Cause of Death Projects needed???

Started by Patricia Ann Scoggin on Sunday, October 8, 2017
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Private User,
Please feel free to add info about the electric chair and any additional references that will enhance the project. I know there was a dispute between 2 men (Edison & ???).

Is there one for malnutrition? Maybe I missed it. I have a relative that died from malnutrition due to an unnamed swallowing disorder, which I also don't see.


Is there a heart disease or high blood pressure/hypertension?

Sorry to keep bugging you, but how about Black Lung Disease/Bronchoplesia?

Mary, see if the one under Respiratory Conditions for Miners Phthisis - Silicosis works for the Black Lung Disease.

There isn't one for hypertension or malnutrition at this time.

Erica Howton, what do you think about "Malnutrition" & "Hypertension" for a CoD???

I’m not sure hypertension is an actual cause of death.

Malnutrition is interesting, could relate to the eating disorders and digestive disorders.

Maybe add Black Lung Disease to the project name? I wouldn’t know to look for what did you call it.

Pat - maybe review the heart disorders and post them?

Certainly a lot of people live with high blood pressure. This bears thinking about as a “living with.” One person comes to mind died of kidney failure, with hypertension a contributing cause.

I like the idea of a living with high blood pressure since it affects many many people.

Too bad we don't know the swallowing disorder as we could add that. However, the sheer number of deaths by malnutrition directly and indirectly probably warrants a project for that Cod.
I was working on Hashimotos for the Autoimmune project but am almost done, do you want me to take on the Malnutrition or Hypertension?

Erica Howton
I just looked up "Black lung Disease" & I think even though they are similar, they are a little different. I did a VERY brief look, so I need to investigate a little more & consider making a project for it depending on what I find.

As to the Hypertension, I have a feeling it is more often a contributing factor rather than a cause of death. A "Living with..." project may be better.

The same is true for "Malnutrition", wonder if it might be better as a "Living with..." project as it contributes or is a side effect of many diseases & conditions as you mentioned (also some of the autoimmune disorders, some of cancers & am sure there are many other "causes" or conditions that contribute to it.)

I have been working on "Living with Celiac Disease" as a Medical Portal project today & am just about ready to "create" it in Geni.

Debbie when you’re done with Hashi’s maybe look at malnutrition? It’s not simple but would fit in with a “suite” (including celiac disease ?)

Hypertension, we need to look at the heart & stroke projects, see how it fits.

Historically, starvation has been used as a death sentence. From the beginning of civilization to the Middle Ages, people were immured, or walled in, and would die for want of food.

Please look at the pix options in the project. There are 8 choices & I am having a difficult time deciding which one is better. I did pick one, but......

@Erica, thank you so much I'll take a look at it and get started as soon as I get the Hashi's loaded and formatted.

@Patricia, love the pic, project looks good too!

Have created a new project for the Cause of Death portal: [ Black Lung Disease]. The Silicosis project has a different kind of respiratory cause, so felt this needed a project also.

I'm not 100% sure that I picked the best photo for the project. What do you think?

There are a couple of other Coal mining project I have asked to join so they could be added as Related Projects. If any one can find others that might also be added, please feel free to do so.

For the celiac disease picture, I like this one best:

I added several profiles to the electric chair project, and have more to add (though several important people aren’t on Geni — Bruno Hauptmann and Sacco and Vanzetti, for instance), but something isn’t working now, so I will try again in the morning.

Private User, Thanks for your input. I couldn't really decide which photo to pick for the Celiac project. Decisions, decisions!!!

Do you think the Died in Electric Chair project needs to have some history about the electric chair & the inventors of it??? I remember that there was a discrepancy between Edison & ??? & the use of AC or DC.

Yes, I can add that.

Yes, cause of death would help with knowledge of genetic problems.
Wouldn't cause of death also alert scam artists to target?

Eleanor Jane Callan,
Hopefully those in Geni are more focused on finding those ancestors or unblocking that brick wall to other ancestors than in being scam artists. It is a sad day when we have to worry about genealogical info being used by scam artists!!!!!!!

I have a person with a strangulated hernia and and accidental gunshot. Maybe hernias and ulcers could go under the Stomach umbrella? Also, perhaps you could make a sub-subcat for gunshot under Non Natural-Accidental. I know there are plenty of deaths caused by accidental shootings. I hear about them all the time on the local news. If you are looking for notables, or celebs, if you google it, you will find that there is a list of celebs who have been accidentally shot and lived and also, celebs who have been accidentally shot and killed by prop guns.
Thanks for your help,

Private User & Erica Howton,

Accidentally shot has possibilities in the CoD portal. The same with ulcers---will need to investigate & decide how broad of a topic to make it. The titles for both topics would be needed also.

Erica, what are your thoughts on these topics?

I have started working on a project for "Upper GI Ulcers", but am getting a little long winded, so think I need to make 2 projects. One that has basic but minimal info about ulcers in the upper GI tract that can be a cause of death & one with more detail that would be for the Medical Portal--"Living with Upper GI Ulcers".

What do you think???

I think I will call the CoD project: "Perforated Ulcer (upper Gi tract)" & the one for the Medical Portal: "Living with Upper GI tract Ulcers". This one for those who have/had an ulcer, including those surviving a perforated ulcer. Directions will also refer to the Perforated Ulcer project if died from this & to CoD portal if had & died from other causes. Can also link to the "Living with..." project in the CoD portal with reason to go there.

Erica Howton, what do you think???

Oh gosh. I’ve just seen things like “bleeding ulcer.”

Erica Howton,
How do you like the pix??? There are several other options, but I liked that one best.

In case anyone is interested, there is a new cause of death in the CoD portal: (Perforated Ulcer (Upper GI). I hope if anyone knows of a profile for someone who died of a perforated or bleeding ulcer you will add it to this project.

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