Cause of Death Projects needed???

Started by Patricia Ann Scoggin on Sunday, October 8, 2017
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I may have few In heart Attack project that might need to be moved to just let you know.


Ok, I still have a strangulated hernia, a killed by Indians (don't know how), a broken hip (don't know how) and a murder by drowning. I also have a question: The murder by drowning was done by a gang of white men against an inebriated indian in a lake. The judge declared them innocent, but they clearly weren't. Can I call this murder even though the judge declared them innocent?

I also have a few people whom I can't add to the projects as it just says "searching" all the time and never comes up with the names.


Private User, Erica Howton,
There is a project for Drowning under the "Accidental" heading. Yes, I think it could be classed as a murder. What do you think Erica???

For the broken hip--would need more info to determine where it might actually go. Broken hips don't usually cause death--I would think there were extenuating causes associated with it... surgery complications, medical error, etc...

Killed by indians sounds like an interesting topic, but will need to wait as I have several projects in the works already...

Are you adding the person to the project from the profile??? This is the only way that I know of & then only after joining the project.

Or are you attempting to do it from the project??? I don't know if you can do it that way... Erica, is this possible???

Cardiac Arrest ( project is ready for additions.

There are 3 photo options. Did I pick the best one??? Or is there a better one??? I wanted one with the name in it.

I have another death certificate. COD: Broken Hip. I would imagine these broken hips were caused by falling, but nothing on the DC says that. I also forgot I found one with an abscess (tooth). I hear this was, at one time, a leading cause of death, though very rare now.
I hate to inundate you with more projects. I will keep the names of these people aside, so that when you do get the time to add the project, I will put their names in.
Also, I usually add the person to a project from the project itself, not the person's profile. I actually did not know you can add a person to the project from their profile. I will try that---thanks!

“Killed by the Indians” is a sensitive topic and also, there are a lot of profiles that have it as cause of death. We already have some relevant projects such as the Deerfield Massacre (1704). So my first question for Mary is, was this an isolated incident; part of a known raid / attack; part of war? If a known attack on a settlement, there should be an event project. So, perhaps post the profile link to better determine.

Yes, one can add profiles to project from either the project page or the profile page.

You could just put Killed by Wars between America and Native Americans that leaves it open to all Races Then post in the page places like Wounded Knee and other massacres. That way you sensitive but get important information out. I am sure that many people of different nationalities were in these wars. If that still seems to insensitive then reword it more. This just suggestion only.


Here links about others who served in these wars


We’d want to incorporate into the existing structure of projects, and separate settlers from native massacre events. Killed in war doesn’t quite apply; a lot of the encounters were skirmishes and raids.

I’d rather see “Event” projects to be honest. It puts it in historic context much better. The Raid on Deerfield project might be a good model.

We have a project for Buffalo Soldiers. Check there and see if the link needs adding.

So - for Mary’s case, there’s no substitute to looking at the profile.

Heres the portal project for the Indian Wars on Geni

And the portal project for Indian massacres

It applies to white settlers only.

Natives are on their own portal of events, such as Wounded Knee. You wouldn't mix the civilians.

Clarification: all the massacres are listed on the Indian Massacres page.

As you see, split out into event projects. Many more to make infortunately.

Here some Latin Americans in the Indian wars



Do they include the Latin Americans who died in the Indian wars too. Not everyone who fought was either white nor Indian we have Latin Americans who weren’t recognized as well. I sure there other nationalities that not included in these projects.


We have a Latin American portal.

Is your concern soldiers or civilians? Cause of death or war service? Is there a particular profile?

Let's just work within the existing structure, if that's OK, and evaluate needs case by case. For example soldiers would be under their platoon / company etc.

You probly right Erica trying to put all these nationalities in one could mess up things. Focusing on battles and such probly better but thought they were talking mainly about the dead in question.

If it’s a soldier who died in war, his cause of death Project is on the killed in war portal. I haven’t looked at it lately on how it breaks out by war.

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

Concerning 'Killed by Indians'- At one time, I thought there was a project by that name, but then I could no longer find it, so I thought it had been taken down. I have put 'killed by Indians' as the cause of death on several profiles. They were not part of a massacre. One, a distant great uncle from Pennsylvania, was traveling alone as a missionary or preacher and was killed. I don't think I would want to classify it as murder (although you could make an argument for that). I think the Indians would have thought of it more as defending their territory. How do Native Americans look at it? Are they offended by using that as a cause of death? It is how some people died. It's fact. But then again, facts don't always win the argument. I wouldn't want to offend anyone.

Yes, when a cause of death record says, “killed by the Indians” I enter that.

Tammy’s example seems like homicide, motive and ethnicity of the person irrelevant. Not sure we should isolate out the killers by ethnic group unless there’s a reason to collect them.

Erica Howton,Debbie Bell (Allen), I have made some major modifications to the Malnutrition project (

Please review & let me know what you think. Do I need to include a little more on obesity's association to this condition. It isn't a condition I would normally associate with this condition, but it is.

I love it, you did what I was trying to do but could not put down on paper. I just could not figure out how to get that to work.

It looks very good - teamwork ! No, I think the obesity section is just right. Touches on it but doesn’t distract from the other info.

For those who are looking for a project that will work for "killed by indians", please look at this project:

It has been modified a little to accept 1 to many, both in known massacres and in smaller unknown groups like travelers not named or individuals. Keep in mind that even in massacres it would be considered homicide, murder, died in a fire, or what ever other means caused the death.

I hope this will meet the needs without creating offense.

Thank you so much for updating the amazing project,

It’s such a sobering window into the American past.

There are many more “Event” projects needed for that umbrella.

If you run across an ancestor who was “killed by the Indians,” chances are it wasn’t an isolated event, it was part of history, and had a context. So that’s “why” the portal, and why we’ve made it a “related” portal to the Cause of Death portal.

But technically that phrase is not a medical cause of death, of course. A death certificate (if any) would have recorded the means & cause (gunshot etc). So in an ideal world, if we have that information, the person would be in several projects.

Please ask if any questions, and we look forward to expanding that portal with your help.

I have a died suddenly cause of death unknown. Not sure where to put him.

Albert Neuton Parsons


Unknown cause of Death (or no project).

Just says on death record “Died Suddendly unknown cause of Death”

Not sure where to put him you can see in his records.

Billie - don’t put him anywhere. We don’t know cause of death.

He died suddenly so we have sudden death project or unknown cause death project.

I got this one I not sure what it is so don’t know where to put her at lol.

Martha S. Sanders


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