Attila the Hun is my 50th great grandfather - really ?

Started by Erica Howton on Thursday, May 31, 2018
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This is however an improvement from 44th. I’ve made a few corrections in the England tree.

Attilas son Ernak doesn't appear to have had any children

Can you fix ?

1. Chaba (Chola) Prince of the HUNS was born ABT 470 in Hungary, and died AFT 530 in Scythia Minor (NW of Black Sea). He was the son of 2. Ernak King of HUNS.

Child of Chaba (Chola) Prince of the HUNS is:

i. Edus (Elus) Chief of the MAGYAR was born ABT 502 in Scythia Minor (NW of Black Sea), and died AFT 560 in Dentumogeria, Central Asia.

Cites a soc gen med discussion

Page: David Hughes, 18 Feb 2003

the Hunnic Chola dynasty invaded India which looks like where the name Chola comes from

Chola History
The origins of the Chola Dynasty are lost to history. The kingdom is mentioned, however, in early Tamil literature, and on one of the Pillars of Ashoka (273 - 232 BCE).

His notes are here

I don’t see that Ernak had issue. ?

I see for surviving issue of Atilla

c. Ellak, King of Huns [10] 453-456 [possibly the father of Aella ofSussex & Alesa of Wessex]

e. Dengizec, King of Huns [12] 457-469, the father of Oulibus (d469)

f. Sengilac, the father of Sunigila (daughter), wife of Odovacar, aTeutonic chieftain, conquered the Roman Empire & became King of Italy476-493

k. Bel-Kermek (475), father of Djurash "Masgut" (498/499), father ofTatra (Baltavar) (550s), father of Boyan-Chelbir (d590), father ofTubdjak, King of Magna-Bulgaria (620), father of (a) Bu-Yurgan (Organas)& (b) Alburi (d632), father of Kubrat, 1st King of Bulgaria 632-651[note: Kubrat is called the "son" of Organus in one source, and calledhis "nephew" in another source, as the son of his brother, Alburi]

Ellak, King of Huns [10] 453-456 [possibly the father of Aella ofSussex & Alesa of Wessex]

↑ what absolute rubbish


Below are several versions (all of which are probably "legendary" & unproven) of a descent from Attila the Hun, I personally prefer the 1st one by David Hughes.

David Hughes, in a post to SGM, 18 Feb 2003, gives three different descents from Attilla the Hun (the Tsars of Bulgaria, The Kings of Hungary, and Charlemagne); all three are "rumoured" to have descents, according to several postings on SGM, but David gives the most reasonable-seeming full descents (unfortunately David does not indicate his sources, caveat emptor):

"Attila's many children and relatives are known by name and some even by deeds, but soon valid genealogical sources all but dried up, and there seems to be no verifiable way to trace Attila's descendants."

According to the Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans, a ruler named Irnik was a leader of the Bulgars for 150 years and his reign began approximately in 453 AD. Some historians consider Ernakh and Irnik to have been the same person.
According to Procopius and the Utigur khan Sandilch, Ernakh had two sons:
"one called Utigur and another called Kutrigur. After their father's death they shared the power and gave their names to the subjected peoples, so that even nowadays some of them are called Utigurs and the others - Kutrigurs." [1]
In 486 and 488 Ernakh led the Bulgars as allies of Byzantium (and later as allies of the Gepids) against the Goths of Theodoric, but was defeated.

(This is from an ancestry tree somewhere citing an earlier Wikipedia page than current)

Re what absolute rubbish

Yes, the Huns made it to Britain !! ;)

[1] Patrick Amory, _People and Identity in Ostrogothic Italy, 489-554_ (Cambridge: The University Press, 1997).

Ok here is Hughes descent from Ernak!topic/soc.genealogy.medieval/fg...

l. Ernak [called Attila's "youngest son"], King of Huns [13] 469-476
m. Escam (Ascama) (daughter), wife of Ardaric, a Gepidae chief/king
issue of Ernak [13] (above) were
a. Gordas, King of Huns [14] 493-527
b. Dullo (Dubla)
c. Zeliorbes, King of Huns [15] 530s, wars vs. Justinian The Great
d. Chaba (Chola) (530), father of Edus (Elus) (560), father of Kadiha
(590), father of Chazew (620), father of Kulchug (650), father of Edur
(680), father of Vegerus (Vegecus) (710), father of Elendus (740),
father of Avarius (770), father of Venedobel (800), father of Ogyek
(830), father of Almos (860), father of Arpad, 1st King of Hungary

i detached all the nonsense and left him with his 3 kids by Kraka.

two other children mentioned in Nibelungenlied saga

This is probably the easiest to cut and paste from.

I don’t think the posters on soc gen med believe the connections. Especially the one back 102 gens in China

Yay Jason Scott Wills you are my hero !

fl 457 Tuldila A Hun in the Roman army of Majorian.

not son of Attila

Sweet, I almost believe this

Attila the Hun, "Scourge of God", 59th King of the Huns is your 47th great grandfather's wife's father's wife's daughter's fiancé.

Jason Attila’s family looks right, the three sons we know of. Thank you.

When the Attila, the great leader of the Huns died an untimely death the tribes that made up the Hun nation found themselves at war with the Germanic tribes of the empire as fierce battles were fought to decide the future leadership of the empire. Attila had many wives from many different tribes and races and he had fathered many sons. Although everyone expected one of his sons to rule the question was which one?

After much conflict and the shedding of much blood two main contenders emerged: Aladár, whose mother had been a princess from a powerful German tribe and Csaba whose mother was the daughter of the emperor of Greece. .....


I’d tag {Mythological}

How do i go from this two days ago :


→ Frances Mary (Dymock) CHRISTOPHE
your mother → Peter Mervyn DYMOCK
her father → Jasper Thomas DYMOCK
his father → Thomas DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → John DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → John DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → Edward DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → Edward DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → John DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → William DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → Edward DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → Edward DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → William DYMOCK/ DYMOKE
his father → Edward DYMOCK, of Willington & Penley
his father → Randle (Dymocke) DYMOCK
his father → Annes BRERETON
his mother → Randle BRERETON, of Ipstone and Malpas
her father → Alice DE IPSTONE
his mother → Maud (Matilda) DE SWYNNERTON
her mother → Elizabeth (Beke) SWYNNERTON
her mother → Jane DE STAFFORD, Baroness of Cherleton
her mother → Margaret DE AUDLEY, Countess of Stafford
her mother → Margaret de Clare, Countess of Gloucester
her mother → Joan of Acre
her mother → Edward I "Longshanks", King of England
her father → Éléonore DE ORLÉANS, Reine Consort d'Angleterre
his mother → Ramón Berenguer DE ORLÉANS, IV
her father → Alfonso The Chaste DE ORLÉANS, conde de Provenza
his father → Sancha of Castile
his mother → Richeza OF POLAND, Queen of Castile and León
her mother → Vladislav II "The Exiled", High Duke of Poland
her father → Boleslaus III "The Wry-mouthed"
his father → Judith of Bohemia
his mother → ÁRPÁD(házi) Adelaida, princess of Hungary
her mother → King of Hungary Andrew the White (Hungarian nobleman) "THE CATHOLIC", I
her father → ÁRPÁD(házi) Vazul
his father → ÁRPÁD(házi) Mihály
his father → ÁRPÁD(házi) Taksony, Grand Prince of Hungary
his father → ÁRPÁD(házi) Zoltán - Zsolt -Zaltas, Prince of Hungary
his father → Árpád vezér / Grand Prince of Magyars, a magyar ÁRPÁD-ház névadója, a 'Honfoglaló'
his father → Álmos, magyar vezér, (Árpád apja / father of Árpád); Chief of the Magyars
his father → Emese, Princess of Magyars, Álmos anyja - Mother of Álmos
his mother → Venedobel - Őnedbelia Chief of the Magyars / a magyarok vezére
her father → Avarius, Chief of the Magyars
his father → Chief Elendus (Magyar) OF THE HUNS (MAGYARS), Chief
his father → Vegerus - Vegecus Chief of the Huns - Magyars
his father → Chief Edur OF THE HUNS (MAGYARS), Chief
his father → King Kulchug Chief of the (Magyars) MAGYAR
his father → Chazew
his father → Chief Kadiha -Kudiha OF THE HUNS - MAGYARS?, Chief
his father → Chief Edus I, Chief of the Huns/Magyars
his father → Prince Chaba Chola OF THE HUNS, Prince of the Huns
his father → Ernak, King of Huns
his father → Attila the Hun, "Scourge of God", 59th King of the Huns
his father

to this today ? What was the problem ?

Justin where is Attilas ancestry recorded? Jordanes?

souce of this legend?
There is also a medieval legend of a lineage that makes Attila the sixth-generation ancestor of Árpád conqueror of the modern Pannonian basin, through Attila's son Csaba, his son Ed, his son Ügyek, his son Előd, his son Álmos. Álmos was ruler of the Magyars and the father of Arpad

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