Wladislaus III, King of Poland and Hungary - Wladislaus III Henrik Jagiellon father of colon family?

Started by Walter Fernando Pagliardini on Thursday, October 12, 2017
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Justin Swanström: there are profiles on GENI that are not erased and there is very little evidence of existence of those people. This one profile was erased based on "majority must be right" decision. Small square box became a threat to believers of 500 year-old mythological story about a hero. Justin, please keep the copy of this our conversation as a remainder in the future. When majority will support the new evidence, when media and popular culture will approve it, maybe then you will be in comfortable position to allow it for the small square box to be restored on a family tree?

If majority was always right we would never have science, technological evolution, democracy... All advancements in our culture were invented and driven by minority. Majority follows the charismatic leaders. Myths about the past and promises of glorious future are tools of manipulating the majority. This new overwhelming evidence of one person's existence does not have a populist agenda. Just because you've read so many typical falsifications and it gave you enough reason to be skeptic and denounce this one theory as well... Still there is not enough basis for this theory to be wrong - there are no published analytical works denouncing evidence presented in that book, so far this theory is only gaining support among people who are history PhD's and experts in analytical work over documents.

I hope you will find enough tolerance to things you do not believe in, and for this one profile to be restored.

I will not continue this conversation. I have no agenda here, but it would be nice if GENI reflected in it's database genealogical evidence found in documents, despite of political, ideological and cultural taboos, and especially popular culture. I will not play games "erase over restore" or vice versa. I am in minority here and I do not have a power to change opinions of the majority. I'm leaving this decision to your conscience.

Viktorija, there is no shame in believing things the experts do not accept. I do it all the time. The important thing to remember is that we should not force our personal ideas on the majority.

Geni will always favor the majority opinion of experts, even when that opinion changes over time. And, you are right -- expert opinion does indeed change. History is not static.

I don't fall in love with every theory that comes along, but I also don't make guesses about which ones might succeed. I have my own opinions but I don't push them on everyone else.

there are on guesses in the book........ there are on opinions ether

but lets just think about what viktorija is trying to get across and lets move on......:)

Make geni a serious website. Wikitree , for example, does not recognize "legends". I have him linked on my tree, but I think the should not be linked to his alleged wife because she is a fraud too, none evidence of her existence.

Guys, I wanted to start a new topic, but this one is covering pretty much all I'd like to ask.
I'm 100% positive that we shouldn't include Wladislaus III, King of Poland and Hungary as Henrique Alemao, or any of his wives and children. This is copletely a conspiracy theory, based on a legend that King Władysław did in fact survive the battle of Warna (Bulgaria) in 1444, escaped to Portugal and had a family there, perhaps even Christopher Columbus was his son.

I've read, in fact, Manuel Rosa's book - and hey, I would love it if CC was in fact a son of a Polish King - as I think all the Polish people would love - but there's nothing else to support it, aside of the rumour.

Therefore I'd like to delete the relationship between Wladislaus III, King of Poland and Hungary and his wife and children, as fake. I would like to keep Polish genealogy clean, but it's difficult when there are problems even with the Polish kings. What do you think?

And just for the sake of an earlier discussion - I'm not making any claims about Columbus' ancestry (whether he was a son of a poor Genoese or a German prince) - I'm only concerned with Wladislaus III, King of Poland and Hungary being Henrique Alemao.

Karol, you are right to delete the relationship because it's not proven, But you should keep a section in the About to discuss it.

For now I deleted the connection, but the profiles themselves are not deleted.
1) there is Wladislaus III, King of Poland and Hungary with no spouses and descendants
2) I MP'd Henrique Alemão, Cavaleiro da OSCMS - because It's proven he existed (?)
3) in both profiles I remarked, that A could in fact be B (and opposite), but it's yet to be determined
I think it's sufficient for now and I've done the right thing. But please, let me know if anyone thinks otherwise.

Sounds like a good plan. Also relationship lock both of them.

well...….at least you have reed the book because know one seams to have reed it and that's...…….. Disappointing...…..

Showing 31-41 of 41 posts

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