Chickamaugans - dissecting the Dragging Canoe tree

Started by Erica Howton on Saturday, March 31, 2018
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Attakullakulla died about 1782 and had three known sons by an unknown wife

- Dragging Canoe
- Turtle at Home, and
- Little Owl.

None of these men has any documented descendants.

However on Geni Dragging Canoe has 18 children.

Can we get them to their proper parents? Or cut them loose as unknown parents?

This also means fixing their names.

Starting with the Shoe boots

Capt. Chulio "Shoeboots" Chulio Tuskingo (Te-as ki-yarga) Ellington

To be clear

Dragging Canoe was Son of Attakullakulla, mother unknown, wife unknown. Father of Little or Young Dragging Canoe, no documented modern or other descendants.

So we'll be fixing that but wanted to address the children showing I suspect were meant to be Dragging Canoe's allies / lieutenants

Erica--could you explain why this discussion is headed Chickamaugans? It might throw people off if you really want this to be about Dragging Canoe.

Because I suspect the children attached to Dragging Canoe might actually be his lieutenants in the Chickamaugan territory. I've seen other "mentor" trees that became garbled into actual family.

So if we can identify his known lieutenants, we'll have a handle on how to carve up into actual family trees, rather than seeing them drift loose.

The chiefs who supported Dragging Canoe were men like Bloody Fellow, the Glass, Middlestriker. and other Overhill chiefs. Younger men who followed him included Doublehead, Benge, and John Watts.

Here’s the information on the “family” of Dragging Canoe as listed in Geni:
Son of Attakullakulla "Little Carpenter" of Tanasi, Cherokee Emissary to England and NN Partner of Attakullakulla correct
Husband of Nellie 'Leaf' Pathkiller U'ga'lo'gv Canoe (Pathkiller) wife or wives unknown
Brother of Sa-li-gu-gi Wo-he-le-nv "Turtle at Home", Wolf Clan Cherokee
Father of Little Dragging Canoe; the only documented child

None of the following are children of Dragging Canoe; Cherokee at his time did not have surnames or family names; fathers were not even considered blood relatives

Little Owl Canoe; No such person; the real Little Owl was the brother of Dragging Canoe
Naky ( Sarah Canoe , Sarah Dragging Doe Canoe 'Sarah Canoe' Fivekiller, Tatsi Brown/Browne. She is in endless trees with different spouses and children. Non existent as child of Dragging Canoe. Some of her iterations might be the wives of real men.
Turtle At Home Canoe; no such person; the real Turtle at Home was brother of Dragging Canoe. The profile is mostly for the real Turtle at Home, so fixing his name and moving him to the correct spot would help. The following from his profile is copied straight from one of the Shawnee Heritage books “His ethnic background was 3/8th Shawnee-Cherokee-Creek Metis[chickamauga cherokee]”and is typical of Greene’s garbage. The profile text combines him with another man named Shoeboots, who is very well documented and unrelated [he has a fascinating story with a kidnapped white wife and children and a black wife whose children triggered a court case].

Mary Canoe; seems to be non-existent, probably a Shawnee Heritage fiction

Jemima Hardin; she looks like a real person, but no Cherokee connection

Abigail Cherokee Indian Canoe Tatsi; duplicate of Abigail Vanover below. Not Cherokee; numerous Eastern Cherokee applications were filed claiming her as “Abigail Esteard,” “ E sut ee,“ “Abigail Perry,” “Abigail Roark” and other names, all rejected. At some point since then the Internet gave her Dragging Canoe as a father
Chief John Drowning Bear Brown; another real person, born 1755-60, lived at Creek Path. He was not a chief, and not connected to the chief named John Brown (nor was his son John)– that was a later man.
Wife #1 name unknown, two unknown children who died young
Wife #2 named Sarah, children John (died 1822), David , and Catherine (died 1824). The family is well documented since Catherine was a famous convert whose diary was published by the missionaries shortly after her death.
Wife #3 (concurrent with Sarah) named Betsy, children Polly, Alexander, Edmund, and Susan.

Sara Naky Ward; Looks like she’s a duplicate of the Sarah above

Malinda Asbell; Looks like a real person, but not Cherokee

Gi Yo Sti Tatsi; No such person, clearly copied from an Internet tree since her profile says she was born in Maine!

I think all of this next bunch are non-existent, probably came from Don Greene; the Hollywood Indian names and endless ‘Cherokee’ names are usually a dead giveaway:
Talotisky Canoe Canoe; there was a chief named Talontisky, no connection to DC
Nettle Carrier Canoe; there was a chief named Nettle Carrier, no connection to DC
Crying Snake Canoe Canoe;
White Owl; Eyoostee Canoe Canoe;
Aloyitsiya Young Otter;
Unigisdi’gigagegaladisgi Beef Eater Beef Eater;
Dunuwa’gigagegasalena Wears Red Coat Canoe;
Ayolige Tsiyusdigansinvsdi Canoe;
Tsagayatsiyu Yellow Jacket Canoe Canoe;

Vanover descendants filed Eastern Cherokee claims which were rejected.
Raven Canoe Vanover no such person
Abigail E-Sut-tee Vanover there may be an Abigail Vanover, but she’s not Cherokee, see above

This site explains / debunks the Abigail Eastridge / Raven Canoe / Roark / Vanover confusion. Neither of the Abigails are known Cherokee.

Abigail Roark

Great find!

I cleaned up Capt. Chulio "Shoeboots" Chulio Tuskingo (Te-as ki-yarga) Ellington some more although I'm still unsure of his Cherokee names.

I'd love to see this tree developed. As Kathryn said:

[he has a fascinating story with a kidnapped white wife and children and a black wife whose children triggered a court case].

The kidnapped wife had a novel written about her.

Nothing known about Young Dragging Canoe other than his name (which was probably just a nickname the English used)

If these were the children and grandchildren of Dragging Canoe it seems that they would be living where he lived, in the Chattanooga area of Tennessee/Alabama, not in South Carolina, Kentucky, and Arkansas..... just saying.....

Of the people attached as his family, Martha and Squire Allen existed, born in the 1760's, lived in Saline, Arkansas in 1840. She died in 1843, he died in 1842, there are estate records.
Found this on Ancestry:
Obtained from Website: "The Allen Family of Drasco, Arkansas"
"Squire Allen was born September 12, 1763 in Orange County, North Carolina and died in November, 1842. He married Martha "Tilda" Snow. Her birth date is unknown, but she died October 9, 1843. The couple had eight children: Eleazer "Eli", Polly/Maryann, Annanias, Moses, Aaron, Jessie B., Matilda and Wesley.
Squire Allen first shows up in the 1790 Census in Pendleton District, South Carolina as a son of Gislem Allen. In the 1800 Census he still is in Pendleton District and has married and started a family of his own. He shows up in tax records for Warren County, Kentucky between 1804 and 1808 and it is indicated that he purchased land on Drakes Fork of Trammel's Creek in 1807. He and his growing family are also listed in the 1810 Census in Wilkersonville township, Randolph County, Kentucky.
By the 1830 Census, Squire and his family were listed as residents of Harden township in Conway County, Arkansas. The 1840 Census shows Squire and his family in Saline County, Arkansas. On November 25, 1842, Richard Brazil (daughter Polly's husband) was appointed administrator of Squire Allen's estate. It was appraised at $1,145.
On October 9, 1843, Squire's wife Martha "Tilda" died intestate. Moses Brazil, Sr. (daughter Matilda's husband) was appointed administrator of the estate on October 27, 1843."

John Drowning Bear Brown separated.

I saw some long discussion about a kidnapped daughter of Dragging Canoe, somehow related to this Martha Snow. My eyes crossed so I didn't try very hard to follow the argument. She'll be the next to peel off.

There are as many fairy tales about this family as Grimm had stories!

Dragging Canoe is a romantic hero.

My Cunninghams in Wautagua surely had to have been sworn enemies.:)

William Conseenee seems to have come from the Cherokee By Blood books, there's a discussion here

I'm disconnecting, but I'm not sure he's not somehow associated with Cherokee somewhere. The name may be a garble.

There are/were many Cherokee people named Consene, variations of the name are found in both Oklahoma and North Carolina.

The family of Alexander "Sawney" Brown should be checked now.

How to make your head spin – try to straighten out Isham Alexander Brown from Geni

Once again we have a mishmash of people. This family appears to actually be that of a white man from Virginia married to Violet and their children with some random Cherokee thrown in for effect. No Cherokee connection.

“Son of Alexander William Brown and Sara “Naky” Brown” no Cherokee record of this couple

Husband of Quatie Brown – NOT Quatie Conrad did have a husband named Alexander Brown, they had one son named John Lucien Brown. There were several Cherokee men named Alexander Brown or he could have been a white man. It’s totally unclear who he was; Guion Miller stated that is was impossible to determine when John L. Brown’s daughter applied. The John Brown who was father of David, John, and Catherine also had a son named Alexander. That family was living in Arkansas by 1824, so it seems unlikely that he is the Alexander married to Quatie, who lived in Georgia. This John Brown was NOT the chief, or the father of the chief.

Violet E Brown this appears to be the real (and only) wife of the Alexander Brown who died in Missouri in 1842

Nancy Elizabeth "Nannie" Brown - this links to a woman who actually seems to be Nancy BROOM, the well-documented wife of Chief Charles Renatus Hicks

“Father of Isham "Isom" Alexander Brown, Sr.”
There is no Isham or Sawney Brown on anything Cherokee that I can find.

Found this on Find-a-grave for the Alexander who died in Missouri in 1842:

There are 2 errors on the gravestone and marker pictured. 1. His first name was NOT Isham. His son's name was Isham Alexander. 2. The stone says Cherokee, but that is unproved. Also: Alexander's nickname, Sawney, was slang for 'Scotsman.' His father's origins were Scotland. His parents names are unknown.

From Ancestry’s Virginia Marriages data base:
Name: Alexander Brown
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 25 Feb 1799
Marriage Place: Bedford, Virginia
Spouse: Viotel Barton

FHL Film Number: 30591
Reference ID: pg 237

Here’s some death information on the son:
Isham Alexander Brown - Intestate
Posted 09 May 2013 by Delena_Dexter
Isham A. Brown dies Intestate. State of Kansas, County of Allen.
Best remembered that on this 28th day of April A.D. 1863, before me A.I. Dornbergle, Judge of Probate Court, in and for the County of Allen, Personally appear Matilda Brown, and made application to the Court for a letter of Administration upon the estate of Isham A. Brown who died intestate in Allen County, State of Kansas, leaving as his heir's Matilda Brown, (Widow of the same Isham Brown Dec'd), Daniel Bradford Brown in the U.S.Army, Isiah Brown, William Marion Brown residing in Allen County excepting those above mentioned, is in the best of her knowledge and belief, are the names and places of residence of the heirs of the dec'd and that the deceased died without leaving a Will as she verily believes.

"and Thomas Brown"
There is garbled text about a totally different person (who is also a mishmash) attached to this guy.

Brother of James Brown; Chief John Brown; Aaron Brown; Susanna Brown and Jesse Brown
I don’t know what to suggest about these people. Brown is about as common a name as you can find. There WAS a Chief John Brown. There were Cherokee people named James Brown and Susannah Brown (born Fields). I don’t find a Jesse or an Aaron.

(Sigh). It’s a huge tree, too.

Will see what I can do.

So far we’re batting terrible for real people !

So for take 2

Violet Brown

Notice her propagated mtDNA haplogroup is K.

I’m K1 (Ashkenazi Jewish)

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