Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are cousins

Started by Carolina Elena Barillas on Tuesday, November 28, 2017
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Showing 31-60 of 75 posts

He used Aaron as his artist name, but all official papers tell Aron.

I am Prince Harry's 12th cousin once removed and Meghan's 9th cousin once removed.

how sure are you of meghans descent, some say it is just a lie

gerard, ha ha

vill ni kanske komma hem och se min elvis samling va? och kolla i mina böcker, kanske ni ej ens hade ens uttalat er.

The term that should be used is "Biracial" for Meghan. Who in the hell uses that word "mixed" nowadays? SMH!! We are all part of the human race people!

Asa, she said what her back ground is, herself. EWhat is the problem

Caroline, . It really doesn't matter which term you use. records it can be found under all those names including Malatio and half breed. Not nice but that's how it was. It is the way it was . It's called life. You need to know them all in order to research your tree.
I PERSONALY don't care which one you call me. I am what I am.

@ Carolina, I refer to myself as mixed race as many people do. To each his own.

That's right. Many people do say mixed race. Nothing wrong with that.

I read somewhere that if you have King John of England that all the presidents EXCEPT Martin Van Buren are related to him. I am not sure if that's true and I wish I could remember the source. Again...Use the word BIRACIAL for use the word "mixed" is very rude.

why do you do this new years eve???

Meghan Markle is your 11th cousin once removed.
→ Stephen Alan Thoreson
your father → Samuel Alfred Thoreson
his father → Jennie Irene Thoreson
his mother → Ada Arvila Taylor
her mother → John Nelson Hall
her father → Elisha Hall
his father → Keziah Hall
his mother → Frances Evans
her mother → Anne Evans
her mother → Hannah Evans
her mother → Capt. Dea Nathaniel Browne
her father → Deacon Henry Brown
his father → William Brown
his brother → Mary Hoyt
his daughter → Joseph Hoyt
her son → Anne Ellsworth
his daughter → Samuel Ellsworth
her son → Jeremiah Ellsworth
his son → George Ellsworth
his son → Maria Sanders
his daughter → Frederick George Sanders
her son → Doris May Rita Markle
his daughter → <private> Markle
her son → Meghan Markle
his daughter

Prince Harry of Wales is your 12th cousin twice removed.
→ Margaret Anne Lawrence
your mother → Franklin D Lawrence
her father → Emma Mae Lawrence
his mother → Arminta Minerva Carlisle
her mother → Margaret Minerva Goodall
her mother → William Sherman Carr
her father → benjamin carr
his father → john carr, sr
his father → joshua carr
his father → Susannah Carr
his mother → Susannah Parrish Capells Tucker
her mother → Thomas Parsons, of Anne Arundel
her father → Thomas Parsons
his father → William Parsons
his father → Catherine Fenton
his mother → Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Burlington, 2nd Earl of Cork
her son → Sir Charles Boyle, 3rd Viscount Dungarvan
his son → Charles Boyle, 3rd Earl of Cork and 2nd Earl of Burlington
his son → Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington and 4th Earl of Cork
his son → Charlotte Elizabeth Cavendish, 6th Baronness Clifford
his daughter → Dorothy Bentinck, Duchess of Portland
her daughter → William Charles Augustus Cavendish-Bentinck, Lord
her son → Charles Cavendish-Bentinck (priest)
his son → Cecilia Bowes-Lyon, Countess of Strathmore and Kinghorne
his daughter → Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
her daughter → Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
her daughter → Charles, Prince of Wales
her son → Prince Harry of Wales
his son

Sir Ralph Bowes of Streatlam is my 13th cousin 17 times removed.

Sir Ralph Bowes of Streatlam is your 13th cousin 16 times removed.

Sir Ralph is my 7th cousin 16 times removed, that is a lot removed :D

i am 14th cousin 3 times removed to Harry and 15th cousin 5 times removed to Meghan so all of us on here are related to each other

i am harrys 15 th cousin.

Harry is my 16th cousin Once Removed and Megan is my 18th cousin Once Removed.....

They both are my cousins as well. Most likely so are all of you. lol

Prince Harry and Prince William are my 10th cousins once removed through thier Mother Lady Diana's family directly on to my Bunch family line.

I used to be connected to the Royal Family from Love Branch of my family but the paths have been changed or updated.

Harry, Duke of Sussex

Harry, Duke of Sussex

Prince William and Prince Harry are my 8th cousins twice removed. Lady Diana Spencer is my 8th cousin once removed. Lady Diana's Mother - Frances Shand Kidd is my 8th cousin.

ME - Sandra Marie (Jeppesen) Abston
→ Robert Dale Jeppesen
your father → Myra Cordelia (Wood) Jeppesen
his mother → Mira Ida Wood
her mother → Cordelia Maria Leaman
her mother → Roxana “Roxy” Goodwin (Leete)
her mother → Miles Leete
her father → Mercy Leete
his mother → Rachel Dudley
her mother → Justice Joseph Strong
her brother → Capt. Joseph Strong, Jr.
his son → Deacon Benajah Strong
his son → Dr. Joseph Strong
his son → Eleanor Wood
his daughter → Ellen Work
her daughter → Frances Ellen Work
her daughter → Maurice Roche, 4th Baron Fermoy
her son → Frances Shand Kydd
his daughter

Prince Harry is my 13th cousin and Meghan
is my 18th cousin twice removed.

Yes, I am related to Prince Harry, who is my 5th cousin twice removed. Our common ancestors are my 4x great grandparents John BROWNELL (1728-1806) and Elizabeth FOER (1732-1806). I descend from them via two BROWNELLs and three JOHNSONs, the last of whom was my mother. Prince Harry is descended from John BROWNELL/Elizabeth FOER via one BROWNELL, two BOOTHBYs, three BURKE ROCHEs and one SPENCER (Princess Diana). I don't think I am related to Megan though I haven't researched yet. I think John BROWNELL's father was James and his mother Sarah, though I haven't been able to find any past for Elizabeth FOER and am now wondering whether I have her name correctly.

Margaretha van Brederode,Princess-Abbess of Stift Thorn
her mother → Anna,van Geldern Gräfin von Neuenahr
her mother → Walburga von Manderscheidt-Schleiden
her mother → Walburgis van Horne
her mother → Johanna von Moers-Saarwerden
her mother → Engelberta von der Mark
her mother → Adolf IV, duke of Cleves
her brother → Katharina von Kleve, duchess of Guelders
his daughter → Mary of Guelders, Queen consort of Scotland
her daughter → Mary Stewart, Countess of Arran
her daughter → James Hamilton, 1st Earl of Arran
her son → James Hamilton, 2nd Earl of Arran
his son → Claud Hamilton, 1st Lord Paisley
his son → Sir Frederick Hamilton
his son → Sir James Harrison Hamilton of Manorhamilton
his son → Audley Harrison Hamilton
his son → Archibald Henry Hamilton, I
his son → Henrietta Reynolds
his daughter → Jacob Reynolds, of North Carolina
her son → Levicey Gay
his daughter → Dicey Wood
her daughter → Mary Elizabeth Jane Hendrick
her daughter → Mahalia Texas "Texie" Ragland
her daughter → Jeremiah "Jerry" M. Ragland
her son → Steven R. Ragland
his son → Alvin Azell Ragland
his son → Doria Loyce Ragland
his daughter

Cousins to

Meghan is related to Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of the UK of Great Britain and Ireland--6th cousin 13 times removed:

So, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is already related to British royalty; she is the 19th great granddaughter of Edward III of England. Since Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex is a great grandson of Edward III (17th great grandson) Meghan is Harry's cousin, as well as, his wife.

I'm related to both Meghan through both her parents, and to Prince Harry, through both Diana and Charles. And Edward III of England is my great grandfather, too:

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