Florence (Possibly Elizabeth Fowke) Brasseur (unknown) - The wife of Benois/Benjamin Brasseur/Brashears is UNKNOWN. She was not a Fowke.

Started by Private User on Friday, April 6, 2018
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Private User
4/6/2018 at 2:15 PM

Elizabeth Fowke, daughter of Chandler Fowke and granddaughter of Gerard Fowke, married ZACHARIAH Brasseur/Brazier in 1759. This Zachariah is not provably related to Robert Brasseur/Brashears, Huguenot immigrant to Virginia. Someone appears to have conflated this marriage (NB the names of this Elizabeth's father and grandfather), shifted the dates back about a hundred years, and attached her to Robert as wife.

Private User
4/6/2018 at 2:16 PM

Sorry, should've said Robert, not Benjamin.

Private User
4/6/2018 at 11:57 PM

Are there any related documents?

How do you lay out the line?

Private User
4/7/2018 at 2:36 AM

Related documentation including marriage of Elizabeth, daughter of Chandler Fowke and widow of John Buckner, to Zachariah Brazier; will of Chandler Fowke; will of Gerard Fowke, etc in notes at link provided in main "about" section. That Elizabeth Fowke, daughter of Chandler Fowke and granddaughter of Gerard Fowke, married a Zachariah Brazier in 1759 is substantially documented (unlike the presumed marriage of Robert Brasseur, Huguenot immigrant to Virginia, to a "Florence or Elizabeth Fowke", which is not documented at all; and the repetition of names in the ancestry of Elizabeth Fowke who m. Zachariah BRAZIER makes it very plain that "Florence Fowke" is a fabrication or outright fraud).

Private User
4/8/2018 at 1:13 AM

Wasn't this same Robert Brasseur the father of Margrett who married Thomas "The Quaker" Jordan (1634-1699) ???

Private User
4/8/2018 at 1:50 AM

Yes, but Margaret is assumed to be by a second wife whose identity is also not known but inferred from gaps in the ages of Robert Brasseur's children.

Private User
4/9/2018 at 2:28 AM

Are you familiar with this:

[p. 171] Nansemond Co., Va. 19 9br[Nov.] 1670. William Alford, Gent., deputy escheator. Writ 16 March last. Jury find that Rob: Braseur dyed seized of 1200 acres granted to him by patent lyeing upon the Southerne Branch of Nansemond River which by his will he gave to his daughter[s?] the one moytie of which said tract lyeing on the south side of the branch Rich. Staples who married with one of the said daughters sold and assigned the same to Coll. Jno. Blake who sells and assignes the same to Jno. Newton now seized by virtue thereof, which moiety being 600 acres by reason Rob. Braseur was an alien doth revert to his Sacred Ma[jes]ty: The land doe escheate.

American Ancestors
Compiled by Jane Fletcher Fiske
Vol 20 #2, p.111
New England Historic Genealogy Society

This Richard Staples was the father of Joyce Staples who married Richard Reynolds, son of Christopher Reynolds JR, who was son of Christopher Reynolds the immigrant.

4/25/2018 at 10:13 AM

... based on this discussion, are there specific changes which are needed to align this branch with the supporting documents?

Private User
4/26/2018 at 5:00 AM

Well, the profile of Robert Robert Brasseur, of Calvert County

Lists the following:

Husband of unknown “Florence” Brasseur and 2nd wife of Robert Brasseur
Father of Benoit 'Bennet' Brasseur; John Brasseur, I; Thomas Brashears; Perside "Persie" Cobreath; Robert Brashear, “the Elder”; Katherine Clare; Martha Moseley; Margaret Jordan and Mary Peachey

None of these children reflect a daughter married to Richard Staples, father of Joyce Staples who married Richard Reynolds.

So, either a daughter is missing or somebody is inaccurately represented.

But then, the whole Reynolds tree is messed up, so what else is new?

5/17/2018 at 12:46 PM

re: "the whole Reynolds tree is messed up"

So let's start somewhere, and commence sorting it out, locking relationships after documenting, ... a step at a time.

Y'all provide the expertise; I'll help move things around & lock them!

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