Help-problem with his ancestral tree

Started by Laura Kaufman on Saturday, December 9, 2017
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Everything I know & see is in these screen shots

Well thanks you - i know it takes time from your day. If I could do it myself -i would.

You'll see it one day! Took me a while too.

Lol- I live for that day!!!

I saw it today! But it was on a profile whose path did not need recalculation...

I am having this problem again, and I know now precisely what causes it, but I still can't resolve it on my own save by tree surgery.

Have a look at this profile: Maria Catherine Jacoby

She *should* be a direct ancestor of mine (and her ancestors too, of course), but she's coming up for me as the sister of one of my great uncles. The reason? I happened to note that a profile for her sister Susanna was in fact duplicated as the spouse of that great uncle, so I merged them. The relationship cache, unfortunately, seems to have copied the wrong relationship -- the relationship through marriage -- and I can't do a thing about it. Frustrating.

If you can see the path refresh icon on that profile, PLEASE click on it for me? And also, please walk up the tree and keep clicking? Thanks a million!!

Karl David Wright is Michael Neuman's 6th great grandson. Share this path:

Can you click the links and identify which have a circle icon?

None of them do.

Should I log a bug report with Geni?

Yes. I see a circle icon (needs refresh) and whacky path for Maria Catherine Jacoby (Maria Catherine (Neiman) Jacoby is your second cousin four times removed's wife's great aunt. )

I could be wrong but I swear this was always a pro right & not to do with curating, except that we are pros. And if not, would be good to know.

Can you take a screen shot, attach to your bug report, and then I'll refresh ?

I'll try taking one and uploading to the profile media tab.

Sorry - whacky path Mis reported it is actually

Maria Catherine (Neiman) Jacoby is Karl David Wright's fifth great aunt's sister.

I see the icon in your screen shots attached to the profile, but it doesn't show up when I view the profile. Both links you have attached to this discussion I don't have permission to view.

Can you see this photo link OK? If so, that's the URL to include in your bug report, and if you can take a screen shot of your view, that would also help.

Yes, thanks, I can see that one.

I'll file a report in the morning.

I've saved a screen shot of my view.

So you can refresh now. Thanks!!

Ticket filed; I'll let you know what the response is when I get it. Thanks again!!

Your path is fixed (hope it sticks). What is interesting about this is it helped you identify a tree problem.

Yup, path fixed. Thanks!

One more thing -- can you remove the two screenshots you tagged as photos of Catherine Ann Jacobi? I don't have permission to untag them apparently.

Catherine Ann's mother and father are still screwed up. Here's the mother's link:

Maria Elizabeth Neiman

I take that back; it's just the mother and *her* parents that are screwed up. ;-)

I think this line is fixed

And photos de tagged

Thanks again! That all looks much better.

But the father's side is still busted:

Johann Jacob Hake

This is a pain in the behind. I hope Support takes this seriously. My apologies...

Using share this path so I can click on the links

Should be good back to 10th gg (congrats on complete tree)öck?fro...

Thank you again, Erica!!
I'll let you know what Support says if they ever get back to me.

Hi Erica Howton, here is what Support says:

'Hi Karl,

Thank you for contacting Geni Support.

If there has been any updates in a relationship path, then after about a week from the last calculation of the relationship path you will see a refresh icon -- this is the same for all users except Curators. Geni Curators always see the refresh icon.

Please know that the system typically displays the closest relationship to you/focus person. There can be multiple paths to another profile, however our system can only show one path. Therefore, if there is closer path (even through a marriage relationship) - we would show that one. Otherwise, you are seeing the one which was cached or calculated first.

Also, please keep in mind that pending merges and recent merges can also prevent the closest relationship from calculating. There's a lot of merging, pending merges and/or updates that occur in the historical parts of the tree which can change the relationship path.

Currently your relationship path to Maria Catherine Jacoby is showing as your 4th great grandmother.

Kind regards,
The Geni Support Team'

Ah, so the icon would present to you say a week after the fix. Good to know.

i have a problem with a user Robert Maria Everaerts ! He's deleting allready all morning and yesterday profiles ! Can somebody stop him please !
this is his profile ....
Robert Maria Everaerts

Thank you all

Daniel Luc Florent De Geest
Robert Maria Everaerts has been reported for vandalism and privileges restricted.

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