Ramses II is still going strong and Attila is my childrens 50th great grandfather - surprise or joke?

Started by (No Name) on Thursday, May 31, 2018
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5/31/2018 at 4:56 PM

Righteous rant Gerhard.:)

This explains the “removed” terminology.


We are working hard to clean up & source the tree, but can only do it one profile at a time.

I’m sure your sourcing efforts will bear fruit. I know mine have.

6/1/2018 at 7:29 AM

Gerhard, notice the connection goes through Justa Grata Honoria Augusta, whom Geni calls a fiancee of Attila. I think that might be overstating the connection.


I've often thought we could cut that connection without doing harm to the historical reality, but it's an interesting episode in European history anyway.

These chains of lateral connections aren't really so unusual. Connected through someone who married someone whose relative married someone whose relative married someone. Geni sometimes gets them wrong, but more often they're right.

For example, Sir Anthony Wager (Garter King of Arms) pointed out that Henry III of England in his own lifetime was connected by a chain of marriages among only 8 of his contemporaries to Kubla Khan in China. Ref: Pedigree and Progress (1975), Pedigree 44 "Atlantic to Pacific, 1274".

And in fact, this "cloud madness" is the foundation of Geni. All genealogies are ultimately interlinked with the whole human family.

Private User
6/1/2018 at 12:26 PM

Nowadays we call this "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon". :-D

6/1/2018 at 6:39 PM

My aunt was an associate producer on a (B grade) movie which stared Kevin. One degree!

6/1/2018 at 8:03 PM

So all the rest of us get to claim two degrees because we know you?

6/1/2018 at 8:06 PM

Oh, yay!

My former stepson went to college with somebody who was an extra in something or other Mr. Bacon was in.

Alex cuts my degrees WAY down.

6/1/2018 at 8:30 PM
6/1/2018 at 8:33 PM

Kevin Bacon is Attila the Hun, "Scourge of God", 59th King of the Huns' fiancée's mother's husband's daughter's husband's 45th great grandson.


Private User
6/1/2018 at 8:44 PM

I am now singing the intro to Footloose...ha ha ;)

Private User
6/1/2018 at 8:46 PM
6/2/2018 at 1:45 AM

some thing is wrong here I think .... where do I fix it ??????

Ramses II 'The Great', Pharaoh of Egypt is your 32nd great grandmother's ex-husband's second great grandmother's husband's 37th great grandfather's wife's daughter's husband's wife's father's wife's uncle's wife's third great grandfather's wife's 11th great grandfather.

6/2/2018 at 7:00 AM

Colleen, this is the kind of path to Ramses II most of us would have. Not a descent from him, but a complicated series of in-law connections. Is there a particular link you think is wrong?

6/5/2018 at 8:22 PM

hi Justin ... I couldnt understand the path way at all ... but now I have looked at it in depth I am not going to bother looking any further.... way to complicated for this rookie .... so many paths to so many people change ......you never know what is right or wrong.... one time they are a grandparent and next they arent ... I understand its because people are fixing pathways and one cant be 100% sure about ancestors .. it just gets so frustrating ... you think you have it and next week you dont..... still it gives me something to do .... thanks for your help .....

6/5/2018 at 9:28 PM

As long as you're not a direct descendant, you don't have anything to worry about ;)

3/22/2019 at 5:06 AM

Newbie here, I have read to test the tree, I am linked to Ramses II Ramesses II 'The Great', Pharaoh of Egypt Who remove these links or can help me remove them. I use Geni as a way to learn more about my family history.

Private User
3/24/2019 at 7:06 AM

If yo don't like him, just ignore him. You don't *have* to explore the whole tree unless you really want to. You can concentrate on the nearer branches and leave the top ones be.

Hi Nadia Chantalé Stander (Cohen)
I had a look at your link to Ramses and you are connected to him via a series of marriages rather than a blood direct connection (you can see these as different colours in the path)

I think the issue is that he should not have any living descendants.

So your connection to him isn't necessarily a problem.

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