From Brienne, France to Wales, The Bryan Knights of England

Started by Douglas Gregory Bryan on Saturday, November 18, 2017
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11/18/2017 at 10:35 PM

I have been reading some interesting information about Guy de Bryan I, de House of Brienne the lackland Knight adventurer who took land in Whales (Laugharne) by Lord marcher's conquest feudal system of the French Kingdom and became a prominent English Knight of Walwyn's Castle and was granted a yearly fair by Henry III to hold a market fair for Autumn Harvest. in Laugharne . I'm hoping for more evidence of this connection between the English Bryan line and that of the French.

Francis Bryan III (standard bearer to William of Orange at the battle of the Boyne)
Francis Bryan ]

Guy de Bryan I (Knight Adventurer) (Castle Wales Autumn Harvest Festival )

Regarding : William Smith Bryan (claimed the Irish crown)
William Smith Bryan...

Doug Bryan, aspiring Bryan Family Historian

11/18/2017 at 10:54 PM

We can put these on the wall to left of the screen links to the information.

11/19/2017 at 4:07 PM


I found a duplicate profile in the O’Brians I put in to curitors but unsure how to get all merged it same family but different dates ect. No one merged them yet.

John Adam O'Brien

11/19/2017 at 4:08 PM

Here other profile.

John Adam O'Brien

11/19/2017 at 4:10 PM

These same people just variations in names date and information. No one merged them and not sure what is correct and not to finish merg.

11/19/2017 at 9:30 PM

Well the Curtors unmerged my stuff and refuses to correct profiles so I be working on both profiles I guess.

11/20/2017 at 1:48 AM

The profile mysteriously vanished and says that it has been deleted. Does anyone know how this can happen. it has also happened to other profiles that I have followed which presents that I have deleted them ? when I haven't.

Any suggestions - maybe it is something that I am doing unwittingly.

11/20/2017 at 1:58 AM

Was it profile that was controversial to people it also might been merged with others. I know the feeling here. At times it hard to find stuff again once you find them.

11/20/2017 at 2:13 AM

Guy ‘Adomarus’ de Bryan (de Brien) (de Brian)

Sir Guy De Bryan I (try this one)

11/20/2017 at 1:37 PM

please don'nt mess up my linr on my grandparents thank's

11/20/2017 at 2:22 PM

Sheila think they were talking about fixing a profile of Coralie.

11/20/2017 at 5:02 PM

Here a link to help you out.

11/20/2017 at 5:50 PM

Douglas here a book for your research; target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer nofollow'Brien%20family%20in%20America&f=false

11/21/2017 at 1:12 AM

Thank you sincerely Billie and Douglas - I am agaom on track with Sir Guy de Brienne 1 (Knight of Walwyn's Castle), my 23rd Great Grandfather. The Bryan's are an interesting historical family. Nice to meet someone who is carrying the Bryan name too.

I have endeavoured to develop patience. One of my forefathers has done the rounds of being a distant cousin, distant Uncle back to being a forefather. At the end of the day, It is all okay and serves to keep us on our toes regarding the family tree and who was where and when.

Thanks again,

11/21/2017 at 1:20 AM

Corslia I messed up today I not real great at this stuff,
Douglas is the gem I was so scared I messed up hos work today about had fit. Was you able to find the person. My lines run back into Douglas but since it split right now not sure how it going to work maybe we all can work togeather to get all Biggs out these O’Brien kin. Thank you for thanks.

12/12/2017 at 1:02 AM
12/12/2017 at 1:15 AM

Is this John King of Jerusalem a knights Templer of some sort.

12/12/2017 at 1:45 AM

Oh I found a video on one our kin

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