Killed by a mob?

Started by Bill Barnes on Thursday, September 28, 2017
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There are quite a few such profiles, some of which had been added to People executed on order of English monarchs when they weren't like:

Sir John Cavendish

None of the high profile victims of the Merciless Parliament were executed on the order of the king (quite the opposite) most in orderly executions on Tower Hill, but at least one was killed by a mob:

Sir Robert Tresilian

Bill Barnes I'm not sure what your question is???

Are you following this project: Cause of Death portal
*** This is the Cause of Death portal project… definitely worth joining so you can add people to a project when you have/know a cause of death. (If you don’t find the cause of death listed, let me know at the discussion above & I will work on creating one for you.)

Are there many people who died as a result of a mob???

Erica Howton What do you think?

There is a project in the Cause of Death portal for "Executions" (Sir John may go in that project), but I don't see one for "Killed by a Mob". If you think it is needed, I could start working on one later today (9/29).

Bill, the discussion I am referring to above is for Medical & other projects for the Cause of Death portal is found at: Medically related projects (173 posts) 
*** Use this site if you have a cause of death that you don’t find in the Cause of death portal… It is a site I started to kind of keep them all in one place.  I ck this site freq so would respond quickly if you put a question or need for a new death related project--medically related or other cause.

Erica Howton
I looked up Killed by a mob & found that there was quite a lot about this (numerous sites). Should I go ahead and work on a project for "Killed by a Mob" as a cause of death???

A project name as delicious as "Killed by a mob" ? We must!

Others killed by a mob:

Houston Roberts

Brig. Gen. James McCubbin Lingan

Paris Brumfield, Civil War Veteran (CSA)

William P. Thompson

Hypatia of Alexandria

Lord Alberic de Vere, II

Also my wife's 20ish-th great-grandfather was set about and killed by a mob. However, tracking him down is tricky.

The important thing is that a mob killing may involve beating, hanging, stabbing and some kind of dismemberment, so pinning the actual cause of death down can be difficult, especially in earlier times.

15th great-grandfather:

Thomas Malbon, JP

That is another thing about "killed by mob", the act itself is often recorded but not necessarily the specifics - he was probably bludgeoned to death, but I suppose they would have had access to to point farm implements or could have thrown him under ox hooves, ran him over with a cart wheel, drowned him in a muddy puddle or stuffed a goose down his throat. Now I've written that, I'd like to know...

Wikipedia's categorisation needs to sort themselves out, as they have this but no wider parent category:

I have started working on a project for this. I am finding more info on mobs/stampedes than on just killed by A mob... will keep looking. Thanks for those listed above--will add them to what I have.

Yeah the definition in the book I gave the Google link to is you are killed by a mob hen the violence of the mob is directed at known individuals.

This is different (in intent and effect) from people killed in the crush:

Bill, Here is the project: [ Killed by a Mob]

I have either added or invited those in Geni you mentioned above to join the project...

If anyone feels the project needs to be modified, please feel free to do so... I'm not 100% satisfied with it as it tends to focus on "stampedes" more than "mobs". Will look for more info on "mobs".

To all who have joined the "Killed by a Mob" project, you may want to look at it again as I have modified it a little & added a little to it also. I found that Johan de Witt (man in project project pix) was in Geni so added him to the "Notables" (#16) also. Hope this project meets the needs. Does it need anything else???


Sandy, that's very kind but it was nothing but a quick Google based on a passing thought. And I don't think there is any need for a co-curator or manager.

My concern is that the description of the group isn't what I was thinking of and I don't think any of my examples fit - stampedes, riots and crushes are unfocused and involve large numbers of people.

A mob killing can be half a dozen people but focused on specific individuals. From the book on lynching and mob violence:

"I offer the following definition as one that works reasonably well: a deliberate murder by a mob having a common purpose and targeting one or more specified individuals. The individual might be specified by name or only as an unnamed person falling into a limited category.

Notice that the definition of lethal lynching contains nothing about the instrumentality of the murder. Some people incorrectly assumed that a lynching had to occur by hanging. Actually, the murder could take any form, including beating, shooting, and burning alive."

The key is "murder" because in a stampede or riot, any deaths are usually an accident, whereas in a killing by a mob it is usually pre-planned to some degree and makes it a far more serious crime.

Bill, what you say is true & I can certainly add your definition to the project. I wasn't finding quite what I was looking for: purposeful mob killings, hence the addition of riots & stampedes...

Erica Howton do we want to get that specific??? Maybe it should be entitled "Murdered by a Mob" if we are going to focus on that aspect, instead of "Killed by a mob" which would cover a broader group??????

I will add the definition that Bill has above, as it is more of what I was looking for but not finding... being killed by a mob can be both intentional and as a accidental (?) thru a riot, or stampede...
I know the initial intent for this project was mob with the intention of killing of a person(s), but some might have someone in the family who died from the accidental(?) mob (the stampede & riots)... What do you think?

Bill Barnes, Erica Howton
I have modified the intro 2 paragraphs esp -- see if this helps? Or does it still need modification??? Erica, if so, please feel free to make the modifications...

Should murder, lynching, burning alive, beating & shooting be included in the tags???

I think such a project needs research. Also, the tags should include Civil Rights because many people died during the Civil Rights Era. Furthermore, should this be a general or specific project? I think we should start with a general and then go into specific.There were many reasons why people were murdered this way, and all should be represented in a respectful manner. Chris L.Mathews

Private User there are also projects for Lynched & Shot under homicide... I added them & Civil Rights Era as tags and will add the projects to "Killed by a mob" project as related. Haven't looked yet to see if there is a Civil Rights Era project that the Killed by a mob project could be added to...
Erica Howton - Should the "Killed by a Mob" be put as a subcategory under the "Homicide" heading??? Right now it is a stand-a-lone category & happens to follow the Homicide heading.

Yes, it's a form of homicide.

I like Chris' point of starting general and we can break out more specifically as need be.

There's a Civil Rights Movement Project, Abolitionists, and I don't think there's a Reconstruction era project.

Erica Howton
I will move it in the CoD portal so it is under Homicide heading. To start generally, should the intro in the "Killed by a Mob" project include a comment to add the profile to the "Killed by a Mob" project & recommend that the person be added to a more specific means of death project: lynching, gunshot, stabbing as there are projects for these?????? Do we need one for Beatings (Not sure what the title for it should be)? Maybe "Beaten to death"??? All under the Homicide heading?

Erica Howton,
See if the intro to the [ Killed by a Mob] project works or does it need some modifications?

I think we would need a project for "Burned alive" and "Beaten to Death" also. What do you think??? Should I start on projects for those causes of death, or at least investigate the frequency/prevalence of those means of death?

We might already have similar projects ... I'll review the opening shortly.

Ok thank you for clearing that for me.

I've removed the "stampede" information (and saved it to my Notepad) for the Killed by a Mob project. Now that we've defined the project as "homicide" it doesn't quite fit, because a stampede is accidental death. I think it's clearer this way. can be modified beyond the capital punishment category, perhaps.

Erica Howton,
I found a few who were beaten to death and added them to the project. I also found at least one article about "blunt force trauma". Do you want more info in the project or is the title self-explanatory?

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