Killed by a mob?

Started by Bill Barnes on Thursday, September 28, 2017
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I did add the above comment to the Beheading project ([ Beheadings]) mostly so that people will know that it would work for both the "Capital Punishment" aspect as well as accidental deaths... Erica Howton what do you think??? Does this work for you or should it be eliminated???

Kenneth Kwame Welsh, (C),
I hope you don't mind, but I have added to the "Beheadings" ([]) project that you created. Please ck it out & see if you have a problem with what I have added...

Beheadings which are capital punishment needs to be kept distinct from accidents.

Take a look through the accidental deaths projects and see if there’s something it can be combined with.

Frankly my thought was “industrial accidents” - I think we have something along those lines

Kenneth Kwame Welsh, (C), Erica Howton and others,
I was looking for the site those from England who were beheaded came from & found that site @ [ Wikipedia - List of people who were beheaded] to list 45 countries, religious figures, and fictional characters... al withl beheadings or decapitations!!!!!! Do we want to delete some of those listed from England??? I know it is a combination of 2 projects, but maybe we could eliminate a few of them & maybe only include those found in Geni??? I think I would leave the reason they were beheaded as that is of interest... Do we want to maybe include some from other countries also???

I listed the above site with the places, etc that can be found there just above the listing for England's list of people in the project. I highlighted Great Britain & added (see below) in the listing.

I don't know if it would be better to maybe have a sub project for the different countries who beheaded a lot of people (& found in Geni)?????? Sub-projects as we have done for some of the other projects like Plague, Hanged, Died as POW, etc... that can be added when there are numerous profiles for the country. If there is only one or two for that country, it wouldn't necessarily warrant a separate project. I know that the "English Beheadings" project has recently been consolidated into the Beheadings project, but there are a lot who were beheaded in England!!!

The original intent / inspiration was the guilliontine if I remember correctly. I certainly see no reason for a long project copy paste from Wikipedia.

We have the project

I see no reason why Beheadings should not be an international project. The category is killed by the state by the method of beheading them.

I would not set up separate country profiles in advance of people from those countries / those languages, and we don’t know yet if this needs to be an umbrella with spin offs.

I would just do a few notables on Geni from All of history as inspiration. Copy paste the existing list to a PDF file to attach or just upload the original Wikipedia it is based on, which usually can be exported as PDF. (Doc format not accepted by Geni).

And don’t forget we have an unusual deaths project. The accidental decapitation could go there.

Erica Howton,
I don't think the Accidental Decapitation would work under "Industrial accidents" as there are other possibilities that could cause the decapitation... auto / motorcycle accidents comes to mind also...

I think it needs it's own project. Maybe have a project under the "Non natural"---> "Accidental" projects entitled: "Decapitation, Accidental"???? and use the comment that I just added about accidental decapitations to that project (after removing it from the Beheadings project). There could be an explanation & link to the opposite project if needed. I could look for more people who died this way & see how many are also in Geni.

FYI, should I not respond, be aware that I am having some internet challenges, but will get back to this discussion as soon as possible.

Erica, I agree, Beheadings should be under the Capital Punishment project, so I will remove the comments about the accidental beheadings from the Beheadings project & start working on a project for those resulting from accidents (title to be determined). I believe that some of those listed at the site mentioned were accidental in the USA... I didn't look at the causes/comments for other countries, so don't know if there are more that are actually accidental or not...

Check the unusual deaths project, I really think that might be “the one.”

Yes "unusual deaths" is the winner.

I agree about the list on beheadings, it is just a copy and paste from Wikipedia and should be trimmed down to notable people on Geni (although a lo of people beheaded in Britain are probably notable, if only because of the events leading up to their death). I have added a few links I ran across, it'd be worth working through the list and weeding others out.

Also just be a bit wary of "People executed on the order of an English monarch" as I approached this via James Berners (because his branch of the Berners became Barneses at that point) and he was killed by the Merciless Parliament because of his closeness to the king. I've been through the relevant profiles and removed the project where it had been added. So it makes a "British beheadings" unnecessary, but they aren't the same things.

Wikipedia now has a good page for reference - no need to copy paste the whole thing though !

My attention was immediately caught by these ... And there's an accidental decapitation story

1981: Boris Sagal, a Ukrainian-American film director, died while shooting the TV miniseries World War III in Portland, Oregon, when he walked into the tail rotor blade of a helicopter and was partially decapitated

c. 620 BC: Draco, an Athenian lawmaker, was smothered to death by gifts of cloaks and hats showered upon him by appreciative citizens at a theatre on Aegina. (this may go under Death by Fashion]

The stoic Chrysippus who is said to have died of laughter when a donkey ate his figs. 


There are some great photos to upload for a project image

Other accidental decapitations:

Actors killed on set by helicopters
Vic Morrow - perhaps the most famous
Boris Sagal

Racing car drivers said to have been decapitated (might need some checking): - definitely one - he was decapitated but it seems to be he was also partially dismembered, so might not count

Gian-Carlo Coppola

Henry Byng, 4th Earl of Strafford - apparently decapitated by the train that hit him

Salomé ., of Judaea - see these sources:

But not Jayne Mansfield:

This was a handy source that gave me a lot of the above:

Good quote, which does rather sum up the above:

"Icy rivers allegedly performed accidental decapitation until the modern era, when high speed and metal joined to make such accidents more frequent ... Technologically facilitated, culturally specific accidental decapitations occur far more frequently than nature's""

''Losing Our Heads: Beheadings in Literature and Culture'' by Regina Janes (2005)

One last thing to flag up: Some have mentioned accidental decapitations happening during botched hangings. I think it is safe to say that while it was technically accidental, the intent was to kill and we can lump them into hangings.

Well maybe we do have enough for Accidental decapitation, sub project of unusual death (?)

Good work!

(knew he was on Geni Thomas "Black Jack" Edward Ketchum )

OK, I have started on a project for the "Decapitation, Accidental" & will put it under Unusual Deaths... I copied those that weren't executed or obviously murdered... Many of those listed in crashes don't have anything in Wikipedia that I could find, and a few of the others listed in that Wikipedia site with all of the countries had a few issues.

Will go ahead & create the project & we can go from there. Will let you know here when it is ready. Feel free to modify it or add to it.

That last category would include Saddam Hussein's half brother:

OK, here it is @

It is still a work in progress. Forgot to look for appropriate pix for it, so that is the next on "to do" list. Also still need to look at formatting...

Oops, Bill & Sandy, forgot your last names when adding the names to join the project. Sorry :-(

Sandy, Isadora would go in this project or the one about fashion (Death by fashion). What do you think, Erica???

Car accident and death by "fashion" seem to be right for Isadora Duncan:

This is Saddam's half brother - I've sent a request to add him to hanging:
Barzan Ibrahim al-Hasan al-Tikriti

An appropriate picture might be... tricky. Perhaps the drawing of Salome from this:

It is a sketch by Andre Breton:

Another film-maker decapitated by a helicopter:

Please feel free to add these people to the "List of Notables" or to the "Additional Reading" section. Make sure to add pertinent info to the About sections for each person & invite managers of profile to join the project as well as the person decapitated. If you add the person to the listing, feel free to add comment on how died if more than just "decapitated". Also include their Geni site (enclose geni site & profile name with [http xxx... name], -- this is just in case you didn't know.)

Bill, is Jeff Fletcher in Geni???

After working on some of these projects, I sometimes feel rather goulash...

I also have a hankering for Hungarian food!

I've included links to Geni profiles where they exist.

The Salome picture made me giggle.

Isadora Duncan should already be in Death by Fashion.

Can we call it Accidental decapitations?

Erica, I thought about calling it "Accidental decapitations", but people might not be looking in the listings for it under that name... I tend to look for the name alphabetically. I know I missed seeing Lightening strike (back when...) as the title was worded differently & under a heading (sub-project) not exactly expected... then we had to combine what I had created with the project that was already in Geni. What a headache!!!

Soooooo, it is up to you. Maybe we can put the name as ==Accidental Decapitations== in the body of the project??? Does it need an intro line or two as to who to add to this project? It should be self explanatory, but...

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