ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, February 23, 2018
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I need to cancel this merge:
& then cut the wrong father that I had identified. It is not complicated. If someone is available I can finish -.-

Livio Scremin Undone

Niccolò da Fogliano, signore di Reggio Emilia --> his father is not that Ugolino, need splitt / CUT

Hi there

Could you please remove Sondra as manager as she is no longer in geni site

Marinus Petrus Kriekenbeek

Will ask for other pages soon

Thanx laura

Laura Anne Foenander
Curators don’t have the ability to add or remove profile managers from profiles.

Sondra was active in Geni two weeks ago.


Possible that nobody can make a cut?
Those are all just entered by me yesterday. it was not united, and until I find the right connection I do not want to leave wrong connections!
Niccolò da Fogliano, signore di Reggio Emilia <-- cut father at this profile

Livio Scremin

Done, please check.


People should use Geni every day, but sometimes people might be on vacation in a country which disallows usage of social media and genealogy web sites so perhaps Sondra was in North Korea or Syria and maybe she'll be active soon.

I got two duplicates for this lady: Sarah Sprague

I can't seem to find them so I can merge 'em. Can someone please help me out? Thanks!

Private User
They were not duplicates

Bad merges?

I'm going to need some help here.

I merged duplicate profiles of Deacon Silas Alden and Margaret Alden. The only problem is that the parents of Silas do not match. After looking through the revisions I think what happened was that someone incorrectly merged a Silas that matched my Silas with some other Silas who died as an infant.

John Alden and Thankful Alden should be the parents of Deacon Silas Alden.

John Alden and Anna Alden should be the parents of a Silas that died in 1737.

re: the comment here that "People should use Geni every day" -- this is the first time I have ever seen such a suggestion any place ever on Geni - and I totally disagree.
People use Geni for many different reasons.

I know there have been instances where, having entered the basic information someone knew about their family, they have left it alone in the firm conviction that if and when their young children grow up, should they ever be interested, the information will be there.
Others enter the family information they have, and check back once a year or so to update for any births, marriages, deaths or divorces in the past year.

Curators are chosen from folks who have shown themselves to be very concerned and very interested - and I am not sure even Curators are always on every day.

Very definitely there is no "should" about the rest of us being on every day.
And I, personally, am very offended by anyone making such a statement.

accidentally omitted link above to where that comment was. Just a bit above, here:

Alex Bonnett

I find no Silas Alden that died in 1737. The other problem is fixed.

Lois Lubin I agree. People have made entries years ago and have never updated them. When we try to merge their outdated information we are encouraged to contact the people involved. We could if their emails were current.

RE "people should use Geni everyday"

I would love to but sometimes life gets in the way of genealogy.

Doreen Hazel Traub -
1) yes, there are many folks who made entries years ago and never updated them - and by doing that they have not violated any "should"!!
2) yes, it is definitely a very good idea,when trying to do a merge, to contact the folks involved -- some that have not been on in years still have their settings set to have geni-messages sent to their e-mails, and may totally surprise you by responding and being interested

PS - To the best of my knowledge, nowhere does it even say "Please close your account if you are no longer interested in ever using this site again" (not even, please consider closing ...)

I believe that folks who have not visited Geni for 5 years are truly not interested in genealogy. I have been asked to update their records as a family genealogist. All they want is to make sure someone is looking after their family tree and I have been entrusted to do so.

I think Geni should recognize family genealogists and help them with this enormous responsibility and task.

Life gets in the way but what are you doing on the subway? Stop playing Words With Friends and merge profiles!

Doreen - we are off-topic, I think - but out of curiosity - and in an attempt to understand the issue you have raised -- you say you have "been asked to update their records as a family genealogist." -- have you been asked by
a) the folks who have not visited Geni for 5 years
b) other folks in the family
c) Geni (and if so, who on or connected with Geni, and/or??)

Perhaps you might want to create a separate Discussion about "family genealogists" - for answering and/or further discussion (and/or already have one?) -- if so, please post link so we can all find it.

Hi, this is my first time having to consult help from the curators, but I mistakenly added someone as being the wife of someone to whom she was not, indeed, wife.

Judith Colquitt

Here you can see that on this profile, Judith Hobson Colquitt, is wrongly listed as the wife of John Henry Michael Price. Her profile currently has two husbands listed. John Hawes Colquitt was, indeed, her husband, but when trying to edit the relationships to remove the incorrect pairing, it tells me that I cannot do so because the result would be that the tree would become split, which is actually what I want to do.


Private User, Done.

I need help regarding my great grandmother. the last days i worked to add her family to the tree and just found out it was all a mistake, there were 2 women with the same name and the family i found belongs to the other women.
Now i have to disconnect my great grandmother from her parents and brothers/sisters as it was before.

Cipa Tzipora Leinwand

thank you.

Asaf Feig, I've dissconnected her from her parents, please check.

hello, I found a son clone of his father (thanks to English and Italian name)
I just could not move it in the generation up, and the system did not press the merge between father and son. I entrust to you the merge:
- Otto Canella, consul of Genoa
- Otto Canella, consul of Genoa
(it's an almost white profile, I could have totally blasted it and then merge it with a brother without stressing anybody... but ...-_-)

sometimes not to extend other words to the forum, I do not write thanks... but it's understood that I appreciate your help in cleaning up and better illustrate Italy :)

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