Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen, Sr., of Sandwich - DNA

Started by Richardson B. Allen on Wednesday, February 7, 2018
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2/7/2018 at 9:57 AM

I noticed that the profile of Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen, Sr. lists the haplogroup as I-M253. The problem is, only descendants of Judah Allen son of John and grandson of Ralph have been tested for this haplogroup. All the other descendants of George Allen of Sandwich, including Ralph's son Joseph, are haplogroup R-M269. Look at the FTDNA Allen project and YSearch. There is a new result in the I-M253 subgroup of Judah in the Allen project, but his ancestry is not yet clear. So please do not assume that the DNA of Judah Allen can be propagated to Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen, Sr., of Sandwich. He is probably haplogroup R-M269.

2/7/2018 at 6:09 PM

My own Y-DNA tested as I-M253 which has been propagated by GENI back along the male line to my ancestor Judah Allen. I agree with Richardson that we should not assume that the DNA of Judah Allen can be propagated to Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen. I would go further and say that GENI is in error to make the assumption and should remove that haplotype from Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen's profile. Indeed, like Richardson, I believe that Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen has the same haplotype as his father George Allen of Sandwich, namely R-M269. I also agree with Richardson that George Allen of Sandwich is haplogroup R-M269. All of the legitimate sons of George Allen of Sandwich would also carry R-M-269. Furthermore, I have not seen evidence that John Allen, the documented father of Judah Allen carries I-M253. The I-M253 haploytpe is carried by males of the Hawley/Holloway/Holley etc. family in the same small Sandwich community. Therefore I believe that limitations in the paper trail do not identify how the Hawley I-M253 got to Judah Allen and may have got to Judah's father John Allen, purported biological son of Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen. I ask GENI officials to review the data and to express a policy statement about cases like this.Thank you.

Although all my male Allen ancestors for many generation over the last 300+ years carry the Y haplotype back to Judah Allen I believe that the most likely source of my I-M253 halpotype is the Hawley family of the 1600's and earlier pre colonial times. I invite others to comment on my perception with evidence of either a confirming or contrary conclusion.

2/9/2018 at 4:52 AM

That is why there is a note on the DNA tab that says "Greater confidence can be obtained by testing other men in the paternal line of Ralph 'Wheelwright' Allen, Sr., of Sandwich. View a list of living males who can be tested for Y-DNA to confirm these results."

5/25/2018 at 7:05 PM

Sorry to say, but the name John Allen of Rehoboth and Sandwich are more complex. In Rehoboth, there were two John Allens, John son of George of Sandwich, and John son of John of Rehoboth. John Allen "Jr." of Rehoboth is first mentioned in 1658, in a list of persons who advanced money for Philip's War, including John Allen Jr. (16sh) and Daniel Allen (14sh) 1658 (Arnold, James N., 1897, Vital record of Rehoboth, 1642-1896. Marriages, Intentions, Births, Deaths. Narragansett Historical Publishing Co., Providence, RI, p. 620, taken from Bliss' History of Rehoboth). John Allen "Sr." of Rehoboth was first mentioned on 21 Feb 1658[/9?], in an inventory of William Carpenter Sr. of Rehoboth, taken 21 February, 1658, by Stephen Paine, Sr., Richard Bowin, Sr., and John Allin, Sr., "and willam Carpenter of Patuxett" (The Mayflower Descendant, v. 14, p. 233; also Plymouth Colony, Wills, v. 2, pt. 1, p. 884-890.

In Sandwich, there were three John Allens in the 1600's. The first is a John Allen of Sandwich who married Elizabeth Bacon of Barnstable, on 10 Oct 1650 (The New England Historic and Genealogical Register, v. 9, p. 287; or 14 Oct 1650, Arnold, James N., Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, First Series, Births, Marriages and Deaths, v. 7, p. 1, Society of Friends, RI). The same source plus the RI Society of Friends list children 6 children (Elizabeth, Mary, John, Mercy, Priscilla and Samuel). This John Allen was first mentioned in 1642 in Sandwich: The first meeting of a representative assembly in Gen. Court, was in 1639. The following persons were, in the order given, chosen to represent the town of Sandwich, and served the number of years affixed to their names. viz.: includes George Allen, 1640, 4 yrs, and John Allen, 1642, 1 year (Freeman, Frederick, 1862, The history of Cape Cod: The annals of the thirteen towns of Barnstable County, v. 2, p. 168). This John Allen d. 30 Oct 1708 at South Kingstown RI at house of his son-in-law Rowland Robinson. His son moved to Woodbridge, NJ, and Jedediah Allen's will left some money to a daughter of John Allen of Woodbridge, probably proving that this first John Allen was related to John Allen Jr. (mason). It is not clear when John 1 moved to RI, but it is probable that he moved there shortly after he married.

The second John Allen was the son of Ralph Allen. There was a John Allen in 1658 who may be John son of Ralph: Robert Harper, Ralph Allen Sr., John Allin, Tho Greenfeild, Ed Perry, Richard Kerby Jr., Willam Allin, Tho Vre, Willam Gifford, Gorge Allen, ab, Mathew Allin, Daniell Wing, John Jenkins, ab, & George Webb, all of Sandwich, at court for not taking oath of fidelity, 1 Jun 1658 (Shurtleff, Nathaniel B., 1855-1861, Records of the colony of New Plymouth in New England. Press of William White, Boston, MA, v. 3, Court orders, 1651-1661, p. 138). There are a few other similar records through 2 Oct 1658. The next mention of a John Allen in Sandwich is on 3 Jun 1662: horse killed at Mashpe by indians belonged to John Allin of Sandwich, indians to pay 14/0/0 to John Allin before 15 Apr next, or court to pay if indians kill wolves, or if paid in specie as much as possible to be paid to Nicholas Davis, the rest to John Allin at Sandwich (Shurtleff, Nathaniel B., 1855-1861, Records of the colony of New Plymouth in New England. Press of William White, Boston, MA, v. 4, Court orders, 1661-1668, p. 17). Since John was not listed in the various court records of the Quakers in Sandwich between 1659-1660, it is possible that the John Allen in 1658 was the first John Allen, clearly a Quaker, not John son of Ralph. In 1675: Persons admitted to full rights in town include George, Jedidiah, William, Ralfe, Frances, Caleb Allen and John Allen Sr., 23:2mo:1675[?] (Sandwich, Town & Vital Records, 1651-1691, Original, FHL film 0904579, item 1, p. 175). In the same year, John 1 was on the grand jury of Newport, RI (Newport, Newport Co. RI, General Court of Trials, 1671-1724, v. A, p. 21, FHL film 0945807, items 1). John Allen (Sr.) was the son of Ralph, married a Rebecca by 1691, and died in 1706. Both Ralph and John signed a petition to William Stoughton Lt. Governor of Mass. Bay, requesting approval of disposition of necks of land at Sandwich according to meeting 16 Mar 1696[/7?] (Massachusetts Archives, at State Archives, Microfilms of volumes of original documents, v. 113, p. 145; Sandwich, Town Records, 1692-1767, FHL film 0904582, item 1, p. 18, town to divide as now Scorton Neck & Shaum Neck alias the Town Neck).

The third John Allen (Jr.) was a son of George Allen (Jr.) and Hannah: James & John Allen sons George & Hannah Allen were born 5 Aug 1658 (Sandwich, Town & Vital Records, 1651-1691, Original, FHL film 904579, item 1, p. 61(?)? and p. 202; Sandwich, Vital Records, "New Book" - 1803 and later (includes transcript of earliest records), FHL film 775836, item 2, p. 501). The first clear record of John Jr. was a deed from George (Jr.) to his son John Allen (Jr.): Deed of grant of land from Georg Allen of Sandwich to son John Allen, includes house bought from son Daniel, plus land bought from brother Henry, witnesses Edw. Perry and William Allen, confirmed by Georg Allen 3 May 1687, recorded 11 May 1687 (Sandwich Proprietors records, 1656-1680, transcript made 30 Sep 1869 because of deterioration of originals, FHL film 0904584, item 1, p. 158-161), although the first mention of a John Allen Sr. was in 1684. John Allen (Jr.) married Alice Worthylake on 1 Apr 1701, and died in 1717 without children (Sandwich, Vital Records, 1658-1811, Original data copied to "Book 1", FHL film 0904579, item 2, p. 23; Allen, John Kermott, 1924, George Allen of Weymouth, Mass., 1635; of Lynn, Mass., 1636, and of Sandwich, Mass., 1637-48. Together with some of his decendants. Brookline, Mass., New England Historic Genealogical Society, Manuscript No. 346, p. 87). John Allen Jr. was admitted as a townsman of Sandwich on 15 Feb 1693 (Sandwich, Town & Vital Records, 1651-1691, Original, FHL film 0904579, item 1, p. 176).

There was also a John Allen in Barnstable, son of Thomas Allyn, who is sometimes confused with the John Allens of Sandwich.

5/25/2018 at 7:14 PM

Please also note this discussion (George Allen, of Sandwich). I think that Ralph married a Susan King in Cloford, Somerset, England in 1634. If so, it would be the only record in England for George's family.

5/26/2018 at 4:26 PM

Another note. I noticed that the profile of Ralph "Wheelwright" Allen, Sr., includes a Esther Andrews, daughter of Ralph. The problem is that Ralph's will does not mention a Esther. His will only mentions son John and "my five children" namely sons Joseph, Increase, Ebenezer, Zachariah, and daughter Patiance. Also, the 1662 will of Joan Swift mother of Esther Swift, wife of Ralph "Mason" Allen Jr., lists only three grandchildren: Hannah Swift, Jedediah Allen and Experience Allen. Esther Allen, widow of Ralph (Mason) Allen Jr. married Henry Bull in Sandwich on 14:12mo:1664. She died in Newport on 26:1mo:1676.

6/8/2018 at 7:45 AM

I have just put a chart of the Y-DNA of some of the descendants of George Allen, of Sandwich, and his first unknown wife, in the sources for Ralph "Wheelwright" Allen, Sr. (Allen-Holloway DNA chart 2018.pdf). The limited data appears to show that descendants of George Allen should be R-M269, not I-M253,and ONLY descendants of Judah Allen should be shown with Y-DNA haplogroup I-M253. Note that at least one descendant each of John Allen and George Allen (Jr.), sons of George Allen (Sr.), and one son of Ralph "Wheelwright" Allen, Sr., all have R-M269.

6/10/2018 at 9:34 AM

To follow the previous post, 10-15 years ago it was possible to find Y-DNA results attached to full lines back to George Allen. More recently, questions of privacy have resulted in less data on-line with both types of information. For instance, the FTDNA ysearch.org and mitosearch.org databases closed on May 24, 2018 because of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). So the chart that I added (https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000079105197234&...) was based data that is not available anymore.

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