Origins of "cherokee in the family" stories

Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, April 1, 2018
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Rez Dogs is hilarious, and touching.

Awwwwwwww.......thank-you for saying that. We think so too Erica Howton

Your the best.

Billie June Keaffaber

Two handed wave, hands on heart.
Good to hear.

My son just got that Native American fingerprint DNA test from DNA consultants for Christmas maybe this help us figure out area where our stuff comes from or give me some clarification on what I seeing here stories of family ect.


Billie June Keaffaber

That's news to me. Hadn't heard of such a thing. Good luck sorting things out.
"Take everything with a grain of salt" ...... dear Billie.

No DNA test can connect you to a tribe unless it’s a paternity/maternity test with an enrolled citizen. . DNA Consultants matches your to people who claim to have Cherokee ancestry, not actual Cherokee people, then they give you a certificate saying you’ve taken a DNA test. Not worth the paper you print it on.

Maybe not maybe so. But some of the families I connect to in their books so it could help me none the less. I didn’t say it showed tribes but it could give areas where people lived as other dna Test do. I already know some mine as have cousins on six Nation reservation in Canada they know the family history. But I like more information on the ones they mentioned and others finding in here and Wikitree I didn’t know about. Finding some wild connections here.


Billie June Keaffaber

Just a quick question?
I remember hearing once (somewhere) that our questions reveal quite a bit about the answers we are searching for. Does that make any sense?
Kathryn helped me to look at my inquires from a different perspective.
Overall - one could examine one's own motives concerning the topic. Origins of "Cherokee in the family" stories. "Stories" being perhaps the operative word? Countless northwestern Europeans have the "stories" for one reason or another. Now, keep in mind that you may
possibly be that one in one hundred with a viable claim to Cherokee/other (something else-ha) indigenous heritage - be that as it may ......... what is the end result?
This keeps coming to mind. I took an Anthropology class back in the day. I remember being impressed by learning how groups of humans earthwide identify as a whole very differently. Some, like Americans are primarily ethnocentric. Coming from the orientation of "individual". Others, are tribal & identify cohesively. So, when you approach a "group" with inquiries about your identity and/or possible inclusion into that group I suggest that one must appear with "hat in hand" so to speak. Otherwise - we risk being rejected before we even "get out the gate".

"Many people are unwilling to accept that their ancestors were the ones who displaced the Cherokee and other tribes, or claimed Indian land or money that wasn’t theirs, or made up stories sbout their ancestry. Who wouldn’t prefer to be the descendant of a Holocaust victim instead of a Nazi soldier? We shouldn’t judge our distant ancestors’ actions by today’s standards, but we can use today’s standards to determine the facts." Kathryn Forbes

Are we searching for cultural identity? Billie June Keaffaber
If so, where do we go from here? How do we translate this insatiable persistence into something useful? Personally - I have found a great deal of solace in service to others. :)

I not making up anything I found Bible and other records which back up my ancestry and family as part Native American. As far as cultural stuff. My great uncle Daughter in law knows the family culture as is a tribal member on six nation Indian Reservation she old enough to have spoke to some the people where these claims have been spread so yea I backing up stories as well. Since Native Americans also use stories passed down I am using it. So I don’t care who or who don’t believe anything. I know my people were Eastern woodland people and tracking down other thinks that may help. I just lucky I have family to help me.


Billie June Keaffaber

Not sure what precipated that emotionally charged rant but I'll take it. When I type super fast with emotion my spouse can hear it too! Clackety-clack, clack. :)

"Me thinks thou doth protest too much."

Thank-you for introducing me to another indigenous group, Billie. So much to learn, so little time.

People like this brings into question a lot of family history but you don’t hear about them do we. So how many histories lost because this guy no one asking that question. He did more damage then anyone can know.


"Bad things happen to good people."

Focus on solutions.

I am I reconstructing my heritage piece by piece. And photo by photo ect. What ever I can find. There enough there for me to say I white/Native American person.


Billie June Keaffaber

"White" is not a good word for me. It's way too broad. I prefer Northwestern European. In my case, I am 100% Northwestern European. My DNA is made up (as of late) of 53% Northwestern European, 34% Scotland, 11% Germanic Europe & 2% Wales. The "background noise" has shifted around from one testing site to another. I did find a Welsh line here on Geni the other day. with facinating names.
Caucasian is also troublesome beacause it has more than one meaning.

What nationality are the Caucasus?
"Slavic groups account for more than one-third of the total population of the Caucasus; they live in the north and consist mainly of Russians and Ukrainians. Finally, there are such Indo-European groups as Kurds, Talysh, Tats, Greeks, and Roma (Gypsies) distributed in various areas of the Caucasus."
Full Definition of identity
1a: the distinguishing character or personality of an individual : INDIVIDUALITY
b: the relation established by psychological identification
2: the condition of being the same with something described or asserted
establish the identity of stolen goods
3a: sameness of essential or generic character in different instances
b: sameness in all that constitutes the objective reality of a thing : ONENESS
4: an equation that is satisfied for all values of the symbols

*the other day, with facinating names.

Prounouns = she/her/hers

Billie June Keaffaber

I will stick with it there some I can’t place no where brick wall. DNA don’t match the books anyway so can’t go by that either lol. So I keep digging.


Best of luck to you Billie June Keaffaber ......

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