Gateways project

Started by Nathan W. Murphy on Sunday, November 19, 2017
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I'm very impressed with what you're trying to do here in keeping the gateway lineages accurate. I'm genealogist for several of the royal hereditary societies. Would you be interested in getting updates about new gateways being discovered?

Nathan W. Murphy, MA, AG, FASG

That sounds like a no brainer-and very wonderful of you to offer!

Roland Henry Baker, III can we help figure out a good Geni tool for the updates to the gateway projects?

Nathan W. Murphy my feeling is Greg the Southern Gateway ancestors are less well organized & validated than the New England, and there were more of them. Is that impression valid ?

(For Greg, read “that.”)

Nathan, I am a huge fan of your work sir!

I would love any help and suggestions you can offer for the Gateway projects! That would be fantastic!!!

Erica, I've tried to keep the lists on the three Gateway project organized by source to make it easier to look up information as needed as we clean up the GENI tree. I'm thinking we could add a new section to each of the three gateway project pages for newly discovered / updated gateway ancestors that aren't already listed in the books cited. These could include any that Nathan has to offer or others found in recent journals, etc.

I would be very interested. Thank you for the offer! I'm most familiar with the New England gateway lineages, some of which are my lines, and agree with Erica that my impression is that the Southern gateway ancestors are more problematic.

Good suggestion, Roland. You all have done a great job getting these projects in place.

How about this for a structure?

- An umbrella project (index to gateways projects) with no profiles, but with discussions for “updates”. That project could include resources that are less geographic perhaps. More importantly, that would provide one set of discussions where the updates are noted, and then we can tag the corresponding Geni profiles to the most relevant projects.

(And the sectioning in the existing projects Roland noted)

Excellent. You guys sound like a great team.

Here are some of the more recent gateway lines that have been pieced together, which we're accepting in the royal hereditary societies, with references to where you can learn more:

THOMAS HUSSEY, Merchant, of Charles Co., MD

EUPHAME (SCOT) JOHNSTON, of NJ and NY [wife of Dr. John Johnstone, Mayor of NYC et al]

Gary Boyd Roberts has Euphame in his book, but it follows a different line that he states may have problems. I haven't found any outstanding problems in this improved line Stevens has presented.

1. King Robert III m. Anabella Dummond, Queen of Scots (SCOTS 1:17, 330)
2. Lady Mary Stewart m. George Douglas, 1st Earl of Angus (SCOTS 1:18, 172)
3. William Douglas, 2nd Earl of Angus m. Margaret Hay (SCOTS 1:174)
4. George Douglas, 4th Earl of Angus m. Isabel Sibbald (SCOTS 1:175, 433)
5. Isabell Douglas m. Sir Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie (SCOTS 3:92)
6. Elizabeth Ramsay m. Sir Alexander Boswell of Balmuto (SCOTS 3:92, BARON 309)
7. David Boswell of Balmuto m. Elizabeth Moncrieff (BARON 310)
8. Christian Boswell m. Sir James Melville I of Halhill (1535-1617) (SCOTS 6:92)
9. Sir James Melville II of Halhill (liv. 1653) m. (1) Catherine Colville, m. (2) Catherine Learmonth (SCOTS 6:92)
10. Elizabeth Melville m. by 1637, as his second wife, Sir John Scot of Scotstarvit (1586-1670), Director of Chancery (ODNB)
11. George Scot, Gent. of Pitlochie (1643-1685), m. Margaret Rigg. George and Margaret died on voyage to America in 1685. (ODNB)
12. Euphame Scot m. 1686, Dr. John Johnstone (d. 1732), Mayor of New York City et al.

Select Sources
1. BARON=Sir Robert Douglas, The Baronage of Scotland: Containing an Historical and Genealogical Account of the Gentry of that Kingdom (Edinburgh, 1798). Online at FamilySearch.
2. SCOTS=Sir James Balfour Paul, The Scots Peerage, 9 vols. (Edinburgh, 1904-1914). Online at FamilySearch.
3. ODNB=Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, online edition.
Magdalen Newport, ‘Some Stories of Colonial Families: Johnstone, of New Jersey,’ The American Historical Register 1 (1894-1895):44-54, .
4. A.W. Savary, ‘Some Annandale Johnstons in America,’ New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 33 (1902):246-249, etc., .
5. Edith M. Mather, ‘George Scot, of Pitlochy,’ Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society 7 (1922):260-278, .
6. Rev. Charles Rogers, ‘The Staggering State of Scottish Statesmen from 1550 to 1650, by Sir John Scot, of Scotstarvet. With a Memoir of the Author, and Historical Illustrations,’ Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 1 (1875):278-429: includes biographical information and entries from Scot’s family Bible (including birth of George Scot): .
7. Sir William Fraser, The Melville, Earls of Melville; and the Leslies, Earls of Leven, 3 vols. (Edinburgh, 1890): Halhill family: .

For further information, see soc.genealogy.medieval discussion:!topic/soc.genealogy.medieval/VDRZ...

I hit the wrong button. Here are sources for Hussey and his cousin, another gateway:

Thomas Hussey of MD

Elizabeth (Hussey) Scott of MA

The latest issues of The American Genealogist establish two new gateways: Elizabeth (Hussey) Scott of Boston, Massachusetts and Thomas Hussey of Charles County, Maryland. They were first cousins. Their paternal grandparents are listed in Douglas's Royal Ancestry series.

Here are the sources connecting these gateways back into Douglas's books:

1. Mary Wroth m. John Hussey. Source: RA 5:401-2.
2. Rev. John Hussey. Sources: TAG Vol. 89, No. 1 (Jan 2017):31-41; Vol. 89, No. 2 (Apr 2017):128-136.
3. GATEWAY: Thomas Hussey, Merchant, of Charles County, Maryland. Sources: (1) TAG Vol. 89, No. 1 (Jan 2017):31-41; Vol. 89, No. 2 (Apr 2017):128-136; (2) Barnes, 256-257.

1. Mary Wroth m. John Hussey. Source: RA 5:401-2.
2. Nathaniel Hussey, Gent.. Sources: TAG Vol. 89, No. 1 (Jan 2017):31-41; Vol. 89, No. 2 (Apr 2017):128-136.
3. GATEWAY: Elizabeth Hussey m. Robert Scott of Boston, Massachusetts. Sources: TAG Vol. 89, No. 1 (Jan 2017):31-41; Vol. 89, No. 2 (Apr 2017):128-136; GMB 3:1638-1641.

Source Abbreviations:

Barnes=Robert W. Barnes, British Roots of Maryland Families (Baltimore, 1999).

GMB=Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, 3 vols. (Boston, 1995).

RA=Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, 5 vols. (2013).

TAG=The American Genealogist.

Another Mid-Atlantic gateway:

Catherine (Lorraine) Lyell of NJ [wife of David Lyell]

Her ancestry is outlined in this thread:!topic/soc.genealogy.medieval/9F3Z... and Douglas's Royal Ancestry.

Two Southern gateways:

1. Elizabeth (Whetenhall) Rozer of MD

For Whetenhall, see this thread:!topic/soc.genealogy.medieval/A3YP...

2. Margaret (Domville) Hatton Banks of MD

Nathan W. Murphy, "The Origin and Royal Descent of Margaret Domville, Wife of Richard Hatton, of Lymm, Cheshire, and of Richard Banks of Maryland," The American Genealogist, Vol. 87, No. 3 (Jan.-Apr. 2015):226-235; Vol. 87, No. 4 (Jul.-Oct. 2015):285-298.

Don't feel obligated to add all of these, if you need to put them through a vetting process, or something first, etc.

With very best wishes,


You can check the Miles Files for gateways that run through Accomack/Northampton Counties, Virginia - there are several. Accuracy is not guaranteed, but he tries to document the heck out of everything he can.

I know of one "gateway" on Geni that was probably mis-constructed: John Wilkins, I - I've been griping about it in Discussions: .

Mr Wilkins' parents are *not* known, and the construction above him also has several dubious spots. (Man from Oxfordshire meets and marries a woman from Essex, and neither of their families are in Parliament? A bit suspicious right there!)

Nathan W. Murphy thank you so much! We now need to do the work of getting the Geni projects and profiles updated and easy to find.

Keep the updates coming.

Fantastic! Thanks so much Nathan W. Murphy!

For some reason we clump Maryland in with Southern Gateway Ancestors of Proven Royal Descent. So I've added the Maryland names here:

The first list is per Douglas Richardson's "Royal Ancestry" sorted by state.

Next is the "New" section which includes the three new MD gateway ancestors. I would have liked to make the text of the header "New" red but as far as I know GENI doesn't allow that so instead I added a red "New" Banner. I'll see if I can't find something better for the graphic but I wanted it to catch the eye of the reader.

Each gateway ancestor entry will have a link to the profile on GENI (which needs work) as well as a link from the profile back to the project. And each gateway ancestor has a link to a source.

For example for THOMAS HUSSEY, Merchant, of Charles Co., MD if you click on the text next to it it will take you to a sub-project page here:

And we can edit these sub-project pages and make them as detailed as desired and include any links or graphics needed.

Any suggestions welcome.

I'll work on adding the other gateway ancestors to the other projects shortly.

Wilkins "gateway" has been shut pending better information (which may not ever be found).

I'm pretty crazy about the royal "new" banner, Roland Henry Baker, III. Yes, this kind of project is perfect and will gain more attention in searches.

Added Elizabeth (Hussey) Scott to New England Gateway Ancestors of Proven Royal Descent:

Which links back to the same sub-project page as Thomas Hussey:

She wasn't even on GENI yet:

Elizabeth Scott

I need to pull out TAG and GMB and see if we can fill her tree out. The GMB article on her husband Robert Scott is here if anyone wants to dig in:

It should also be on page 1638+

I'll finish up the Mid Atlantic Additions...

GMB shows the only child of Robert and Elizabeth (Hussey) Scott who married was Mary Scott m Bston 16 Aug 1660 Samuel Emmons [BVR 76].

Mid-Atlantic Gateway Ancestors of Proven Royal Descent is now updated:

The section on EUPHAME (SCOT) JOHNSTON links to this subproject:

We don't seem to have Catherine (Lorraine) Lyell of NJ [wife of David Lyell on the GENI tree yet. If anyone wants to work on here tree Nathan's discussion is here:!topic/soc.genealogy.medieval/9F3Z...

So that should be everyone.

Thanks so much Nathan!!!

You go Maven! Keep pruning!

Awesome. This is fantastic. Yes, if I remember correctly Thomas Hussey and Elizabeth (Hussey) Scott both only had one child who left descendants.

I'll be in touch.


And thanks for the heads up about John Wilkins, Maven. I haven't reviewed that line. I'll take a look at the Eastern Shore site.

Thanks again for everyone's help.


Wilkins was my direct ancestor (times at least two), so I wanted to make sure his info was correct. :-)

One more Marylander: Anne (Fielder) Gantt Wight. She is on the Charlemagne list, but I'm not sure she has a profile. Douglas Richardson and I have both reviewed and approved this new gateway.

Here's a discussion:!searchin/soc.genealogy.medieval/C...

Dr. Dwight Cavanagh discovered this line. His two-volume book: Colonial Chesapeake Families: British Origins and Descendants sets forth the proofs:
Vol. 1 at Amazon:
Vol. 2 at Amazon:



Question for anyone-lol. Are the proven gateway ancestors in GENI marked a such somewhere on their profile? It would be great if they were!

They should be added to the correct project and delineated that way, you'll see it profile view

Take a look in here for example

Aren't they also added to one of the three geographic Gateway projects and so you can see by their inclusion in such a project that they are proven gateway ancestors? Until someone gets around to also adding a project specific to those individuals.

Yes, exactly. In fact separate projects for the “New finds” as well as the correct gateway project, I would think.

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