Yo no entiendo algo. Aquí tienen muchos perfiles malos y los bloquean para que nadie los arregle. Ouzenda Orlanda Trastamires es mi ancestra y es otro perfil que no puedo arreglar y erróneamente le pusieron como nombre Mór Rendulfes. Aboazar (Abú Nazar) Lovesendes era hijo de Lovesendo Ramires pero no les importa partirme el árbol y desconectarlo. Recordemos que los hijos se ponían como apellido el nombre del padre y le agregaban -es en el idioma portugués y normalmente -ez en el español.
También quiero corregir un perfil bloqueado donde por grave error le ponen Mór Rendulfes (aunque le ponen Rendufe o Rendulfe porque ni el apellido le saben escribir). Este perfil no corresponde a Mor, corresponde a Ouzenda Orlanda Trastamires, quien también es citada como Hermigiz (hija de Trastamiro Hermigio Alboazar) y a veces también como Alboazar. Los curadores de esta cuenta la tienen bloqueada y no permiten correcciones.
I see know one has responded to José David Mora Benavides.
here is his above posts in English for the people who may not know what he is saying:
Yes, it is a problem where they do not want to put the ancestors to this Mr. Abu Nazar (or Aboazar) Lovesendes. Here they dare to cut the trees to one.
I also want to correct a blocked profile where, due to a serious mistake, Mór Rendulfes (although they give him Rendufe or Rendulfe because his last name does not know how to write). This profile does not correspond to Mor, corresponds to Ouzenda Orlanda Trastamires, who is also cited as Hermigiz (daughter of Trastamiro Hermigio Alboazar) and sometimes also as Alboazar. The curators of this account have it blocked and do not allow corrections.
Is this the profile? Mór Rendufe
Without the link it is unlikely someone with knowledge of this area will see the question.
I'm struggling to help but not getting information.
Without links, I have to do a search.
I find this profile Mór Rendufe but it must be the wrong one because this one is not locked.
And I find this profile Mór Randulfes but it set to Private. And the person who controls it and is asking for the merge also says (above) that it is incorrect.
It's hard to help if people aren't clear about what they want.
These person is Lucía Pilla, Brazilian curator. I have that profile as private for don't been fusioned. But there other profile with the name of Mór as daughter of Trastamiro (Trastamiro Hermigio as complete name and Alboazar as last name). In change, the true Mór is daughter of Rendulfo De Soleima and of Aixa (Aisha) Marinha Uzbertiz.