Claus Ritter - Father?

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 22, 2018
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Private User
5/22/2018 at 11:36 AM

How come, that the father of Claus Ritter is currently according to Geni Andreas Ruthven from Scotland, but according to the "Frälsesläkter i Finland intill stora ofreden" ("Frälse" being an archaic Swedish term for nobility, "Stora ofreden" referring to the happenings in Finland during the Great Northern War, so translating to "Noble families in Finland until the Great Northern War) he was son to Johan Ritter from Bavaria?

1/7/2019 at 10:55 AM

I have the same question as Patrick Uotinen.

I can see that the father of Claus Ritter is Johann Ritter according to the book: Genealogisches Handbuch der estländischen Ritterschaft, Bd.: 1, Görlitz, [1931].

And according to the book "Frälsesläkter i Finland intill stora ofreden" Johann Ritter is married to Anna von Steinau, and they are parents to Claus Ritter.

1/7/2019 at 3:45 PM

As I also follow these links without any knowledge myself. And I think much of this research is written in Finnish. However, I think the answer to why is written in: Priha, Seppo, Ridder-Ruthven-suvusta. 1995:59-64, 96. From this document there is a trail involving research from Ossian Mesterton. In another discussion online there is a mention that Claus Ritter is also named Rydwen. This name is assumed to be the same as Ruthven in documents regarding these Scots in Finland and Sweden.

1/8/2019 at 4:30 AM

Thanks Robert Fredrik Thorén, at least I know now that there has been a discussion about this.

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