Tegid ap Caed - Lineage of King Arthur / Morgause (anna) thru Tegid ap Swair, Aclwn ap Tegid ??? why changed

Started by Susan Lynne Schwenger on Tuesday, April 17, 2018
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4/17/2018 at 2:14 PM

his father → Alcwn ap Tegid
his father → Tegid ap Gwair
his father → Morgause (Anna)
his mother → Uther ap Custennyn, King of Britons
her father

Uther Pendragon "The Head Dragon" ap Custennyn, King of Britons MP
Place of Burial: Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England
Birth: circa 430
Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, England
Death: circa 496 (66)
Cornwall, England
Immediate Family:
Son of Constantine ap Selyfan, King of Britain and Ivoire ferch Llancelod
Husband of Igerna ferch Amlawdd, of Dumnonia
Father of Gania de Cornouaille; Elen d'Anaumide; Arthwyr ap Uthyr, High King of Britain; Morgause (Anna); Madog ap Uthyr and 4 others
Brother of Constans ap Custennin; Aurelianus Ambrosius and Alda verch Constantine
Added by: Holly Peterson on January 24, 2008
Managed by: Norris Dean Siebert and 30 others
Curated by: Catherine "Erin" Spiceland

Private User
4/17/2018 at 5:20 PM

Somebody made some stuff up. When you find a Welshman called X ap Y, his father's name is *always* Y. Not A, not Z. "Ap" means "son of". (So does "ab", used before vowels; and so does "map/mab", which was an older formation.)

As for King Arthur, we have five or six of him - all Fictional. This looks like "Welsh Tradition Arthur", with some later additions.

Tegid actually seems to be a descendant of Llywarch Hen ('Llywarch the Old'), 6th century Welsh prince, poet, and horndog. And *his* line traces back to Coel Hen - "Old King Cole" of the nursery rhyme. (Coel probably didn't smoke a pipe, tobacco being unknown in his day, but he would have had a flowing mead bowl and a roster of bards. He was reputed to be very generous with his hospitality.)

I detect the fine touch of Anne Brannen on this line. She usually knows her stuff.

4/17/2018 at 7:25 PM

I have found most of the Arthur lines, but not this one, I think, or it would say what text it’s from..

Will be fixing this in the morning, doncha know.

4/17/2018 at 7:32 PM

Here is Uther ap,Custennyn, though his name is spelled differently. This is actually from a later text, Geoffrey’s:

Uther Pendragon, King Arthur's Father, Geoffrey of Monmouth Text

4/17/2018 at 7:35 PM

And here he is, with the spelling above, in the early Welsh texts.

You can follow this on up to see the genealogy that most of the early texts gave him.

Uthyr Pendragon, Early Welsh Texts

Private User
4/17/2018 at 7:40 PM

Anne, I think that's an older version which has been revised out of existence - probably by merging with the Geoffrey of Monmouth version. (Or else it's a My Heritage version which isn't on Geni - and shouldn't be.)

4/17/2018 at 7:46 PM

Nope. I would know it, were it an older version.
Am working on it. BRB

4/17/2018 at 7:47 PM

The French lets you know that it’s a late revision, for one thing. Not to mention the garbled Welsh.

Private User
4/17/2018 at 7:58 PM

Arthuriana is such fun, isn't it! :-D

4/17/2018 at 8:02 PM

Got it. It’s showing up in the Holy Grail lines, so, very much later than any of the medieval texts. And not really Arthurian material. Arthur gets sucked into it.

I still have the Malory to finish up, though it’s mostly done. And I might do Tennyson and some of the other Malory clones. And Bradley.

But I won’t be doing these versions. They are a recent amalgamation of earlier texts.

Some links:



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