Origins of "cherokee in the family" stories

Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, April 1, 2018
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"Since both Joseph Adair and James Adair have been identified as coopers and they both petitioned for land on the same date, it seems logical to think that they were brothers. (Dr. James Adair's History states that James Adair, Indian trader, was a brother of Joseph Adair, Sr. but extensive research on the Indian trader does not substantiate the claim.)"

I read this today and not sure if it is of any help with the parents of Dr. James Adair as it looks like no names mentioned but other info on the tree

Also, second link is interesting

That's the same info I was reading on another link. :)

So far I conclude

- Parents James Indian Trader unknown, therefore brothers unknown
- Suggestion he had a native wife & family speculative and should be separated into a different line; if evidence emerges to substantiate, profiles can be merged
- evidence to support James the Cooper as brother of Joseph the Cooper is unproven but seems reasonable
- is there sufficient evidence to link John who married Nancy Lightfoot as son of James the Cooper & Eleanor

Did I miss anything ?


Yes, that's the same link I had quoted from when trying to unravel James Adair years ago. Didn't entirely succeed obviously.

okay, seems we are going in circles then.
There are plenty or Cherokee Adairs on the Dawes roll. I actually found some family last year that were mislabeled here on Geni,o one as being on the rolls but it was really her descenants. LLoyd helped merge the family into the Big tree...they were just floating with no connection.
Catherine Adair Bell ? I believe was a gr grand daughter of a Nancy Adair...have to find her.

oh, so it was this Nancy Adair you all are working on...I found her descendant in the dawes
Ga-ho-ga ‘Nancy’ Adair
Charlotte Adair Bell and those are my notes in the about.

Yes, I should have tagged her.

What do you think of my proposed tree fix? I am taking your display name seriously.

Is it not clear enough? Should I write it out instead of cryptic little notes?

I think if there is no other documented information on Dr. James Adair's parents and all other managers, like Diane Collins and the rest who respond will agree to th disconnection, I am fine with it, we can make note of it until further research. I did find someones discussion on internet stating his father was Sir Robert Adair. I would like the opinion of others who come from this line as well.

Thank you Erica

Also, since I am not so knowledgable regarding the Adair lines, I would also like to hear the opinions of those who are.
John Adair...this mentions grandson John Bell

I added this to John Adair profile.....

Jamey, we have a lot of inactive managers, so waiting on them is very hard on my work load. What happens is I move on to other things, and the tree errors stay in Geni to embarrass me - you don't want to see my mail. :)

Remember that anything in Geni can be easily altered with evidence presented.

No one in 300 years has come up with parents for James the Indian trader.

The "Native wife" scenario is interesting and seems possible, but I do not have the knowledge base to address the DNA and the book is as yet unpublished; and I also have a big, big question mark about how an educated traveling person like the Indian Trader could be the same as a settled cooper.

Otherwise I would say the tree on seems good to work with, exchanging "James the trader" for "James the cooper."

I am approaching this exactly the same way I do all the treetops. Tagged to discussion, notes in profiles, link back in profile overview to possible relatives. But delaying puts an undue burden when I have time today.

Is that OK?

Diana Collins do you see any source citations including graveyard for in this link?

The death date is probably OK but it's not a primary source? And our other studies are making a case for his birth in the Chicasaw Nation. And yet more talk about possible Pennsylvania origins (most of the Scotch Irish arrived through PA and were pushed out to the back country).

Okay, what says Diana Collins ?

I actually just put this link in his profile

He was informally called Dr. James Robert Adair

one thing interesting, I had a discussion on his marriage to a Cherokee woman with Richard Green who was historian with the Chickasaw for over 20 years. He pondered my mentioning of James Adair marrying a Cherokee. He was unfamiliar with that but did say that he lived among the Chickasaw for a long time.

I just read the discussion threads from 2016 on this same subject. Did the will Donald Ballard Jr. sent help figure out some of the family?

He stated that Ester McBride was married to both James Adair and John Adair?

here is one last link related to the Marker for James Adair
James Adair of Bladen County

I don't hate the possible Eleanor wife by any means, and hopefully evidence will come along.

But I can't see how he was the same person as James the cooper. And remember, Joseph the cooper's line is in my tree, as George Ross Adair would be my 1st cousin x 6. Also we know families liked to marry each other repeatedly.

That's why I wanted to start "closer to home" and go from there.

Here is something on the two different James Adairs but it is a message board

Diana Collins says......I'm getting a headache again.....still lookin'

LOL, Diana Collins.

with your connection of George shows him as his gr grandson right? Here is what I see.

also, what about that mention of Esther McBride being married to both James and John from the 2016 discussion on here?

I believe Don Ballard passed away, Jamey. I saw a memorial page for him (Harley Davidson club!) and sent a note to one of his collaborators to be try and be sure.

Yes, the will he found was a big help, it was more detailed than the one I had seen. That's what I spent last night doing, tagging it to every profile referenced in it. It made it clear that Edward Musgrove's widow had to have been Nancy Ann Crosby, as it was her brother named as co executor. What I didn't know until yesterday was that she had remarried and into a Quaker family.

There were a lot of Adairs!

You're going to lose that connection. We will be disconnecting Joseph Adair, Sr. from unproven brother. I have to make notes in the profiles first though. Ironically I see no reason to mess with your Nancy Jane Stevens !

Wow, okay. Didn't know you did all that.
Sad to see that a researcher on here has passed.

I think my head was spinning last time I tried to source the Nancy Lightfoot Adair too.
Like I said, it was linked to a Nancy Adair on the Dawes. Wrong Nancy. I did find her gr grand daughter...but as I checked my work, I think I linked the wrong Charlotte. It seems her death is before the Dawes roll? Have to look again.

Anyway, I think I have reached my ability to assit on this so whatever you all decide I am okay with. Can Kathryn help on this as there are many Adairs who are Cherokee and on the Rolls?

Okay, thanks...but is this the same Nancy Lightfoot Adair or a different one?
This is the mother of Charlot I was talking about.

Ga-ho-ga ‘Nancy’ Adair

Kathryn Forbes can you help out on the Nancy Lightfoot family side?

I’m getting Diana’s migraine about the many James Adairs. :)

Diana, I’m reading your discussion link, it is Shawn Potter’s research / postings making sense to me. It’s summarized on the two good sites posted. The argument against is the DNA evidence supporting the Eleanor children which I think will have to wait. Part of my hesitation, aside from the very different social classes, is that DNA linking these Adair’s together may not be specific enough to indicate the same family in the mid 1700s. In other words, suppose they all had a common ancestor back in Scotland 1650s?

The Indian Trader sure made himself seem posh ....

Oh and the Findagrave ancestry tree for John who married Nancy Lightfoot on up is unsourced ! Descent is probably fine. So as far as I can tell you’re looking at fictional or who knows what record spliced on. This is the same problem for every first arriver in the Findagraves.

Dropping off a good citation

According to Emmet Starr, "____ Adair (had sons) John Adair m. Jennie Kilgore (and) Edward Adair m. Elizabeth Martin." [Emmet Starr, "History of the Cherokee Indians and their Legends and Folklore," (Oklahoma City, OK: The Warden Company, 1921), p. 403]

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