Sarah Pierson (Tomlinson) - Sarah Tomlinson, Sarah, wife of Abraham Pierson, and Sarah, wife of Andrew Smith

Started by Hatte Rubenstein Blejer on Thursday, November 30, 2017
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I was doing some clean up on the Pierson family and noticed that there is a match between Sarah Pierson, wife of Abraham Pierson, Esq. and Sarah Smith, wife of Andrew Smith. They are both linked to the same parents.

I see that in the book, The Descendants of Stephen Pierson of Suffolk and of New Haven and Derby, Conn 1645 - 1739, the surname of the wife of Abraham Pierson is unknown.

However in the Overview of this profile, someone has written that recent evidence suggests that she was Sarah Tomlinson.

We need (1) a link to the evidence of her parentage and (2) to reconcile the two Sarahs since based on the dates I believe they are not the same woman.

If you are a manager or descendant or researcher of Derby families, please provide input here.

My Moms maiden name is Alcott and we are direct decedents of Mary Alcott Chatfield, the grand daughter of Abraham Pierson. After looking into my connection of a few famous aristocratic, I found that I was a direct dependent of a few through Abraham's supposed wife Sarah Tomlinson. More specifically, all the lines went through her paternal grandfather Henry 'the settler" Tomlinson.
After spending a few hours searching, I could find nothing that indicated Jonas Tomilison (Henry's son and Sarah's supposed father) had a daughter named Sarah and it is not like there is no info on him.
However, I did notice that Henry had a daughter named Mary Pierson and quickly realized that she married Stephen Peirson and Abraham's mother. Therefore, if Sarah really was the daughter of Jonas, Abraham would be her first cousin and Henry Tomilson would be biological grandfather to both.
Therefore, I think it is pretty clear that although there is documents showing Abraham did marry a Sarah, I think its clear his wife was not a Tomilson.

Thank you very much for the well thought out counter evidence to Sarah being Sarah Tomlinson.

I will edit her profile to show unknown parents for now and we can wait to see if anyone else weighs in.

I'll lock relationships and fields on Sarah Pierson, wife of Abraham, which means you or anyone else will need a curator to edit her. This is to prevent her being re-attached to Tomlinson parents in the future. Once information is on the Internet, it proliferates quickly and over and over.

There were endogamous marriages in Colonial America by the way, although usually more distant than first cousins. There was just a small pool of people in the first decades. I'm a double Baldwin for example.

But it's not like my Eastern European Ashkenazi rabbinical lines where cousin marriage was the norm.

Sarah Smith

I have also detached Sarah Smith from Jonas Tomlinson and wife Hannah Gunn.

The will of Jonas Tomlinson only mentions his sons.

I have also detached Mary Pierson from parents Jonas Tomlinson and Hannah Gunn. Their four SONS were born in the late 1680s.

Mary Pierson was born in 1649, so too early to be their daughter, as well as there not being any daughters in records of in Jonas Tomlinson's will.

I noticed that about that Mary Piersons too and initially thought it someone connected Abraham's mom to Jonas's account instead of Henry Tomilson's but realized it was another Mary. It is actually how I stumbled on to Henry Tomilson's daughter Mary Pierson was also Abraham's mom.
I was actually going to suggest that all the daughters listed were not accurate because only the sons show up in any citation about his kids.
For what it is worth, I looked at my tree on anather site that also auto-populates lines if someone has already connected the linage, and that site said that this Sarah Pierson was born Sarah Rossiter. However, that looks like an even bigger stretch.

I have Rossiter in my family too. They're in one of the early Masschusetts towns, I'd have to look it up. Not in Milford.

Another crazy Pierson: Mary Pierson

Is she real? If so, which Stephen Pierson was she married to?

Yes, the Rossiter family were in Taunton -- Hugh Rossiter Nicholas Rossiter

She is real and I missed one of the citations from "Connecticut, Vital Records, Prior to 1850". I can seem to find a copy online, but the the other site said can view a picture of the records on a computer at the one of the site affiliate library.
Anyways, the citation claims to be a marriage of Sarah Rossiter and Sgt. Abraham Pierson, I on 9 May 1716 Killingworth.

However, I just did a search on here of Sarah Rossiter and added her listed father from other site (which had citations of birth records with her parents names) and this profile came up Sarah Pierson Its an identical profile as the other site. However, she is married to a Abraham Pierson, III who appears to be Sgt. Abraham Pierson, I second cousin. So thats a dead end too.

Correction, The two Abraham Pierson are 3rd cousins and both share the same 2nd great grandfather Sir Richard A. Pierson, Knight. They were born a year a part and both married a Sarah. So, I can see why the other site would have it confused.

The Piersons were pretty confused and I'm not sure they are quite correct yet, but thank you so much for the research and bringing up issues.

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