William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony - strange lineage

Started by Kristin Felicia VanNest on Friday, November 24, 2017
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11/24/2017 at 6:05 AM

a year ago, to this day, William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony was my second cousin 12 times removed. And today, he is 13th great uncle's grandson. How does that happen?? Sometimes I'm not sure I can trust all this.... :(

11/24/2017 at 6:23 AM

@william bradford

Private User
11/24/2017 at 7:07 AM

Wouldn't that still make him your 2nd cousin? Sometimes the connection needs to be reset in the system.

11/24/2017 at 7:37 AM

The Geni connection will change, when profiles are changed. We are continually working to make the Tree more reliable!

So it is indeed, and will always be, a work in progress.

11/24/2017 at 7:41 AM

Pros & curators can update the relationship calculator. A circle icon shows when it needs refreshing, I see it:

William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony is your 6th great aunt's 12th cousin five times removed's 2nd husband.

So I’m pressing it, and ...

William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony is your 10th cousin 10 times removed.

11/24/2017 at 11:03 AM

@ William Bradford. Not sure how to reset the path chosen. You might try to clear your computer's cache file. Sometimes the path chosen is either from your dad's side or from your mother's side of the family. I do find that confusing, too.

Private User
11/24/2017 at 11:22 AM

I don't think it matters too much if it's not a direct line relationship - i.e. your g-g-g+ grandfather. However if you go further up the tree, you will have a common ancestor with William Bradford's ancestor.

11/24/2017 at 11:28 AM

The Geni software doesn't necessarily show the direct line connection. It shows the shortest path. So if the direct line has more generations in it, that's not what it coughs up.

So, for instance, if I go to see what my relationship is to Llewelyn the Great, Geni shows me some convolute thing through my dad. But if I go to see what the connection is through my mom, it is direct.

11/24/2017 at 1:16 PM

I am the 9th great-grandson to William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony.

11/24/2017 at 1:45 PM

I am having the same problem with my lines. I see that both of my maternal grandparents came from some of the same royalty lines all the way back to Rollo. One time the royals will be my umpteen great grandparents and another time it has been switched to a distant cousin depending on whose line was updated last by whomever. Is there a way to easily check both sides, or my dads side without it being stuck on the latest path?

11/24/2017 at 2:06 PM

Ronald Eastwood-you wouldn’t happen to be related to Clint? He is a distant cousin to me through brothers Elipalet (my side 7th ggrandfather) and Lt Robert Steele. You and I have Mercy Steele In common, she is my 8th great grandmother and grand daughter to gov William Bradford. It looks like you have 2 Bradford lines.

11/24/2017 at 3:02 PM

Three things to remember:
(1) if you are interested in a relationship with someone from many generations ago, there will likely be multiple paths between you and Geni will give you one path ... which path that is may change as the tree changes
(2) the relationship calculation is only as good as the tree is complete and correct, it can't calculate relationships if the data is not there ... conversely, as the tree is improved and/or corrected over time, new relationships or different relationships will be shown since the tree has changed
(3) Geni "caches" (stores in memory temporary) relationships and only reruns the relationship calculation code every few days / weeks. You can ask a curator to help you if you think a different relationship (more direct, shorter) is not showing up for some reason.

11/24/2017 at 3:10 PM

Pros can also ask the path to recalculate.

11/24/2017 at 3:34 PM

Yes, my #3 above ;)

11/26/2017 at 2:25 PM

and now he is 8th cousin 10 times removed. lol

11/26/2017 at 2:57 PM

Kristin Felicia VanNest he’s probably all of the above. :)

The way to identify a “break” is to walk the path between yourself and the target using “share this link” and opening up each profile, one at a time, for the relationship to you. If the next link changes there may be a refresh needed, you can actually see it because a little circle icon presents. That’s the profile link needed for a pro or curator to help you.

1/14/2018 at 7:37 AM

Kristin Felicia VanNest, not sure myself , a lot of this is a mystery to me but it's information about ancestors so there is gonna be some confusion . I'm finding family all the time & not sure what the connection is but I'm not 1 to give up . I learn the connections as I go along . Maybe someone else could answer that question, I however am not able to , have fun learning who our family was & is , it's always interesting .
I'll stop back in a bit later . If anyone has family info, plz feel free to update , I'm always checking in to see what is happening .

1/14/2018 at 7:43 AM

Kristin Felicia VanNest, another website that would help you out is Ancestry.com. I have a family tree on there as well. That is how I'm finding my relatives I never knew I had .


ps, if you want to call me Liz instead , that's
ok too, thta's what everyone calls me .

1/14/2018 at 8:09 AM

how much does 'following' help cement a relationship on geni?

1/14/2018 at 11:58 AM

Following a profile results in notifications in your Geni newsfeed of actions taken about that profile: updates, adds to projects and so on. It doesn't add to your tree because it's in your tree whether you follow it or not.

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