Michiel de Savoye - Sources?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, April 27, 2018
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What are the Sources that validate this profile's existence?

See Note on profile:
"In 1484 Jacques of Savoy married Marie de Luxembourg (1462–1546), granddaughter of Louis of Luxembourg-Saint-Pol, Count of Saint-Pol. They had one child, Françoise Louise of Savoy (1485–1511). She married Henry III of Nassau-Breda but died without issue.

No Mention of this child in any documents... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_of_Savoy,_Count_of_Romont http://www.genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00027510&tre...

No Mention of this child in any documents... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_of_Savoy,_Count_of_Romont"

Not a source but I wonder if it came from here

Try the following research http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAVOY.htm#_ftnref870
The above is from the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy.
Search for 18. MICHELE bâtard de Savoie . Apostolic protonotary.

What is currently unknown is if Michele / Micheal or Michiel had any children. The house of Savoy had numerous illegitimate children

PHILIPPE de Savoie, son of LOUIS Duke of Savoy & his wife Anne Pss of Cyprus (Chambéry 5 Feb 1438-Turin 7 Nov 1497). Comte de Baugé. Grand Chamberlain and Grand-Maître de France. Comte de Bresse. The testament of "Filippo di Savoia Conte di Bauge, Signore di Bressa, figlio del fu Duca Ludovico" dated 26 Jun 1482 specified his burial "nella Chiesa di Brouz vicino alla Città di Borgo in Bressa" and made bequests to "Luisa sua figlia…a Margarita di Bourbon sua consorte…al di lui figlio secundo Genito [not then born]...il paese di Bressa…Filiberto suo figlio Primogenito"[892]. The testament of "Filippo di Savoia Conte di Bauge, Signore di Bressa, figlio del fu Duca Ludovico di Savoia" dated 18 Dec 1490 chose his burial "nella Chiesa di Brouz preso della Città di Borgo in Bressa" and made bequests to "Luisa sua figlia Dama d'Angouleme…a Carlo suo Secundogenito...a Lodovico altro figlio suo…alla Dama Claudia sua Consorte…Filiberto suo figlio Primogenito"[893]. He succeeded his great nephew in 1496 as PHILIPPE I "Senza Terra" Duke of Savoy.

m firstly (contract Tours 6 Jan 1472, in person Moulins, Allier 6 Apr 1472) MARGUERITE de Bourbon, daughter of CHARLES I Duc de Bourbon et d'Auvergne & his wife Agnès de Bourgogne [Valois] (-Château de Pont d'Ain 24 Apr 1483, bur Brou, église Notre-Dame). The testament of "Filippo di Savoia Conte di Bauge, Signore di Bressa, figlio del fu Duca Ludovico" dated 26 Jun 1482 made bequests to "...Margarita di Bourbon sua consorte…"[894].

m secondly (contract 11 Nov 1485[895]) CLAUDINE de Brosse, daughter of JEAN de Brosse Comte de Penthièvre & his wife Nicole de Blois-Châtillon Ctss de Penthièvre ([1450]-Chambéry 13 Oct 1513). The testament of "Filippo di Savoia Conte di Bauge, Signore di Bressa, figlio del fu Duca Ludovico di Savoia" dated 18 Dec 1490 made bequests "…alla Dama Claudia sua Consorte…"[896].

Mistress (1): LIBERA Portoneria, daughter of ---.

Mistress (2): BONA di Romagnano, daughter of ---.

Duke Philippe I & his first wife had four children:

1. [son] de Savoie ([13 Aug 1475]).

2. LOUISE de Savoie (Château de Pont d'Ain, Ain 11 Sep 1476-manoir de Grez-sur-Loing, Gâtinais, Seine-et-Marne 22 Sep 1531, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). The testament of "Filippo di Savoia Conte di Bauge, Signore di Bressa, figlio del fu Duca Ludovico" dated 26 Jun 1482 made bequests to "Luisa sua figlia…"[897]. The testament of "Filippo di Savoia Conte di Bauge, Signore di Bressa, figlio del fu Duca Ludovico di Savoia" dated 18 Dec 1490 made bequests to "Luisa sua figlia Dama d'Angouleme…"[898]. After the accession of her son in 1515 as François I King of France, she used the title "Madame". She was created Duchesse de Bourbon for life by her son 30 Jun 1528 (registered 11 Aug), after the death of Charles III Duc de Bourbon in 1527. After her death, the king declared her assets united with the crown in Jan 1532, representing the final stage in the disputed inheritance of the duchy of Bourbon which had lasted for nearly 50 years. m (contract Paris 16 Feb 1488) CHARLES de Valois Comte d'Angoulême, son of JEAN d'Orléans Comte d'Angoulême & his wife Marguerite de Rohan (1459-Châteauneuf-en-Angoûmois, Charente 1 Jan 1496, bur Angoulême Cathédrale Saint-Pierre).

3. JEROME de Savoie (16 Mar 1478-before 31 Dec 1478).

4. PHILIBERT de Savoie (Pont d'Ain 10 Apr 1480-Pont d'Ain 10 Sep 1504). The testament of "Filippo di Savoia Conte di Bauge, Signore di Bressa, figlio del fu Duca Ludovico" dated 26 Jun 1482 made bequests to "...Filiberto suo figlio Primogenito"[899]. The testament of "Filippo di Savoia Conte di Bauge, Signore di Bressa, figlio del fu Duca Ludovico di Savoia" dated 18 Dec 1490 made bequests to "…Filiberto suo figlio Primogenito"[900]. He succeeded his father in 1497 as PHILIBERT II "le Beau" Duke of Savoy. Betrothed (contract 12 May 1496) to his cousin, YOLANDE LOUISE de Savoie, daughter of CHARLES I Duke of Savoy & his wife Bianca di Monferrato (Turin 2 Jul 1487-Geneva 13 Sep 1499). The contract of marriage between "Filiberto di Savoia Principe di Piemonte figlio primogenito di Filippo di Savoia" and "Violant Louisa di Savoia figlia di Carlo I Duca di Savoia e di Bianca di Monferrato" is dated 12 May 1496[901]. m secondly (Romainmôtier, Vaud 2 Dec 1501) as her second husband, MARGARETA Adss of Austria, widow of Infante don JUAN de Castilla y Aragón Principe de Asturias, daughter of MAXIMILIAN I King of the Romans Archduke of Austria [later Emperor] & his first wife Marie Dss of Burgundy [Valois] (Brussels 10 Jan 1480-Mechelen 1 Dec 1530, bur Brou near Bourg-en-Bresse). Stadhouderin of the Netherlands 1507-1515, and 1518-1530.

Duke Philippe I & his second wife had six children:

5. CHARLES de Savoie (Chazey 14 Oct 1486-Vercelli 17 Aug 1553). He succeeded his brother 1504 as CHARLES III "le Bon" Duke of Savoy. Conte d'Asti 1531.

- see below.

6. LOUIS de Savoie (1488-1502). The testament of "Filippo di Savoia Conte di Bauge, Signore di Bressa, figlio del fu Duca Ludovico di Savoia" dated 18 Dec 1490 made bequests to "...Lodovico altro figlio suo…"[902]. Prior at Gran San Bernardo.

7. PHILIPPE de Savoie (1490-Marseille 25 Nov 1533, bur Notre-Dame d´Annecy). Prior at Gran San Bernardo. Bishop of Geneva 1495-1509, resigned. Baron de Faucigny, Marchese di Saluzzo, Comte de Genève 1514. [Duc de Nemours].


8. ABSALON de Savoie (b and d 1494).

9. JEAN AMEDEE de Savoie (b and d 1495).

10. PHILIBERTE de Savoie (posthumously early 1498-Virieu 4 Apr 1524). Heiress of Nemours. m (25 Jan 1515, 22 Feb 1515) GIULIANO de’ Medici, son of LORENZO [I] "il Magnifico" de´ Medici & his [second] wife Clarice Orsini (Florence 12 Mar 1479-Florence 17 Mar 1516). Duc de Nemours 1515.

Duke Philippe I had three illegitimate children by Mistress (1):

11. RENE bâtard de Savoie (1468-killed in battle Padua 31 Mar 1525). Seigneur de Villars-en-Bresse "le Grand Bâtard de Savoie". Governor of Nice. French Governor of Provence.


12. ANTOINETTE bâtarde de Savoie (-1500). m (early 1487) as his first wife, JEAN Grimaldi, son of LAMBERT Grimaldi co-Seigneur d’Antibes et de Menton & his wife Claudine Grimaldi Signora di Monaco (1468-murdered Menton 10/11 Oct 1505). He succeeded his father in 1494 as JEAN Seigneur de Monaco.

13. PIERRE bâtard de Savoie . Bishop of Geneva.

Duke Philippe I had five illegitimate children by Mistress (2):

14. PHILIPPINE bâtarde de Savoie . [m [as his first wife,] LORENZO de Medici "il Magnifico" [“dominus” of the Republic of Florence], son of PIERO “il Gottoso” de’ Medici [“dominus” of the Republic of Florence] & his wife Lucrezia Tornabuoni Gonfaloniere of Florence (Florence 1 Jan 1449-Villa di Carregi 8 April 1492).]

15. CLAUDINE bâtarde de Savoie (-2 May 1528). m (contract 4 Sep 1514) as his second wife, JAKOB [III] van Horne, son of JAKOB [II] Graaf van Horne & his second wife Jeanne de Gruithuse (-5 Aug 1531).

16. MARGHERITA bâtarde de Savoie . m FERIDO Costa di Chieri Conte d'Arignano [FERIOLO Signore di Polonghera], son of ---.

17. GIOVANNA bâtarde de Savoie .

18. MICHELE bâtard de Savoie . Apostolic protonotary.

We do not know the exact date on which Michel de Savoie becomes prior commendatory of the Abbey of Romainmôtier. He took possession of this important ecclesiastical benefit between November 4, 1490, when Jacques d'Amboise, abbot of Cluny, invested Claude de Livron, his predecessor in this profit4, and August 31, 1492 when he replies, from Turin, in this quality, to a supplication that the dependents of the abbey sent him about the tax on alms5.

Bishop of Sisteron
The concordat of Bologna of 1516, between Francis I and Leo X definitively deprived the cathedral chapters of the most important of their prerogatives, that of electing the bishops. This act with the court of Rome attributes this right to the king, except the confirmation and the canonical investiture by the Holy See. The appointment of Michel de Savoie is the first application to Sisteron of this new rule. Francis I presented to Pope Leo X, Michael of Savoy, to fill the episcopal seat that the death of Claude Louvain left vacant, and the Holy See agrees, August 14, 1520.

In 1521, Michel de Savoie was appointed by Francis I to succeed on the siege of Beauvais to Louis de Villiers of L'Isle-Adam, deceased. His recommendation for this siege was even held in a consistory held by Pope Leo X, a few days before his death on December 1, 1521. Bubbles were not sent to him as a result of the vacancy of the Holy See, and his appointment to the seat de Beauvais remained without effect. Michael of Savoy dies, at the moment when Adrian VI, successor of Leo X, will confirm his translation.

We do not know exactly the date of his death. Nevertheless, Francois1 the announcement at the chapter of Beauvais in a letter dated Compiegne, November 28, 1521.

The canons of the two chapters of Sisteron and Forcalquier meet on December 30, 1522 to appoint his successor. Their choice is Claude d'Aussonville whose election is confirmed by Pope Clement VII7.
Date Event Title
12 Sep 1520 Appointed Bishop of Sisteron, France
2 Oct 1521 Appointed Bishop of Beauvais, France
1522¹ Died Bishop of Beauvais, France

Note(s): ¹ Year Uncertain

Michel de Savoie was Archdeacon of Angers and Sacristan in the Chapter of the Co-Cathedral of Nôtre-Dame de Forcalquier. He was nominated by King Francis I of France and approved (preconised) by Pope Clement VII on 20 September 1520. He was promoted to the diocese of Beauvais on 2 October 1521. He died in December 1522. Michel de Savoie was never enthroned at Beauvais. Albanés, pp. 760-762. Eubel, III, p. 131, note 3; 301.
Thus Michel Bishop of Beauvais, France Death Dec 1 1522

His Mother : Extracted from the French Bastards de Savoie
The second woman whom Philippe SansTerre loved also came from Carignano: it was Bona, from the family of the Marquis de Romagnano, one of the oldest families of the noble aristocracy, descendant of public officials of the Kingdom of Italy

The Romagnano castle of Virle Piemonte, of medieval origin, partly rebuilt in the early eighteenth century, stands in the Piedmont countryside, about 20 km from the city of Turin, stronghold of the House of de Savoie.
It bears the name of the most important family that owned it until the early nineteenth century, the Marquis of Romagnano

Michiel de Savoye is the correct spelling

So the problem is that we have no sources for Michel / Michiel as a parent of Claude de Savoye.

That is correct. What is clear is that this family had many children out of wedlock!

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