Wichmann I Billung, Graf im Bardengau Graf im Wigmodien - Sources?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, June 10, 2018
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What are the Sources for this profile? According to Medlands, Bia and an Unknownhusband had one son, Friedrich:

BIA [Pia] (-25 May -) A list of names in the Libri Confraternitatum Sancti Galli sets out (in order) "Thieterich, Reginhilt, *, Oto, Amalrat, Perectheid, Friderun, Pia", immediately after a list of family members of Heinrich I King of Germany and his wife, which no doubt refers to the latter's parents and sisters[54]. "Otto…rex" granted property "in Gereslevo…in pago Svevia in comitatu Crhistiani" on the request of "Friderici fidelis nostri" to "nobili matronæ…Biæ ipsius…matri" by charter dated 21 Oct 937, in consultation with "Burchardi, Ebarhardi, Chuonradi, Heinrici atque Utonis…comitum"[55], although it is not known whether this was the same Bia.

The necrology of Merseburg records the death "25 May" of "Bia soror regine Mahtildis"[56]. same person as…? BIA (-after 21 Oct 937). "Otto…rex" granted property "in Gereslevo…in pago Svevia in comitatu Crhistani" to "nobili matronæ Bia ipsius…matri" at the request of "Friderici fidelis nostri" by charter dated 21 Oct 937[57].

It is not certain that this refers to the same person as Bia, daughter of Theoderic, but this is likely to be the case. No other noble lady of this name has been identified around the date of this charter, and "matrona" is the term usually applied to members of the high nobility. The wording of the charter suggests that Bia's husband had died before the date of the grant.

m --- (-before 21 Oct 937). The name of Bia's husband is not known.

Bia & her husband had one child:

1. Friedrich (d. after 21 October 937)


At the moment:
Wichmann I Billung, Graf im Bardengau Graf im Wigmodien MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 880
Barden, Germany
Death: 21 April 944 (60-68)
Killed In Battle
Immediate Family:
Son of Billung IV von Stubenskorn Billung, Graf in Sachsen and Ermengarde de Nantes
Husband of Frederuna and Bia von Ringelsheim
Father of Hedwig Billung von Merseburg; Wichmann II Billung, Graf zu Horhusen and Friedrich

But Medlands says:
WICHMANN [I] (-after 10 Nov 855). A charter dated to [850] records that "Meginfridus advocatus" recognised the rights of "Amalung comite et fratre suo Wicman" in "ecclesia de Kapungen"[209]. Graaf van Hamaland. "Folcherus" donated property "…in pago Hamulande in comitatu Wigmanni…" to Werden abbey by charter dated 10 Nov 855[210]. [same person as…? WICHMANN (-killed in battle in Saxony 2 Feb 880). The Annales Fuldenses name "Brun ducem et fratrem reinæ, Wicmannum, Bardonem, alterum Bardonem et tertium Bardonem, Thiotherium, Gerrichum, Liutolfum, Folcwartum, Avan, Thiotricum, Liutharium" as those killed in battle in 880 in Saxony against "Nordmannis"[211].] m IMMIHILT, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated to [880/89] under which her son "Athelbert comes cum filio meo Billunc" donated property in "Mardachuson, Spielli et Wanhusen situm in pago Hassim" to Kloster Kaufungen, "ad consolationem progenitorum meorum Wigman et Immihilt"[212]. Wichmann & his wife had one child:

a) ATHELBERT . "Athelbert comes cum filio meo Billunc" donated property in "Mardachuson, Spielli et Wanhusen situm in pago Hassim" to Kloster Kaufungen, "ad consolationem progenitorum meorum Wigman et Immihilt", at the request of "Alberat abbatisse et sororis Hemme filiarum…patrui mei Amalung", by charter dated to [880/89][213]. m ---. The name of Athelbert´s wife is not known. Athelbert & his wife had one child:

i) BILLUNG . "Athelbert comes cum filio meo Billunc" donated property in "Mardachuson, Spielli et Wanhusen situm in pago Hassim" to Kloster Kaufungen, "ad consolationem progenitorum meorum Wigman et Immihilt", at the request of "Alberat abbatisse et sororis Hemme filiarum…patrui mei Amalung", by charter dated to [880/89][214]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm

cf Billung IV Billung, Graf in Sachsen and Ermengarde de Nantes seem likely to be the wrong parents?

Particularly because he dies before they are born! Cutting.

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