Cause of Death Projects needed???

Started by Patricia Ann Scoggin on Sunday, October 8, 2017
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This cause death Gastric Catarrh, exhaustion don’t make sense neither would kill you is there illness that this should be put under????? The death record listed as well in profile.

David Hanes


Billie June Keaffaber,
Gastric Catarrh is the same as Gastritis, which is usually treatable, but it can lead to other causes, anemia and cancer to name a couple that might be the result if left untreated. So I will work on a project for it & put it in both in the Medical Portal and since it was on David's death certificate will also put it in the cause of death of portal. It may take some time as I have someone coming to fix my phone line this morning.

Erica Howton, do you agree that "Gastritis" should go in the cause of death portal????

Most people with acute stress gastritis recover fully when the underlying illness, injury, or bleeding is controlled. However, 2% of people in intensive care units have heavy bleeding from acute stress gastritis, which can be fatal.

Gastritis - Digestive Disorders - Merck Manuals

I would normally think of gastritis as not that serious. But clearly it can be.

New project:

Billie June Keaffaber -- I added David to the project so you don't have to worry about that.

Erica Howton -- can you think of any other projects that this project might "fit" in??? I did add Stomach cancer as there is sometimes a relation between the two. There are several other potential conditions that can cause death from gastritis. But you are right if treated it is not usually fatal. I did put it in CoD portal under Digestive conditions.

Thanks Patrica,

I appreciate it


Isn’t it a digestive disorder? Ulcers?

Is Heart Disease organic Mitral same as Mitral Valve Disease

Emanuel Alkire


Billie June Keaffaber, I think so. I added him to both the Cardiovascular Disease /Vascular Disease & Mitral Valve Disease project just to be on the safe side.

Erica Howton, should he also be added to the Cause of Death portal??? (I did, but he can be deleted if not appropriate.)

I thought portals were a list of projects, no profiles?

Erica Howton, I forgot. Sorry. :-(. I sent a message to the manager of Emanuel's profile about not adding hime to the Cod portal. I noticed that she hasn't responded to the requests to add him to the other two projects yet.

Hi I requested too but no response either. On Emanuel Alkire


Hi all

Where does inflammation of lungs go????

Harvey H. Wolfe


Billie June Keaffaber,
I don't know where to put it either. I have commitments for most of today, but will work on it later.

I did look at 2 possibilities: Respiratory Failure & the general project for Respiratory Conditions even thou I had initially created ti as a general info project, not one to have profiles added to, people have added profiles to it. I may have to modify the directions for addition of profiles to it to include those who don't fit any other "inflammation of the lungs".

I will look later today to see what I can find on Inflammation of the lungs to see if it deserves it's own project or if it should go in something already created.

It ok I see to mix you all up on these deaths I sorry, thanks for all help.


Billie June Keaffaber, it's ok as I enjoy the challenges that your requests sometimes present and new project that DO need to be made for.

I modified the Respiratory Condition project so that condition that are not specific for a cause of death they can be added to it. I went ahead and added Harvey to that project.

Erica Howton & Billie June Keaffaber see if the modifications to the introduction to this project works:

It great I sent the request for adding him.

I finding all sorts of stuff found guy who Died of Gravel far as can see it’s Kidney Stones. My tree on deaths weird.


Billie June Keaffaber, The Kidney Stones project sounds like a good candidate for Died of Gravel.


Yea I added him already just weird cause death again lol.


Hey guys do you know there don’t know if you all can merg these. There2 of them.


Erica Howton, since it looks like you created the "Diphtheria" project and I am not even following the "Died of Diphtheria" project, would you want to handle this??? I am also not sure how to get all those profiles in the 2nd project into the first. Thanks.

One was supposed to be death only, the other should be survived it. I could clarify wording and titles. The other way is to make it a cause of death only, add to portal, and move 37 profiles from died of diphtheria into diphtheria. Frankly, I’d make it “died of diptheria”, it’s the historic epidemics that matter to me. 7 great uncles / aunts.

Erica Howton,
I have added some info including changing the "notables who died" from Wikipedia, since the one you had didn't have anyone listed, and added some additional reading sites to the project you created. Hope you don't mind.

It is up to you which way to address the "merging" of the profiles or wording of both. How many really survived diphtheria, compared to those who died from it???

Erica Howton,
I have added some info including changing the "notables who died" from Wikipedia, since the one you had didn't have anyone listed, and added some additional reading sites to the project you created. Hope you don't mind.

It is up to you which way to address the "merging" of the projects or wording of both. How many really survived diphtheria, compared to those who died from it???

The addition is great.

I see little point to a survived diphtheria project. So when I merge projects, we’ll call it died of diphtheria. Can you make sure it’s linked properly on cause of death portal (epidemics etc).

Erica Howton, when I looked at the cause of death portal your project is the one that comes up, yet so many profiles are listed in the other project since it has "Died of" in front... It doesn't even have a link to the CoD portal (maybe it was created before you started the CoD portal???).

I feel a major headache coming on, how about you??? Would contacting the person who created the other project & getting him/her to do the merge be an option??? Maybe he /she could do the transfer to your project since it has more info & is already in the CoD portal???

Erica Howton,

It is Donna @Private User who created the other project.

I’ll just change the name of the original diphtheria project. 37 profiles to move isn’t that big a deal for me, but I can’t promise when it will be done. It’s an inadvertent confusion, that’s all, and not that hard to clarify.

Thanks guys

Does anyone know what this is Bacillus Aerogenes Capsulatus I found it on a death record didn’t see project for it. I got 2 out 3 things mentioned on the death record.

Oral Grace Shoemaker


Billie, I can only guess that it is something that may sometimes be a complication of serious injury or chronic disease. I'm just guessing that the limbs, organs, or tissues involved, after becoming severely weakened from the stress of being deprived of oxygenated blood due to poor circulation, are vulnerable to attack by this particular gas-producing bacteria.

But I'm sure a medical professional could explain it much more accurately than I could. I was just as curious as you, so I tried to find out what I could.

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