The Real McMoytoy -- Standing-Up!

Started by Timothy Lavon Mitchell-Jones on Wednesday, May 16, 2018
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Showing 61-79 of 79 posts

Could these folks be descendants of Jolly Watts??? DNA Matches?

Terry Watts
Age: 20's
From: USA

DNA Match quality
Medium confidence
Shared DNA
0.3% (21.6‎ cM)
Shared segments
Largest segment
21.6‎ cM
Estimated relationships
3rd cousin - distant cousin

Family tree details

Terry Watts appears in a family tree with 10 people that he manages
View treeReview DNA Match

Mikeesha Watts
Age: 20 or below
DNA managed by Faye Wildcat

DNA Match quality
Medium confidence
Shared DNA
0.2% (16.4‎ cM)
Shared segments
Largest segment
16.4‎ cM
Estimated relationships
3rd cousin - distant cousin

Family tree details

Mikeesha Watts appears in a family tree with 3 people, managed by Faye Wildcat from USA
View treeReview DNA Match

david watts
Age: 60's
From: Great Britain

DNA Match quality
Low confidence
Shared DNA
0.2% (14.2‎ cM)
Shared segments
Largest segment
14.2‎ cM

Watts - Watts - Kennedy - Moak - Moak - Anderson - Watts

Tree surnames on the first listing above...

Wow, I guess I know where the G2 / J2 haplogroups come from... I just found this...

STEWART (royal) Family Web Site
0 pending matches from the STEWARTofSC Family Tree managed by William Hamilton STEWART (Bonkyll branch) @ from USA Contact


Kathryn Forbes, I'm trying to construct the tree based on your above comments. I've cut Samuel Chambers' branch off and started his own tree, with siblings Jack, George, William, Jane and Tookah Chambers. Wife Nancy (d 1856) and children William, John, Eliza, George, Elizabeth, Anderson, Lorenzo, Clementine, Jane and Ruth.

Good so far?


1) were the family members of Samuel, John and Ginny named in the 1829 application?

2) Was Samuel's wife Nancy listed in the Old Settler's roll in 1851 Flint District?

3) Was William listed in the 1851 Old Settler's roll in Flint District?

4) What year did Lorenzo file the Eastern Cherokee application? Did he name any children with first wife Lydia Faulkner?

5) I've left Samuel's parents as NN (Unknown) since you don't indicate--do you know who his parents were?


Timothy, *please* (for my sanity, here!) try to stay focused on one family and decade or generation at a time. You are flying all over the map and bouncing your angel wings off the imaginative celestial walls ;^). Let's leave the DNA aside for now until we get as much built from proven facts as we can. Okay? We are NOT trying to connect to royalty here and now. We are looking at families in the mid-1800s in NC, GA and OK. Focus.

I'm a college professor. I totally get it. Kathryn and I are likely to become your favorite Geni professors... if you can just sit still and listen and focus on the problem at hand instead of chasing DNA butterflies!! They will still be there later. They are not going anywhere. Believe me. <smile>

Was Samuel's wife named "Nancy Jordan"....or "Nancy Nabours"...... or c., none of the above?

Dear William,

I thought I'd send this as well to show the paternal Y DNA lineage.

1. <private> Jones
2. William Jones b. 1872; d. 1950
3. Benjamin Jones b. 1846
4. Isaac Newton Jones b. 1821, Morgan County, Kentucky, United States; d. July 27, 1882, Rowan County, Kentucky, United States
5. William Robert Jones b. October 23, 1785, Virginia, United States; d. May 14, 1852, Carter County, Kentucky, United States
6. Ambrose Jones b. August 10, 1756, Augusta County, Virginia; d. June 12, 1833, Malone, Morgan County, Kentucky, United States
7. Ambrose Jones, Sr. b. 1717, Caroline County, Province of Virginia; d. January 23, 1792, Granville County, North Carolina, United States
8. Robert Jones, of Mecklenburg b. circa 1695, Virginia
9. Richard Jones, of Mecklenburg b. circa 1660
10. Thomas Jones, of Mecklenburg b. 1645; d. 1691

Below is the Y DNA line -- Which I presume connects to the Stewart SC Royal Line: If I am assuming correctly.

Jane and Henrietta Stuart / Stewart are also direct lineal Ancestors, with Wilson, Smith, Taylor and many others.

Also included is MRCA Lady Margaret Home - Stuart - Mother of Archibald Moses Stuart, who is the father of Janet Jean Stuart - Craig, who is the mother of Robert Craig, who is the father of William Daniel Craig, whose daughter Martha Craig married a Jones -- see below.

I haven't researched past Thomas yet, but when you consider my haplogroup, I think we can figure-out that later. I have Allen, Craig, McDaniel, Jones, Taylor the last two are on both sides -- and also Edge = Cader Age / Edge is the contact for Stewart SC royal connection -- I suspect it to be the Jones line -- since this is the only unbroken Y DNA line down to me.

Thomas Jones 1630-1704

Robert Jones 1690-???

Ambrose Jones 1716-1792

Ambrose Jones 1785-1852
(Married Martha Craig = Martha's Father is William Daniel Craig 1745-1829)

William Jones 1785-1808
(William Jones' mother is Mary Harris Allen - Jones 1763-1820)

Isaac Newton Jones 1821-1882

James Jones 1858-1920

Lewis J. "Babe" Jones 1882-1948

John Earl Jones 1945-1978

Timothy Carl Jones 1965 - Still living
Aka Timothy Lavon Mitchell - Jones

My Haplogroup Y is M-269 R-P 312 / S116
Haplogroup A, K, T, and also have G2 and J2 Ancestral Alelles.

I'm reasonably sure of the information here.


Timothy Carl Jones

Is all related... :) Erica Howton where are you? lol

It's tough when you are literally related to half of the known universe... Now you know my dilemma -- When everyone is a 7th, 8th, and 9th cousin...

I'm serious -- have you ever seen anything like this below???

You are connected to 121,611,652 people on Geni. About privacy.
Family Tree 180
Blood Relatives 10,000
Ancestors 10,000

I'm clocking out for today -- sorry to be such a maniac lol. But that's just me...

Thomas Jones 1630-1704

I need to see a Geni profile to comment. Preferably a sourced master profile.

I will note that Jones is (very generally speaking) a welsh name, not a Scots. No Stewart tyrants that way. Look at the bloodthirsty Tudors instead. You won't find it, because every royal descendant is known.

These are the known arrivers who can be traced back.

Guess that will keep me busy for a little while....first 2 I clicked on shows Thomas Booth - 3rd cousin, 10x remove....Martha Jones - 8th cousin, 8x removed....will be interesting to look at all of them.

We know very little about Samuel Chambers' family.

Regarding Pam's questions:

1) Only the heads of household, where they lived, and the number of people in their group (with blacks counted separately) appear on the Emigration Roll

2) Samuel's wife Nancy was not named on the Old Settler Roll. Reason unknown. Lorenzo is not on that roll and his Dawes card says he was born in 1852. It may mean that Nancy was white, it may mean that Nancy was dead and Lorenzo not listed. Lorenzo gave her father's name as "Sam Jordan" on his Eastern App. There were two families named Jordan living near the Chambers' in Georgia but no way to connect "Nancy" to anyone.

3) William was listed in Flint next to Samuel and his children, so it's reasonable to assume this was Samuel's son.

4) Eastern App was filed in January, 1907. He had no children with either wife. The family died out with him.

5) There is nothing to connect Samuel with any parents.

Lorenzo gave the following dates for his siblings in his Eastern app:

Elizabeth died 1862
William died 1873
John died 1859
Anderson died between 1861-65
Eliza died 1859

From his Dawes app we know that second wife Elsie's maiden name was Usery. She was born about 1862, they were married about 1884.

The parents of the adopted children were a man named French Christie and his wife, born Lucinda Grimmett. Lorenzo said the children were first cousins to both him and his wife; to him on his mother's side. Lorenzo listed a "William Grimmet" as one of his father's siblings, so it's probable that Lucinda was Lorenzo's first cousin and the children first cousins once removed. The boys grandmother was listed as Elizabeth Rooster on the Old Settler Roll, but she had children named Grimmet. A possible scenario is that the "William Grimmet" listed as Samuel's sibling was actually the husband of Samuel's sister.

Got a treat for y'all -- and I'm sure in my Sargasso Sea of relatives, you'll each find something of value, perhaps?

Either way, ENJOY!

Thanks friends and family!

Well, I clicked on every one of those Proven Royal Descent profiles, and it shows that I am blood to all but 7. I know geni shows the shortest path, so the 7 may still be direct blood. Mary Warner - 9th great grandmother, George Reade - 9th great grandfather. What I can't figure out, is why aint I sitting on a balcony somewhere....overlooking my vineyards....sipping my tea, with my pinky pointed towards the heavens? Do I at least get a free coupon from McDonalds so I can go drink a cup of coffee with Lloyd?

Also, I did notice something....aren't these two profiles showing the same profile photo ......did he live a double life?

Sir Samuel Argall

Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr

Argall appears to have West's portrait attached incorrectly.

I see Nathan W. Murphy as the reference author of many of these sources on the Southern Gateway Ancestors link. He is a close cousin of mine. His father David and I have visited and trekked through a lot of weedy cemeteries around Central City KY where their family is from. David's mother is a Doss and I believe he is also a paternal Doss on up his Murphy tree a few generations. A "Double Doss" so to speak in "hillbilly" terminology, common occurrence down in KY.

I sent him a message to see if I can continue his tree on Geni which isn't done beyond himself in 2012. Perhaps because he is an guru...

Showing 61-79 of 79 posts

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