Hugh Ross - Hugh Ross, The Jacobite

Started by Les Ross on Tuesday, November 14, 2017
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Not that I could tell.

This Francis Neville Reid was a benevolent person using his family wealth to help the poor and the underemployed:

I have looked at this some more and don't see proof of a connection of Robert Ross to George Aeneas Ross (RossDNAProject). Robert Ross was from the frontier of Ohio as quoted on the previous page, 5. More DNA would help a lot here.

Yes, there are several Ross lines, we need a bigger database.

Les Ross could I trouble you to take a look at this Ross line?

Arminella Ross

She's acquired a father in law since I last visited. No idea of validity, but there are good notes in William's profile to offer up clues.

I'm finding it rather interesting that I-M223 shows up in the Ross DNA Project only as isolated non-matches in the groups at the bottom. Very odd, considering that there *is* a known Ross line of I-M223 going back to Westerly, RI. You'd think that more of them would have shown up....

They haven't tested yet? Or there no one left? The Westerly family was substantial, but maybe mostly daughtered out?

I think there's more of them, just scattered all over the place. Surprising the d00d who started an online Ahnentafel (Gregory William Ross) never volunteered for testing.

Les Ross

I've found another tidbit about

William Ross

Page 61 of Historical Records of the Enoch Family in Virginia and Pennsylvania By Harry G. Enoch footnote 20

It is not yet certain how William Ross came to own Fairfaxes Lot 55 & 56. Lot 55 was originally leased to FRANCIS ROSS on August 5, 1749. Francis also leased Lot 54; JAMES ROSS leased Lots 45 and 46. How William, James and Francis were related is not known.


Lord Fairfax' patent was Hampshire County, now West Virginia. William (I think) later moved to Goose Creek, near Rectortown, then King William County, later Frederick County.

Sure, that would be interesting.

And here he is

Alexander Ross

Okay. Just search for Celia, Archiver, Rootsweb, 2010 -- There are a number of Ross posts that year by different authors. It would be interesting to see that Quaker record if it can be found supposed to be saying he was raised by the neighbor George Rosses or something.

The above is a John Ross in Chester County, Penn, about the same age as Alexander Ross, also with a father from Ireland and Scotland about the same time.

I'm thinking there was a Ross connection of this group in Ireland, who were from Scotland. Curious to see how that plays out. DNA for all this will be interesting.

Go by religion! Quakers vs Presbyterians, perhaps.

"Alexander Ross of Pennsylvania and Virginia was probably of Scotch-Irish descent and was born about 1682. He was brought to Pennsylvania as an indentured servant when about eleven years old. The following is from the record of the Court of Common Pleas, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1681-1697:

["]The boys that Mauris Trent brought in to this country were called to be judged by the Court. Caleb Pusey[']s boy, Alexander Ross, adjudged by the Court to be eleven years of age and to serve to the age of one and twenty and to have the custom of the country and be discharged from his servitude by the said Caleb Pusye.

These posts on Archiver 2010 also talk about Maryland. And Arminella in your previous post above was married to William Ross of Maryland, said to have Irish roots. Maryland and Chester County Penn. were close together and had some border changes between them early. Interesting.

I wonder what trade Alexander Ross was taught. Had his passage paid (Ind Serv) and set up with a trade. Says Chester County, Penn Court. Lancaster County, Penn was formed from Chester County, Pennsylvania. George Ross, Delegate practiced Law in Lancaster, Penn. Interesting facts. Thanks.

"Caleb Pusey of Chester, a last-maker by trade, had a mill and was a prominent member of the community. Alexander Ross acquired the trade of a joiner."

Alexander must have become prominent. organized 70 families to VA!

"In the State Land Office at Richmond are to be found recorded in Book 16, pages 315-415, inclusive, the patents issued to the settlers who came to the Shenandoah Valley under authority of the Orders in Council made to Alexander Ross and Morgan Bryan. All bear date of November 12, 1735, and recite that the grantee is one of the seventy families brought in by them, and excepting location and acreage, are alike in wording and conditions, and are signed by William Gooch, Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony at that time. . . .

These patents were issued under the seal of the colony and were grants from the Crown, free of any obligation of feudal services to the Fairfax family, who claimed the land as lords proprietors of the Northern Neck of Virginia. The sixth Lord Fairfax, who later established his home at Greenway Court near Winchester, instituted many suits against early settlers in the Shenandoah Valley, but it does not appear that any Friend who claimed under Ross and Bryan was ever ejected from his land.

Solid way to start out, Erica. Learn a good trade and then go on to be a teacher or professional, etc. Worked for Alexander. Always something to rely upon.
There were some Quaker Reuben Rosses in Maryland as early or before most any of them. Not been able to trace them back to the old world. That goes back to Elder Reuben Ross of Tennessee and Martin on our line who says a connection to Maryland and Pennsylvania. But I will keep looking for Rosses there as I can and wait for DNA to help us out.

My question is were they in this area just coincidentally Rosses, some who helped each other out, or how might some if them be related.
From one of Maven's posts we learn the Isaac Ross family was from Pow of Cromwell, George Ross. That would include Isaac Ross and not related to us. Funny Reuben Ross did not mention New Jersey.

VL, notice that Alexander Ross of PA & VA had a (must have been) Welsh business partner in Morgan Bryan. Which may just go to show you that Pennsylvania in that era was a bit of melting pot, with religion, trade and proximity meaning more than ethnic origin.

Still, I would have thought the PA Friends to have been Welsh & English. BUT the name Alexander is very Scots ...

One more thing, there was a Reuben Ross on the 1790 census of Guilford, NC. An email over a dozen years ago from a women on that line says he was a carpenter (joiner) from Maryland, married twice, second to Mary Teakle in Guildord. Don't know if he was a Quaker.

So if we go back to who owned the lots in the Fairfax patent, we should add Alexander Ross to this list of Rosses in the same area:

"It is not yet certain how William Ross came to own Fairfaxes Lot 55 & 56. Lot 55 was originally leased to FRANCIS ROSS on August 5, 1749. Francis also leased Lot 54; JAMES ROSS leased Lots 45 and 46. How William, James and Francis were related is not known."

The Quakers by Wikipedia were in Scotland and Ireland. One of their eminent leaders missionaried to Ireland I think. Celia on Rootseeb 2010 claims Alexander Ross was a Quaker convert. A great person.

There is an analysis of origins and migration patterns of "the 70 families" here

Some surprises!

Also, Alexander Ross apparently was mentioned in this article:

NICHOLSON, MARY ANN. "Stolen Children." In The Scottish Genealogist (Scottish Genealogy Society, Edinburgh), vol. 29:1 (Mar. 1982), pp. 11-15. (page 15)

Maurice Trent had brought boys whom their buyers then took before the Court of Quarter Sessions in Chester County, Pa. on October 3rd, 1693 to have their ages and terms of indenture determined. All were to be free at the age of twenty-one. The spelling of their names was subject to the ability and ear of the recording clerk. Listed that day were:

Alexander ROSS, Daniel MACKDANIEL, James HERCULES, George LEACY, Alex MECANY, Magnis SIMSON, James CANIDE and James DRIVER.

Before the court held in 9th month 1695 Maurice Trent had transported: Andrew FRAISOR, James JOHNSON, Henry NICKOLS, Robert FLATT, John MACKELLFRAY, John ROBBINSON.

On 7th month 14th 1697 some thirty children came before the Chester Court. Four were girls and of these one was Mary ROYLE who with John WILLIAMSON had been bought by Caleb PUSEY, a Quaker miller. Years later her son said that his mother had been born in Scotland, and when about twelve to fourteen years of age she was, with many others, forcibly taken, carried on board a ship and sold in Pennsylvania.

-from "Stolen Children" by Mary Ann Nicholson

This all very fascinating. Says Alexander started the Frederick community. Good question, how or if they were all related. There is a legend somewhere on the internet, of a Francis Ross escaping after a battle in Scotland and going to Ireland. Then he went to Frederick Virginia, then to Penn. Will try to find and get the exact details. Names Francis, William, and Reuben showing up Everywhere?

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