Anne Retif, SM/PROG - Sources for parents?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, January 27, 2018
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I spoke to the lady at Huguenot Museum in Franschhoek and asked where I could get the Records, and she told me to email the Huguenot Society.

Tel : 021-876 2598

Below is a link to one of the sites of the Huguenots.

Perhaps they will know tge correct person to speak to or who the current Chaurman and Secretary is who deals with tge iriginal documents (Primary Source documents).


The HSSA (Huguenot Society of South Africa) also has genealogical as a primary object and publishes a variety of genealogical and historical books.

They provide network opportunities for genealogists and a database for Huguenots directed research, information is exchanged with corresponding societies in other countries.

See link below :


Hope this helps.

The plaque on the wall at the Huguenot Museum in Franschhoek shows that the parents of Francois Retif (his wive and children are not given here) and Anne Retif, who married Francois Rousseau (there children are not given here) were Jacques Retif and Anne Roubardue. Anne Roubardeu's parents are not mentioned.

Jacques Retif's parents were Paul Retif and Anne Vernoillet. Anne Vernoillet's parents are not given, but Paul Retif's parents were Samuel Retif and Marie Lebreton. Marie Lebreton's parents not given.

Samuel and Marie's other son's name was Noel Retif (his brother was Paul Retief) Noel Retif married Magdeleine Guerin. Their daugther Marie Retif, married Daniel Rousseau. Marie and Daniel Rousseau's son was Pierre Rousseau (who married Anne Retif - sister of Francois Retif - parents as stated above). Their children are not given.

The plaque on the wall at the Huguenot Museum in Franschhoek shows that the parents of Francois Retif and Anne Retif (Anne Retief married Francois Rousseau) were Jacques Retif and Anne Roubardue (Anne Roubardeu's parents are not mentioned.)

Jacques Retif's parents were Paul Retif and Anne Vernoillet (Anne Vernoillet's parents are not gmentioned.)

Paul Retif's parents were Samuel Retif and Marie Lebreton (Marie Lebreton's parents not mentioned.)

Samuel and Marie's other son's name was Noel Retif (his brother was Paul Retief)

Noel Retif married Magdeleine Guerin. Their daugther Marie Retif, married Daniel Rousseau.

Marie and Daniel Rousseau's son was Pierre Rousseau (who married Anne Retif above - sister of Francois Retif.

Marie and Daniel's children are not mentioned.

What sources proof this plaque and information from Huguenots Museum wrong or right ?

No proof yet preented for Debra Jaubert as wife of Jacques Retif .
Judi says A1 etc etc
--- Jacques Retif 1631 wife not mentioned .
So why not accpet the Huguenot Museum

In conclusion no source presented of Debra Jaubert as wife of Jacques Retif.

Why would information on wall of Huguenot Museum be different from what Judi received from Huguenot Museum.

I belive the plaque from Huguenot Museum at this point more valid as a source than just typed what I say I received from the exact same Huguenot Museum until this plaque and information on it is proven wrong.
It is 99.999 % similar to a gravestone that so many use here on GENI as a source.
No sources exist or have bèen presented oroving even the existence if Debra Jaubert and her oarents.
Will accept her as wife of Jacques Retif when presented with a primary source.
Please remove connection until such source is presented.

Jacques Retif on familysearch :

No parents !

No Image Available
Document Information
Collection Information
France, Brittany, Church and Civil Records, 1521-1896
Cite This Record

"France, Bretagne, registres paroissiaux et état-civil, 1521-1896," database, FamilySearch ( : 17 July 2019), Jacques Rettif, 22 Mar 1611; citing Birth, Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France, Ille-et-Vilaine et Côtes-d'Armor, France.

Anne Retif on familysearch :

No parents !

No Image Available
Document Information
Collection Information
France, Brittany, Church and Civil Records, 1521-1896
Cite This Record

"France, Bretagne, registres paroissiaux et état-civil, 1521-1896," database, FamilySearch ( : 17 July 2019), Anne Rettif, 25 Aug 1612; citing Birth, Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France, Ille-et-Vilaine et Côtes-d'Armor, France.

Both these individuals born long before in 1611 and 1612

Suppose one just have to accept not everything can be right.
Profiles like these with unsupported information thrive on GENI and fed by those that thrive on adding any information because they have been doing since ................

Sharon Doubell the link gives an error

The Huguenot Museum wall image is obviously not a Source for the parents being Jacques Rétif Retif and Debora Jaubert
Please stop adding the couple back.

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