ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Friday, February 23, 2018
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Showing 4141-4170 of 4314 posts

This merge request has been waiting for awhile, can someone finish it?

Approval is needed from this manager:

Private User

who shows no activity since 2014.

Erica Howton I can tell u Enzo for sure is son of an Alfredo,
Brother of an Alfredo junior called Dino.
But he called her first son Alfredo too :'( and to complicate things this dead young is still called Alfredino, Dino affectionately^^'
So that family that you rightly cut off, must understand if they wanted to connect it to the father or the brother (and check the truth:) but certainly not to the child.
With a bit of research online this information don't leak to me, but I'm not their client ;D

and anyway the administrator who registered himself with the name of a dead historical man must be cut off :)

I also believe that the living child as a person in the public domain .. you could put visible public:
His mother Lina Lardi +95 year old at June 2006:

Piero Ferrari Made MP, I started an Italian Language “about” for him. Good catch.

I merged the parents of Joseph Rem Hegeman, Jr., but that profile is so locked down I can't complete the merge. Can somebody complete it for me? Thanks!

Karl David Wright

Done, please check.

Hi Jessica, that completes what's necessary. Thank you!

There's also his wife Adriaentje Hegeman, who I believe could be the parents of all of his children, but I'm not certain of that, since there's no marriage date for the profile.

Could someone please push through the following merge?

The connection is confirmed by SmartMatch to My Heritage.


Private User, please check

Karl David Wright

I found a marriage date on Familysearch and put the link in the overview section. But I'm wondering if she was actually born in New Amsterdam, or back in the Netherlands. It's all above my pay grade, as I stick to my side of the pond. But, I do know who to ask, Private User , I know you're on a break ;) but could you look into Adriaentje Hegeman ? Does she look OK?
Thanks, Jessie

sorry, but some expert of ancient, among you knows something of this family Vassallo?
I have found various unknown and strange knots around antiquity (and I have discretely tagged them on a JPG)
This beats them all: daughter of a historical Savoy super documented by all the historical authorities.. she gave 2 Vassallo heirs after her death >.<

A marriage date of 1 May 1712 seems plausible to me. It also means that Adruantje should be applied as the mother of her husband's other two children, as I suspected.

Jessica Marie German - re: "I found a marriage date on Familysearch and put the link in the overview section." -- 1) links change, so at some future time, it is quite likely that will just get an Error Message about Not Found -- 2) Currently, if the Geni-User clicking on it is not already logged in to a FamilySearch Account (on the Browser being used for Geni), it will just bring up the LogIn / Create An Account Screen for FamilySearch -- 3) having clicked on the link, and logged in to FamilySearch - see a whole bunch there, think possibly scrolled down enough to find the Marriage Date - but it looks like all info there is subject to change - might it perhaps also be useful to put a comment in the About along with the link, stating the fact of interest which is shown there? (and possibly mention, to use, need to log in or be logged in to FamilySearch, Account there is currently Free)

Hi I need help to get my tree to correctly reflect the parentage of my nephew, Private
My sister Diana Lynn Ogden (Simmons) had two children by two different fathers. The father of her first child Private never knew or had any part in the life of the above nephew. However the system wants there to be an attachment between them and has my nephew attached to both him and his biological father creating two profiles for my nephew. Is there anyway to detach Shawn from Valente? Thanks for your help.

Karl David Wright & Jessica Marie German I took a look
At Adriaentje Hegeman added bio and citations, tree looks very good. Thank you !

Private User.Please check

Thanks, Erica Howton ! Great work!

Private User , the link was for Karl's immediate use, but thanks for your info. I also used Smartmatch to link the info to the profile. Typically, if I can't link by a Smartmatch, I do a screenshot and add it as a fully cited document. I used to use the GENi version of the screenshot, but it just slows me down. As to going to the login on Familysearch, there is nothing I can do about that, but I have found most people who use Familysearch are automatically logged in, if their passwords are saved in their browsers.

Hi @Erica et al,
Adriaentje looks great!
But she's still not the mother of children that should be hers. See: Joseph Rem Hegeman, Jr.

Doing a little more cleanup and will include that. See discussion

@Angus Wood-Salomon
Thank you

Private User,


Angus, thanks for your help!

Rami Paz-har
Please check

Rami Paz-har
Please message me

Angus, thanks for your super-quick help! Everything is great now.

My 8th g grandmother's profile Mary Crane says Mary Crane is your fourth cousin four times removed's wife's 6th great aunt. Her husband Benjamin Crane, of Wethersfield is correctly shown as my 8th g grandfather and her son John Crane as my 7th g grandfather. The relationships listed in her profile are also correct so I don't know what went wrong where or have a clue how to fix this. Since this isn't the first time I've come across similar issues with this profile I was wondering if her lineage is sufficiently sourced to meet the criteria for being locked. While her Geni profile only has one source listed along with a link to her Wikitree profile, there are quite a few sources listed on that site. Her father, husband and son appear to be reasonably well sourced and each mentions her as well. However I am not sure if any these sources are well regarded. It would be great if a curator could fix the existing problem and clue me in on what getting a profile locked entails. Thanks for your help.

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