rey de Castilla
his son → Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor
his son → Johanna Erzherzogin von Österreich
his daughter → Marie De' Medici, Queen Consort of France
her daughter → Henrietta Maria of France, Queen Consort of England, Scotland, and Ireland
her daughter → Charles II of England
her son → Henry Fitzroy, 1st Duke of Grafton
his son → Charles Fitzroy, 2nd Duke of Grafton
his son → Isabella Seymour-Conway, Countess of Hertford
his daughter → Vice-Adm. Lord Hugh Seymour
her son → Colonel Sir Horace Beauchamp Seymour
his son → Adelaide Spencer, Dowager Countess Spencer
his daughter → Charles Spencer, 6th Earl Spencer
her son → Albert Edward John Spencer, 7th Earl Spencer
his son → John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
his son → Diana, Princess of Wales
his daughter

6/15/2018 at 4:21 AM

12th Cousin:
→ Sylvia Ann Nelson
your mother → Sylvia Pearson Kemp
her mother → Daniel Newton Kemp
her father → Amanda Margaret Wheeler
his mother → Mary Elizabeth Wheeler
her mother → Margaret Maberry
her mother → John Maberry
her father → John Maberry
his father → George Mabry
his father → Francis Maybury, I
his father → Francis Marbury, II
his father → Bridget Marbury
his mother → Nicholas Dryden
her brother → Elizabeth Elizabeth Swift
his daughter → Sir Erasmus Philips, 3rd Baronet Philipps
her son → Elizabeth Phillips
his daughter → Lady Charlotte Seymour Conway
her daughter → Francis Seymour-Conway, 1st Marquess of Hertford
her son → Vice-Adm. Lord Hugh Seymour
his son → Colonel Sir Horace Beauchamp Seymour
his son → Adelaide Spencer, Dowager Countess Spencer
his daughter → Charles Spencer, 6th Earl Spencer
her son → Albert Edward John Spencer, 7th Earl Spencer
his son → John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
his son → Diana, Princess of Wales
his daughter

6/15/2018 at 5:59 AM

10th cousin once removed

→ Carlos Enrique Otoya Rojas
your father → Cecilio Enrique Otoya Arboleda
his father → María del Carmen Arboleda Llorente
his mother → Alfonso Arboleda Valencia
her father → Sergio Arboleda Pombo
his father → Matilde Josefa de Pombo y O'Donnell
his mother → Beatriz O'Donnell Anethan
her mother → Joseph O'Donnell, of Castlebar-España
her father → Calvagh-Ohu Dubh O'Donnell, of Castlebar
his father → Mary Margaret O'Neill
his mother → Cecilia O'More
her mother → Anne O'More
her sister → William Sarsfield
her son → Charlotte Sarsfield
his daughter → Anne Vesey
her daughter → Sir Charles Bingham, 1st Earl of Lucan
her son → Lavinia Spencer, Countess Spencer
his daughter → Vice-Admiral Frederick Spencer, 4th Earl Spencer
her son → Charles Spencer, 6th Earl Spencer
his son → Albert Edward John Spencer, 7th Earl Spencer
his son → John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
his son → Diana, Princess of Wales
his daughter

6/15/2018 at 3:05 PM

Princess Diana is my 12th cousin and Prince Charles is my 14th cousin.

6/21/2018 at 3:38 AM

Princess Dia is my 13th cousin twice removed... You
→ Rachel Cornelia Erasmus
your mother → Stephanus Daniel Nel
her father → Petronella Sophia van der Linde
his mother → Anna Sophia van der Merwe
her mother → Margaretha Johanna Erasmus, b3c5d7
her mother → Margaretha Louisa de Bruyn, svb4c2
her mother → Pieter de Bruyn, b4
her father → Theunis de Bruyn, SV/PROG
his father → Anna van der Meer Berendrecht
his mother → Maximiliaan van der Meer van Berendrecht
her father → Willem van der Meer van Berendrecht
his father → Anna Sandelijn
his mother → Machtilde de Jonghe
her mother → Margaretha de Jonge
her sister → Adam van der Duyn, heer van Sprang
her son → Nicolaas van der Duyn
his son → Adam van der Duyn, heer van 's-Gravenmoer
his son → Nicolaas van der Duyn, heer van 's-Gravenmoer
his son → Adam van der Duyn, heer van 's-Gravenmoer
his son → Geertruid Johanna Quirina van der Duyn
his daughter → Willem van Keppel, 2nd Earl of Albemarle
her son → Elizabeth Russell, Marchioness of Tavistock
his daughter → John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford
her son → Louisa Jane Hamilton, Duchess consort of Abercorn
his daughter → James Hamilton, 2nd Duke of Abercorn
her son → James Hamilton, 3rd Duke of Abercorn
his son → Cynthia Elinor Beatrix Spencer, Countess Spencer
his daughter → John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
her son → Diana, Princess of Wales
his daughter

6/28/2018 at 10:47 PM

Lady Diana Frances Spencer, Princess of Wales is Rochelle Goldberg 's first cousin twice removed's husband's 16th great granddaughter.

Private User
6/29/2018 at 4:53 AM

Princess Diana is my 8th cousin once removed via her late Mother Frances Kidd. I am also related to Kate Middleton and the entire Royal Family. Queen Elizabeth is my 11th Cousin through her Mother.

6/29/2018 at 5:17 AM

Hello everyone ,my wife Willie Huijer ,the 16 cousin once removed.

Greetz:Roy Huijer.

Private User
7/4/2018 at 5:59 AM

5th Cousin

7/4/2018 at 8:28 AM

Oh geni brought her closer

Diana, Princess of Wales is your 13th cousin once removed.
→ Frances Mary (Dymock) CHRISTOPHE
your mother → Peter Mervyn DYMOCK
her father → Jasper Thomas DYMOCK
his father → Thomas DYMOCK
his father → John DYMOCK
his father → John William DYMOCK
his father → Edward DYMOCK
his father → Edward DYMOCK, of Penley
his father → John DYMOCK, of Whitchurch
his father → William DYMOCK
his father → Edward DYMOCK
his father → Edward DYMOCK, of Penley
his father → William DYMOCK
his father → Catrin MOSTYN
his mother → Thomas MOSTYN, MP
her brother → Sir Roger Mostyn, MP
his son → Sydney MOSTYN
his daughter → Roger GROSVENOR
her son → Sir Thomas GROSVENOR, 3rd Baronet
his son → Sir Robert GROSVENOR, 6th Baronet
his son → Dorothy (Grosvenor) CURZON
his daughter → Penn Assheton CURZON
her son → Richard Curzon-Howe, 1st Earl Howe
his son → Maria (Mary) Ann(a) Hamilton (Curzon-Howe), Duchess of Abercorn
his daughter → James Hamilton, 3rd Duke of Abercorn
her son → Cynthia Elinor Beatrix (Hamilton) SPENCER, Countess Spencer
his daughter → John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
her son → Diana, Princess of Wales
his daughter

Private User
7/19/2018 at 9:55 AM

Diana, Princess of Wales is my 12th cousin.

8/14/2019 at 3:09 PM

Diana is my 17th cousin thrice removed. William is my 18th cousin second removed. Charles and Elisabeth is not in my biologic three.

11/23/2019 at 10:26 PM

Hello all.
Interestingly, I also share a common ancestry with @Lady Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, for we belong to the same mtDNA haplogroup R.

This was revealed in


11/23/2019 at 10:31 PM

Hello all.
Please accfept my apologies for the video link was truncated... here is the correct one.


11/24/2019 at 9:55 AM

Shortest blood relationship
Diana, Princess of Wales is your 10th cousin once removed.
→ Staff Sgt. Billy M. Gross
your father → Verbie C. (Germany) Gross
his mother → James Towles Germany
her father → Morris Towles Germany
his father → Elvira L Towles
his mother → William Towles
her father → Stockley Towles
his father → Margaret (Daniels) Towles
his mother → James Daniel
her father → Captain William Daniel, I
his father → Anne (Daniel) Sandford
his sister → Mary (Sandford) Paget
her daughter → Brigadier-General Thomas Paget
her son → Caroline (Paget) Bayly
his daughter → Henry Paget, 1st Earl of Uxbridge (second creation)
her son → Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey
his son → Caroline Gordon-Lennox (Paget), Duchess of Richmond
his daughter → Cecilia Catherine (Gordon-Lennox) Bingham, Countess of Lucan
her daughter → Rosalind Hamilton, Duchess of Abercorn
her daughter → Cynthia Elinor Beatrix (Hamilton) Spencer, Countess Spencer
her daughter → John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
her son → Diana, Princess of Wales
his daughter

11/24/2019 at 10:00 AM

Shortest blood relationship
George VI, King of the United Kingdom is your 16th cousin twice removed.
→ Staff Sgt. Billy M. Gross
your father → William Monroe Gross
his father → Ellison Monroe Gross, Jr.
his father → Mary Minerva Kennedy
his mother → Mary Elizabeth Johnson
her mother → Henry L Johnson
her father → Tomothy Johnson
his father → Timothy Johnson
his father → Captain Ebenezer Johnson
his father → Joseph Johnson
his father → Isaac Johnson Jr., of Roxbury MA and Middletown CT
his father → Captain Isaac Johnson
his father → Mary (Heath) Johnson
his mother → Agnes (Cheney) Heath
her mother → Robert Cheney, III
her father → Robert Cheney, II
his father → Robert Cheney, I
his father → Eleanor (Shottisbrooke) Cheney
his mother → Edith de Stourton
her mother → Margaret Beauchamp of Bletso, Lady Welles
her daughter → Margaret Beaufort
her daughter → Henry VII of England
her son → Margaret Tudor, Queen Consort of Scots
his daughter → Lady Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox
her daughter → Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley
her son → James VI King of Scots, James I King of England & Ireland
his son → Elizabeth of Bohemia
his daughter → Sophia of Hanover
her daughter → George I, King of Great Britain and Ireland
her son → George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland
his son → Frederick, Prince of Wales
his son → George III, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
his son → Adolphus Frederick (Welf, Guelph) Hanover, Duke of Cambridge
his son → Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth (Guelph Hanover) of Cambridge, Duchess of Teck
his daughter → Mary of Teck
her daughter → George VI, King of the United Kingdom
her son

Private User
11/24/2019 at 5:11 PM

Diana's a distant cousin, our common ancestor being Joan Williams the sister-in-law of Thomas Cromwell, 1st Earl of Essex


"...an English lawyer and statesman who served as chief minister to King Henry VIII of England from 1532 to 1540, when he was beheaded on orders of the king."

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