Cause of Death Projects needed???

Started by Patricia Ann Scoggin on Sunday, October 8, 2017
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Yes, I think the change in the name will work better. Where should it be in the cause of death portal???

As far as the "Animal to human viruses & diseases" there are soooooooo many diseases. I think that it can work for both the CoD portal as an umbrella project as many can cause death. It can also work in the Medical Portal as many are survivable.

These 2 sites list a lot of conditions:
[ Washington State Dept. of Health - Animal Transmitted Diseases]
[ Minnesota Department of Health - Zoonotic Diseases: Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans]

Here are 2 title options:
Zoonotic Diseases: Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans
Animal & Vectorborne Transmitted Diseases

There should probably be a different name to distinguish the one for the CoD portal & maybe one of the above for the Medical Portal???

Erica, I will let you put the "Died a a young adult (cause unknown)" in the CoD portal, as I am not sure just where it should go... :-(

Before died of old age (natural causes) and after the child death projects. In other words, chronologically, not alphabetically.

My computer is down. I can’t edit big projects cleanly.

Animal transmitted diseases. The other words are too hard to remember.

No opinion on Medical portal. I’d want to understand mortality rates, and make sure we distinguish from plagues such as fleas on rats.

I will put links to any that relate to plagues from fleas on rats.

This is going to take some time!!! I think I might make one project that would be more of an umbrella that could be used in both portals, then one for those more likely to be a cause of death with mortality rates.

The info from the Washington State site has info about 33 different conditions. However, many are not fatal, so will have to investigate each for more info...

Just completed a project for:

It is an umbrella project as there are soooooo many diseases that could possibly require a project. I would prefer to wait till there is a need for a project than create one that may not be needed.

Would appreciate input on the photo I picked, as there was one other that I debated on having as the project pix. (Can you guess which one???)

Billie June Keaffaber,
Are you sure that the diagnosis you found (Glandular) is the right spelling??? Glanders is a disease that can be transmitted from horses & can affect the lungs. I could make a project for that condition (Glanders) if you think that is what the cause of death actually was.

All right, that turned out really well.

Glanders was probably missed as a dx

(this is kind of fascinating)

Erica Howton
Is this new project too long? Does it need any modifications?

Check this out!

It's actually important for modern medicine.

Project !

I love the new project including the picture. I was prepared to hate it. Instead I think it's just right.

Erica, "Glanders" is listed under the Bacterial classification (Burkholderia mallei).

So it's a bacterial infection, animal transmitted disease, associated with death by illness in war. And working with it helped the development of modern vetinary medicine. I'd say it's an important nexus.

Erica, I will work on a project for Glanders next (after a break!) Already have some info for this project.

Would you please review the "Related Projects" to see if there are any I missed??? (Please delete any that don't fit-- wasn't sure about the Army Veterinarians one & some of the Influenza projects as I didn't ck to see what their cause was...) Thanks.

Erica Howton, I moved Rabies up to be under this new project.

What about Malaria??? Leave it under Infections/epidemics or should it also go under the Animal transmitted disease???

Are there others that might fit better under this new project as sub projects??? The influenza ones I think should stay where they are...

I moved Lyme Disease up under this new project also.

Is flu animal to human? I thought only The Bird Flu? In any event linking to the Flu portal is enough for any relating.

I take it TB can be animal to human? Would go with the glander project but not the portal.

Malaria etc can relate to both infectious diseases and animal human transmissions

How is "cause of death" related to finding ancestors and relatives?
It seems more like an effort to help determine possible inherited genetic diseases.

Some members may want to study in that way. Others may be interested in epidemics. For me, it’s Biographical detail.

Some cardiac conditions don’t have the cause of death mind NXK2.5 gene mutation new deal but Cardiomyopathy from it New too. But it been in my genes for generations I know your death projects helped me and my family and doctors figure possibly where it came from keep up great work. I need to go through lines find that guy who died of Arrthemias though.

Sorry this project can help find current people who could be affected in death areas. If it in family ect. It help people currently. I can see pattern in my family as well. Genealogy speaking I can tell which lines most likely affected with cardiac issues in family. Like my Myers lines one cousin tell me who known and another cousin tell me thier line soon you get neat little picture. Look for patterns in death you be surprised. You can even do it if you have counties and see who most likely related to to you lol. You got Surname in One county dieing of something and next county you have same issue in same surname I check the people see if they connect genealogy. It not that proficient but you can discover people. Just thoughts.

Glanders ( is now available as a cause of death. It is a disease that is transmitted from horses to humans. Prevalent during the American Civil War as well as in WWI & WWII. There may be some other wars it was used as a bioweapon.

We might need a Died in child Birth I think I might found one but it so old hard to read it. Asking for help on here couldn’t find this post for some reason. I can make out Child But if they meaning birth it spelled wrong on death record.

Sarah Mariah Larch


The project exists, it's called maternal death.

Ok thanks Erica now want to make sure I looking at right stuff on death record.

I am working on a project for "Cardiac Arrest" (did you realize that it is NOT the same as "Heart attack"???)

I just came across my mom's death cert. & found she died of Cardiac Arrest. I looked at the Heart attack project & decided that one didn't fit, so investigated further, resulting in the need for the Cardiac Arrest project.

It will be ready later this evening. Will let you all know here when it is done.

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