Cause of Death Projects needed???

Started by Patricia Ann Scoggin on Sunday, October 8, 2017
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I like to see if you all could open a muteness project. I have a aunt who was Deaf and Mute. Technically historical term Deaf Mute would cover both conditions but this is 2 separate conditions. Not sure if you all want to split or add to the Deaf classification. Let me know your decision as I have her in the Deaf project now.

Billie June Keaffaber,
I will start working later today on a project for the Medical Portal for "Deaf Mute" that can be geared to cover both. Thank you for the project idea and need.

I will add you to the project when it is ready.

Thanks I put the historical meaning there too didn’t want to have people think was being mean to people but this how I was raised to refer to Deafness and Muteness I want to make sure that it was put in today it be Speech impaired.

Did we ever decide about the Accidental Gunshot? I have another one to add...

Private User,
I will start working on one for Accidents Gunshot as a CoD.

Now a project for: Died as a Result of Accidental Gunshot

Does it need anything more? I didn't want to get into a gun rights debate, which this could easily become. I hope it is sensitive to the loss of those who will want to add a profile of someone in their living memory to the project.

Are there other "Tags" and "Related Projects" that can be added??? Would appreciate any & all input. Please go ahead and add them to the project.

Ok Patricia,

I bet this one New One for you lol. Death by Something caught from Horse. But didn’t see the Name listed on anything unsure where to put this one.

Pvt. David Walters, (USA)

@Billy, could it be this: Glandular Fever

Erica Howton
What are your thoughts on this cause: "glandular, inflamed lungs"??? He is 19, so the Glandular Fever (Mono) that Debbie mentions might work, but not the "inflamed lung" part. Don't know if this is for 1 or 2 diagnosises.

I'll look some more also

Billie June Keaffaber,
In looking at the profile closer, I wonder if it is "Glanders, inflamed lungs" NOT "Glandular". Glanders is a disease that can be transferred from a horse & can infect the lungs. It is a rare condition. Here are 3 sites about it I found (there are more.):

* [ NCBI Glanders: an overview of infections in humans]
** Acute pulmonary infections may require anywhere from 10–14 days of incubation before symptoms appear [25]. Septicemia may develop immediately after exposure or up to two weeks after initial infection. Pneumonic disease usually has a rapid onset and is almost uniformly lethal between 10 and 30 days in untreated cases.

* [ Wikipedia - Glanders]
** Signs of glanders include the formation of nodular lesions in the lungs and ulceration of the mucous membranes in the upper respiratory tract. The acute form results in coughing, fever, and the release of an infectious nasal discharge, followed by septicaemia and death within days. In the chronic form, nasal and subcutaneous nodules develop, eventually ulcerating. Death can occur within months, while survivors act as carriers.

* [ CDC - Glanders: Signs & Symptoms]

At this point in time, I think because it is rare, I would add him to this project:
[ Died/Killed in War by Disease]. This would eliminate attempting to guess what it actually was. Erica, what do you think???

Also in his profile, I noticed that the about section says his body is in Texas, yet the Find A Grave site says he is buried in Indiana...

Profile link?

You can blame my hubby kin on that horse deal and I thought my family was getting weird. Thanks again I asked to join the war Diease project will add him.

It David Walters it said in stories on ancestry he died of diease that got from Horse called Glandular on War death record it had inflamed Lungs so just put both in. You got to admit I come up with him dingers lately. I satisfied Killed in was by diease fits I also add him to died young group.

I’d still want to see a profile link? So I can answer the question as to if it belongs in “killed in war by disease.”

Why “died young?” Was he a child ?

Erica Howton,
Pvt. David Walters, (USA)

I believe the "died young" covers to the age of 20/21... he died at age 19.
Will have to look at the died young project again, just to be sure.

Yes, please clarify. “died young” in genealogy records is usually for a legal minor (Age of majority varying by time and place). Colloquially these days of course we use the phrase for people under 40 “I turned 40, I can no longer die young.”

If he was a soldier then I am especially confused, because military service is often younger persons.

Ok narrative is

“He lived 19 years,10 months, and 25 days...He enlisted in the U.S. Army Nov 15,1864...and as the story goes...he died the next year...of something he caught from a horse (Glandular)...His body lies in Hempsted Tx.”

- to put soldiers in died young would result in millions of profiles. I don’t see how that works.

- his illness was not during his military service, so doesn’t belong there, either.

- it’s an infection caught from an animal that went to his lungs ? I think belongs in infectious diseases ?

Billie June he is a dinger!

Wait - “War death record“

Did he die as a result of military service? Or was that on his pension record ?

Billie June Keaffaber, (21-30 y/o)

By the Definition in the People who died young ( he doesn't fit there... it says 21-30 y/o, so I think I would delete him from that project. Since he was serving in a war, I don't think I would consider him pediatric (the age category that would fit him @ 19) which would almost be an insult to his manhood!

Between what is in the "About" section (as you quoted above) and the Find A Grave site, it looks like he was still in the war & stationed in Texas at the time of his death, so he would qualify for the "Died/killed by Disease" in war... project..

Erica Howton,
I think the CoD was actually "Glanders" NOT "Glandular". Glanders is a disease that can be transmitted from horses or other equine to humans & can infect the lungs in humans, leading to death. It has been considered as a possibility for bioterrorism in WWI & WWII.

These sites also had interesting info about Glanders:
* [ CFSPH (Center for Food Security & Public Health) Fast Facts: Glanders. updated Apr 2008]
* [ From: Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases (Eighth Edition), 2015]
* [ Firstpost - India is in the midst of a fatal glanders epidemic and no one is paying any attention, writes Maneka Gandhi, 22 Dec 2015]

Glanders can be passed on to humans through contact with infected animals, consuming food or water contaminated by the nasal discharge of the animal.

I don't know how prevalent it is, so don't know if it needs a project for it. It could be put under the "Infection" heading as an independent project if you think we should add it.

What is the larger category for infections like Glanders transmitted animal to human? I imagine there are similar infectious diseases, and I “think” there might be a similar project. If not that would indeed be interesting.

Pat - I’m thinking the project name “died young” is confusing. As I said I’ve only seen it in genealogy for died as a minor, but the definition in project is Young Adult (under 30), and needs to exclude soldiers, the war projects are far more appropriate. And for most young adults, we “do” have a specific cause of death, don’t we? (Or we just don’t know).

Let’s think about how to re tool.

Erica, are you suggesting a CoD project for "died from a disease transmitted from animals" or something similar???

Do you want me to create one for "Died from Glanders in Humans" or something similar??? Then look for more info on the animal transmitted diseases??? OR start with that topic & go from there. I'm not finding any listing of people who died from Glanders disease. David Walters would fit the "Died /killed in war by disease" under war fatalities for now.

Erica, the "Died Young" project was created by someone else & was modified when we were working on the Premi, Infant, and Pediatric death projects.
I am wondering if we need to do some modifications to this project??? Maybe include in () the age 21-30, after the title??? And include some other directions on who to & NOT add to the project???

For "Diseases transmitted by animals to humans" Hunta (? sp) viruses comes to mind.

I changed the project name to

Died as a young adult (cause unknown)

Is that OK?

For the animal to human viruses and infections, see what comes up in research.

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