Hester Harington - Did Hester Harington survive and marry?

Started by Erica Howton on Saturday, January 20, 2018
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1/20/2018 at 12:42 PM

The Tudor Women site had updated their page:



Hester Harington was the daughter of John Harington of Stepney (1525-July 1, 1582) and Audrey Malte (d.c.1556). See the entry under ETHELREDA, AUDREY or ESTHER MALTE for more details on Hester’s mother. The date of her birth is uncertain. 1554 has been suggested, but as her mother was in service to Princess Elizabeth in that year, it seems less likely to me than an earlier date. Most records also suggest that no one knows what happened to Hester after about 1568. Recent research by a descendant of the Stubbs family, however, has turned up evidence that Hester Heringtonn married William Stubbs (d.1630) in St. Clement Danes, London, on January 17, 1574. Anne Stubbs was baptized there on January 9, 1575 and Harrington Stubbs on June 14, 1578. They also had a daughter named Susan. A connection between the Maltes, the Haringtons, and Hester Stubbs comes through property records for the manor of Watchfield in Shrivenham, Berkshire (now Oxfordshire). It was granted to John Malte in 1541, belonged to Audrey Malte in 1546, was in the possession of John and Audrey Harington in 1556, and of John and Hester Harington in 1568. In 1593, it belonged to William and Hester Stubbs and in 1631 to Hester Stubbs, widow. Hester lived at Watchfield until her death in 1639. Further evidence of the identification comes from the arms on the tomb of Anne Stubbs Codrington in Bristol Cathedral, where the arms of the Stubbs family are quartered with those of the Harington family, and from a court case in which Sir John Harington, son of John Harington by his second wife, is identified as the brother-in-law of William Stubbs. Hester left a will, probated in 1639, in which she describes herself as of Watchfield in the County of Berks, widowe, being very aged and weake in body. Possible portrait: now lost but described as a child holding a book. If you’re interested in more information about Hester and other members of her family, her descendant blogs at https://genesurfing.wordpress.com/

1/20/2018 at 12:46 PM

This is a source about the property. My reading is that the property from Ethelreda Malte had reverted to Isabella Harrington, John's widow.


1/20/2018 at 4:43 PM

I haven't found any issues with the Stubbs connection so far.

A History of the County of Berkshire: Volume 4, published in 1924, traces the manor of Watchfield.


I have checked the PCC copy of John Malte's will and can confirm his illegitimate daughter Awdrey was given the "The manor of Wachenfeld in the countie of Berkeshire."

Can confirm the marriage between Hester Heringtonn and William Stubbs in 1574. Digital copies of the parish register are on findmypast. I found their entry but it does not give any additional information.

There are two Chancery equity suits, one in 1630 and the other in 1637 which mention Hester Stubbs, widow & Watchfield, Berkshire. The first one specifically mentions the "manor of Watchfield."



1/20/2018 at 4:51 PM

So the question is:

Did “this” Hester Harrington in fact survive childhood to marry William Stubbs?

1/20/2018 at 5:39 PM

The proof is given at the bottom this page:

I have recently found a document in the National Archives, Tatton v Stubbes page. This document is quite badly damaged and feint but it is important as it confirms the identify of Hester.

The document is between William Stubbes, Hester’s husband and son in law Robert Tatton and a large part of it is legible. Most of it is regarding money loans but it also drags other family members into the document including Bartholomew and George Stubbes and, most importantly, the reference below:

"this Deffendant & [the] said Sir John Harrington, this Deffendants Brother in lawe"

William is the defendant in this case and this document proves that Hester is therefore the daughter of John Harington and Awdrey Malte, and the half-sister of Sir John Harington, his son by his second wife Isabella Markham.

Here is an image of the actual document:

1/20/2018 at 6:04 PM

OK, you read the blog the same way I do. This is All News to me — I had last looked at it some years ago.

Do we have the Stubbs family on Geni ?

1/20/2018 at 6:39 PM

One of the Stubbs daughters is here:
Anne Codrington

She has the wrong birth year and probably wasn't born in Bath, Somerset. She was baptised, 09 Jan 1575 at St Clement Danes, Westminster, London.

She was the sister of:
Harrington Stubbs baptised 14 Jun 1578 at St Clement Danes
Susan Stubbs baptised 03 Jul 1582 at St Clement Danes
Theophila Stubbs baptised 21 Dec 1584 at St Clement Danes

1/20/2018 at 7:53 PM

Correction: Susan & Theophila Stubbs were baptised at St Dunstan, Stepney, London.

1/21/2018 at 12:11 AM

Please review profiles for the the William Stubbs family 

William Stubbs, of Watchfield
His wife Hester Stubbs

Their children  

Anne Codrington her husbands Robert Codrington, I & Ralph Marsh
Harrington Stubbs
Susan Tatton
Theophilia Cooper

Their spouses have not been identified yet (?)

1/21/2018 at 12:13 AM

"The document is between William Stubbes, Hester’s husband and son in law Robert Tatton and a large part of it is legible"

I believe his wife was Margaret. Stubbs?

1/21/2018 at 12:51 AM

From: https://genesurfing.wordpress.com/2015/04/26/more-about-hester/

The will of Hester

The probate record and inventory for Hester is held in Reading at the Berkshire records office.

I now have a transcription of her will and although it gives useful information about her children it reveals nothing about her pedigree.

She was still living at West Mill in Watchfield when she died but no longer owned the manor which was transferred to Thomas Tatton, her grandson, after the death of William in 1630, or possibly before.

She confirms her eldest daughter as Anne Marshe widow, which shows that Anne’s second husband Ralph Marshe was deceased by 1639 – her first husband was Robert Codrington, who died in 1618.

"I give and bequethe unto my eldest daughter Anne Marshe widowe the som[m]e of twelve pence and to each of her Children twelve pence a peece."

Youngest daughter Theophilia first married Thomas Garrard of Inkpen, Berkshire and her children from that marriage are identified in the will – he died in 1617.

She remarried “Cowper” at some point – as she is named in the will – but I can find no record of the marriage or any further children.

"I give & bequeathe unto my daughter Cowper one Fether bed, one payre of sheetes, one Rugg & my laste made gowne, and to her sonne Will[ia]m Garrard twelve pence, to her sonne Roger Garrard tenn powndes to her daughter Marye tenn powndes and to her sonne John five powndes, & I will that my daughter Cowper shall have all those garment[es] & Clothes w[hi]ch are in her owne truncke w[hi]ch standeth att my bed[es] feete."

Susan married Robert Tatton and had at least two sons, Thomas and George.

"I give unto everye one of my daughter Tattons Children twelve pence a peece."

1/21/2018 at 1:38 AM

Found two baptisms for children of Theophilia Stubbs & Thomas Garrard.

William Garrard was baptised 24 Oct 1609 at Shrivenham, Berkshire, England
GARRET William s Tho., gent, Watchfielde

Mary Garrard was baptised 23 Jul 1615 at Inkpen, Berkshire, England

Their father Thomas Garrard was buried 14 Nov 1617 at Inkpen, Berkshire, England

There is a marriage between Theophila Gerard & John Cooper in 1618 at St Clement Danes, Middlesex, England

1/21/2018 at 1:55 AM

So this is the Robert Tatton 1st married to Eleanor Warren?

Here he is in Burke's 1838 - without Susan Stubbs listed


1/21/2018 at 2:44 AM

He was probably her husband but it's unconfirmed.


1/21/2018 at 3:57 PM
1/21/2018 at 4:42 PM

Do you think Robert Tatton who married Eleanor Warren was the same Robert Tatton who married Susan Stubbs?

I've found Susan's burial record.

Mrs Susan Tatton of Westmill was buried 27 Dec 1624 at Shrivenham, Berkshire, England

1/21/2018 at 4:56 PM

Here's Tatton in Earwaker


East Cheshire: Past and Present: Or, A History of the Hundred of ..., Volume 1 By John Parsons Earwaker


So far it's clear that

- Susan Stubbs married a Tatton
- something went disastrously wrong for her poor father, who loved her dearly, and forgave her elopement. And then had to sue & sue

This conclusion so far seems the right possibility


"There seems plenty of evidence that Susan married the elder Robert Tatton and that his son, Robert, may have died in childhood – or was alive, but was not the suitor of Susan."


But I'd really like to figure out her children, because that's where we're going: who if any descends from Hester Harrington

1/21/2018 at 4:59 PM

You'll notice that Earwaker does not note any Stubbs or Harington arms.

BUT that's where the sleuthing blog started: trying to identify mystery arms.

1/21/2018 at 6:19 PM

There was a George Tatton born 01 Jul 1612 and baptised 08 Jul 1612 in Northenden, Cheshire, England. Father was Robert Tatton, mother not recorded.

He is recorded as a son of Eleanor in this pedigree

He probably wasn't her son. The genesurfing blog points out Eleanor would have been nearly 50 by this date.

Thomas Tatton was born 15 Jan 1614 and baptised 26 Jan 1614 at Saint Mildred Poultry With Saint Mary Colechurch, London. Father was Robert Tatton and mother was Susan.

Robert Tatton apparently died in Southwark, London in 1623, but I can't find a matching burial record.

1/21/2018 at 6:21 PM

https://books.google.com/books?id=VwMcAQAAMAAJ&lpg=PA311&dq... Tatton tree jn Earwalker, no Stubbs

I do think Eleanor Warren died about 1612, and a man who fights with his father seems likely to fight with his father in law.

There does not seem room in his sons for a marriage to an unknown woman. So I'm leaning to agreeing with the blog.

I've set up a ?? Tatton profile for her husband, hopefully accumulate more evidence, work on the other kids.

1/21/2018 at 6:42 PM

- William Tatton died May 19, and was buried at Northenden May 30, 1611

- Robert his differences his arms as eldest son, Tatton impales Warren in the church window

Is this the event at Eleanor Warren's death, his father's death, and before a new marriage? He had a busy year. :)

1/21/2018 at 7:52 PM

Susan Stubbs definitely married a Robert Tatton. The document from the National Archives concerns Robert Tatton and William Stubbes.

"And this Defendant [William Stubbes] further sha[ll] sayth that the said complainant [Robert Tatton] is so furr from makeing [provision] for his said wife & children, That of late (As this deffendant is credibly informed) the said complainant, & his sone and heir apparant by a former wife, have so handled the matter betwen them, that all the inheritance of the land sometymes in the father of the complainant is setled & stated in his said son, & noe provision made either for the Joynture of this Deffendantes daughter, nor any portions provided for her children, as this Deffendant hath credibly heard & doeth verily beleave yea & that which is more the said complainant doth threaten to turne [return] her his said wife to this Deffendant her father, & will not allowe her such […]ong as is fitting for a woman of her estate & calling."

Note it mentions "complainant, & his sone and heir apparant by a former wife."

It is also clear Robert Tatton had children with William Stubbs daughter "noe provision made either for the Joynture of this Deffendantes daughter, nor any portions provided for her children."

The document is dated 1603-1625.

It seems to fit with Robert Tatton, Esq. and I haven't found any reason to disagree with the blogger.

Thomas Tatton was definitely Susan's son. He sold the manor of Watchfield. He is also recorded with his grandmother, Hester Stubbs, widow, in 1637 concerning property in Watchfield and Shrivenham, Berkshire.

1/21/2018 at 8:19 PM

I've made the merge. I don't see any other possibility?

1/21/2018 at 8:26 PM

I don't see any other possibility either.

1/21/2018 at 8:51 PM

This is an interesting genealogy find. Many kudos to the blogger.

1/21/2018 at 8:52 PM

Is there an image of the manor at Watchfield?

1/21/2018 at 9:00 PM

My own lingering question is that the Earwaker article is good, based on family papers, and no mention of a Susan Stubbs or her children. BUT he's also clear that perhaps because this Robert Tatton was disinherited, he is difficult to account for in detail. So I don't think he'd object from the grave.

1/21/2018 at 9:51 PM

Yes, the blogger has done some very detailed and original research, it's impressive.

Robert Tatton ran away with a woman who was betrothed to someone else. A disgrace to both families and certainly something that the Tatton's would want to omit from their family tree and coat of arms.

This is West Mill House

Survey of the Manor and Tithing of Watchfield

1/21/2018 at 10:55 PM

The visitation of Berkshire incorrectly records Theophilia Stubbs as the daughter of Bartholomew Stubbs. Some of those heraldic visitations are notoriously unreliable.

The baptism record for Theophilia Stubbs records her father as William and she is recorded in her mother's will with her children. There is also another document where Susan and Theophilia are recorded with William Stubbs, no Bartholomew.

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